Destiny 2 Outlast Pulse Rifle

Destiny 2 Outlast God Roll and How to Get

Welcome to our Destiny 2 Outlast God Roll and How to Get Guide. Outlast is a Rapid-Fire Frame Solar Pulse Rifle that can be obtained as a drop from Activities in the Season of the Deep.

Destiny 2 Outlast Pulse Rifle
Outlast Pulse Rifle

Pulse Rifles are a great ranged weapon option that fall somewhere in the middle of Scout Rifles and Auto Rifles. They are primarily used for clearing minor combatants at a distance while still being decent at mid ranges. In PvP, they are a great weapon choice at long range maps. Rapid-Fire Frames are great on controller in PvP.

Related: All God Roll Weapons Guides

How to get Outlast God Roll in Destiny 2

To get Oytlast in Destiny 2, players will need to own Season of the Deep and complete the introductory mission. After this players should complete the first few steps of the “Into the Deep” Mission and that will unlock the Fishing Tackle to allow for fishing. Reckoning Weapons can be earned by fishing and turning in the fish caught at the HELM.

You can also focus the Deep Engrams that you earn at the Sonar Station found in the HELM as well if you have the Deep Weapon Focusing Sonar Station Upgrade. The upgrades and how to unlock them are found in the Seasonal challenges menu. Once you have earned a weapon and unlocked it in your collections, provided you have the upgrade, you can focus that specific weapon from the Deep Engram Decoding menu at the Sonar Station.

Deep Engram Decoding Menu
Deep Engram Decoding Menu

PvE Outlast God Roll

Outlast PvE God Roll
Outlast PvE God Roll
BarrelArrowhead Brake
MagazineAppended Mag
Column 3 TraitFeeding Frenzy
Column 4 TraitKill Clip
Origin TraitDisaster Plan
ModMinor Spec
PvE Outlast God Roll

Barrel: Rapid-Fire Frames have terrible Recoil, so it is best to mitigate that as best we can by choosing Arrowhead Brake.

Magazine: In PvE, more bullets down range is always best. Since we are running Feeding Frenzy in Column 3, Appended Mag is better for us than Flared Magwell.

Column 3 Trait: This feels like an old school Destiny 2 Roll. A good reload perk in Column 3, in this case Feeding Frenzy or Outlaw…

Column 4 Trait: And a damage perk in Column 4, the classic Kill Clip.

Origin Trait: Disaster Plan is basically a passive buff that happens when you pick up ammo. It doesn’t give you enough of a bonus to warrant playing weird to get it though.

Masterwork: Any masterwork will do here as Rapid-Fire Frame stats tend to be on the low side. Range needs the most help.

Mods: Minor Spec on primary weapons is almost always the right choice for PvE content.

Conclusion: This weapon can roll with the classic roll of Outlaw/Kill Clip. While this use to be the absolute best combo back in the day, its been outclassed by other perk combinations now. That doesn’t make it bad though. If you are going to use a solar pulse rifle though, there are better options, like the BxR Battler.

PvP Outlast God Roll

Outlast PvP God Roll
Outlast PvP God Roll
BarrelArrowhead Brake
MagazineRicochet Rounds
Column 3 TraitKeep Away
Column 4 TraitOpening Shot
Origin TraitDisaster Plan
ModTargeting Adjuster
PvP Outlast God Roll

Barrel: Like we mentioned above, Rapid-Fire Frames have terrible Recoil, so it is best to mitigate that as best we can by choosing Arrowhead Brake.

Magazine: Ricochet Rounds or High-Caliber Rounds for PvP depending on if you want Stability or flinch.

Column 3 Trait: Keep Away is actually a really great perk for PvP, especially on larger maps. Its a really great bonus, making long range engagements much easier and giving you the advantage.

Column 4 Trait: What’s better than a passive benefit? That’s right, two passive benefits. Opening Shot and Keep Away work really well together.

Origin Trait: Disaster Plan won’t proc often in PvP, but it will still help on occasion.

Masterwork: More Range in PvP will always be the play, unless you have maxed it out some other way.

Mods: Targeting Adjuster is just too good of a mod in PvP to not consider using it on primary weapons.

Conclusion: This is a great choice (especially for controller players) for PvP. If you have a Piece of Mind god roll, its less desirable since that weapon is a bit better overall; however, this weapon competes and is in a different slot than Piece of Mind. A little bit more of pain to grind for than other craftable weapons, and it could be argued that you may as well grab the BxR Battler.

More Destiny 2 Weapon Guides and Builds

Thank you for reading our Destiny 2 Outlast God Roll Guide. Keep in mind this weapon will work with any class (Hunter, Titan, Warlock), any subclass (Solar, Void, Stasis, Arc, Strand) and any PvE (Strikes, Nightfalls, Lost Sectors, Vanguard Operation, Dungeons, Raids) and PvP Mode in Destiny 2 (Crucible, Gambit, Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner).

I play every aspect of MMO, Solo, PvP and PvE. If you want to see more of Destiny 2 or ESO, consider watching me live on Twitch or Youtube. Also, we regularly post Destiny 2 news builds and Seasonal and Weapon God Rolls guides.