Fallout 4 Junk Jet Heavy Weapon

Fallout 4 Junk Jet Heavy Weapon

Junk Jet Stats and Effects in Fallout 4:

Weapon Type: heavy weapon

Effect(s): none

Base Damage: 40

Ammo: Junk

Magazine Size: 1

Fire Rate: 20

Range: 119

Accuracy: 75

Value: 285

Weight: 29.9

The Junk Jet heavy weapon uses random items from your inventory to shoot enemies and is great for survival mode or when ammunition is scarce. Due to its ammunition usage, we rank the Junk Jet as a C+ tier and a good heavy weapon to carry only if you have the strength and material to use it. On your map, you can find the Junk Jet in the Arc Jet Systems, near Graygarden’s southwest.

Junk Jet also has a charge mechanic, where you can hold down and release the trigger. This can be helpful for timing shots outside of VATS, but the interface popup to load your weapo