Alien Blaster Pistol – Fallout 4

Alien Blaster Pistol - Fallout 4

Alien Blaster Pistol stats and effects in Fallout 4:

Weapon Type: Unique Energy Weapon


Base Damage: 50

Ammo: Alien blaster round; Fusion cell (with Fusion magazine mod)

Clip Size: 42

Fire Rate: 100

Range: 119

Accuracy: 79

Value: 1551

Weight: 2.5

The Alien Blaster pistol is a unique futuristic weapon that shoots out bolts of blue energy and does great damage without any perks. Moreover, you can modify this weapon with 4 points in Science from the Intelligence tree. Once fully upgraded, you can use Fusion Cell ammunition rather than Alien Blaster rounds. This helps keep up ammunition availability, though it will only be done at higher levels. Another strength of the Pistil is great range, accuracy, and low action point cost. The only downside is that the projectile’s slow travel time can often be missed if the enemies are not in close range or moving.