Fallout 4 Best Perks for Charisma Build Level 11-20

Fallout 4 Best Perks for Charisma Build Level 11-20

Levels 11 through 20 focus on more utility, specifically with settlement building in Local Leader. You can supply each settlement, allowing for the transfer of materials, which helps try to grow and establish settlements. Additionally, we will start to unlock crafting perks to help fortify settlements and rifles.

Here’s a list of Perks to select from levels 11 to 20 with the Best Charisma Build Guide in Fallout 4:

Level 11 – Locksmith 2

Level 12 – Hacker 2

Level 13 – Local Leader

Level 14 – Local Leader 2

Level 15 – Lady Killer

Level 16 – Gun Nut

Level 17 – Science

Level 18 – Rifleman 2

Level 19 – Inspiration 2

Level 20 – Locksmith 3