Black Myth: Wukong – Best Red Loong Boss Build Guide

This guide focuses on the key aspects of creating a powerful build to beat the Red Loong boss in Black Myth: Wukong, Spells, Talents, Skills, and Gear.

Black Myth Wukong Best Red Loong Boss Build Guide

Best Red Loong Boss Build Guide

The Red Loong Boss is located in Chapter 2 of Black Myth Wukong, and this boss build guide showcases the best way to defeat it. The primary objective is to stun or crowd control the Red Loong Boss, thus emphasizing the spell Immobilization and burst via Spirit and Transformation spells and talents.

After you complete Chapter 2, you can find the Loong Scale key by completing the secret quest “hunting the long” in Chapter 1, Black Wind Mountain. Once located, the boss will use a variety of attacks, such as an overhead jump, claws, ground pound, and tail whip. Using our build setup below, we will walk you through the best options for beating it easily.

Red Loong Boss Build Guide Features

The following list presents all the essential Red Loong Boss Build Guide Mechanics and Features in Black Myth: Wukong:

  • Spells
    • Immobilize
    • Cloud Step
    • A Plusk of Many
  • Transformation: Red Tide
  • Best Stance: Smash
  • Best Foundation Talents: Simian Agility, Endurance, Ephemeral Shadow
  • Spirit: Wandering Wight
  • Relic: Craving Eyes (Opportune Watcher)
  • Curios: Good Spikeplate, Back Scratcher
  • Gourds Soaks: Celestial Lotus Seeds, Laurel Buds, Tender Jade Lotus

Best Spells and Talents for Red Loong Boss

Best Spells and Talents for Red Loong Boss

The best spells to beat Red Loong boss are Immobilize and Cloud Step. Immobilization controls the boss, allowing for free damage. You can use an Immobilization spell at the start of the encounter to get a good damage burn on the boss. Stagnation and Crash talents from Mysticism Immobilize tree are your best way to increase duration and damage while stunned. Control the boss, and save mana for an emergency stun after the cooldown is refreshed.

Cloud Step is useful for the mobility aspect of creating distance away from the boss. Red Loong has devastating melee attacks, and likely you will need to use stamina for dodging, and a carefully timed Cloud Step to create maximum distance. Using a combination of dodge, cloud step, and sprinting to avoid damage and attack in spurts to prevent dying.


Red Tides Transformation Black Myth Wukong

The best Transformation for Red Loong boss is Red Tides because it deals significant burn damage to Red Loong. The damage over-time slashing attacks are helpful when you need to deal damage in quick succession and evade attacks. Red Tides is unlocked after defeating Guangzhi in Chapter 1.

Best Stance to Beat Red Loong Boss

Smash Stance in Black Myth: Wukong.

The best stance to beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong is by Smash Stance because it allows the charging of heavy attacks while moving. The best damage combination to use is two consecutive light attacks followed by a heavy attack and then reevaluating the boss’s position and signs of a counterattack. The most important talent to unlock for Smash stance is Force Hunbound so you can charge heavy attack while sprinting. This allows you to charge in or flee while preparing for burst damage.

The second stance you should use is Pillar Stance, which has some of the best defensive capabilities. Since the boss is entirely ground-based damage, you can use the Perch heavy attack and keep yourself in the air avoiding damage. If you struggle with incoming damage, swap to a Pillar stance and play defensive. Take the Steel Pillar skill to reduce stamina cost while Perched and Towering Mountain to slam down with heavy attack damage after perched.

Next list how to use it, and what talents to focus on (this will be redundant in next paragraph just do it). Follow up with tips on when to swap and how other stances could be helpful and or what skills are critical.

Best Skills and Talents

Best Skills and Talents for Red Loong Black Myth Wukong

The best talents for the Red Loong boss fight are Stagnation, Force Unbound, and Steel Pillar. Stagnation increases the duration of the Immobilize spell when light attacking the target, allowing for free damage. Force Unbound allows you to charge heavy attacks while sprinting, and Steel Pillar helps you stay above the boss perched in a pillar stance.

Below are the five best skills and talents for the Red Loong Boss fight in Black Myth Wukong:

  1. Stagnation (Mysticism Immobiilze): hitting an immobilized enemy with light attacks extends the duration. Helpful to keep doing free damage to the boss.
  2. Force Unbound (Staff Stance Smash): Enables sprinting while charging. This aids in mobility while maintaining force.
  3. Steel Pillar (Staff Stance Pillar): reduces cost for maintaining balance. Helpful to extend duration being above boss.
  4. Bait (Alteration Cloud Step): Decoy deals shock damage. Useful if you use cloud step to create distance.
  5. Simiam Agility (Foundation Stamina): lowers stamina cost of dodging, helpful to maintaining defensive.

How to Beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong

Best Strategies for defeating Red Loong Black Myth Wukong

The best way to beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong is by avoiding melee attacks with Cloud Step or Pillar Stance while immobilizing the boss with the Immobilize spell.

The Red Loong always begins the battle with a jumping lunge attack. Dodging it can be a bit tricky, but if you press the dodge button just before the dragon reaches you, you should trigger a Perfect Dodge. While it’s not essential, using Perfect Dodge along with the Cloud Step counterattack can easily stagger the Red Loong, giving you a few valuable seconds to deal damage.

If you’re unsure about your dodge timing in Black Myth: Wukong, you can simply move around the boss and only attack when you see a clear opening. The best way to handle the Red Loong is by using the various combos unlocked through the Staff Stances talent trees. The most effective combo is a double light attack, followed by a short delay, then a heavy attack.

You can chain this combo into another heavy attack if you have enough Focus points. This combo easily staggers the Red Loong, giving you more opportunities to deal damage.

Finally, aim for the Red Loong’s head or the containers on its back to maximize your damage. The containers are especially vulnerable and breaking them with a varied combo can deal a lot of electric damage to the boss, while also knocking it off balance.


The best Curios for Red Loong boss are Good Spikeplate and Agate Jar because you can increase defense and survive attacks. Gold Spikeplate perk Increases defense considerably and deals damage to surrounding enemies upon taking a hit. The Agate Jar’s perk is Moderately increased defense.


The best spirit for Red Loong’s boss is Wandering Wight because it does massive damage in front of the target. Make sure to use this when needing burst damage against Red Loong.

Best Relic

Craving Eyes- Black Myth Wukgon

The best relic for Red Loong boss Craving Eyes with Opportune Watcher passive because it grants increased focus with light attacks. Therefore, you want to use the Immobilize spell to stun the boss and generate focus with the Opportune Watcher passive.

Best Weapon, Armor, Gear to Beat Red Loong Boss

Rat Sage Staff Epic - Black Myth Wukong
Bronze Monkey Mask rare headgear - Black Myth Wukong
Bronze Brocade Battle Robe - Black Myth Wukong
Gear SlotBest Gear ItemEffect
StaffRat Sage StaffAttack 66
VesselFireproof MantleBurn Resistance
HeadgearBronze Monkey MaskBurn Resistance
ChestBronze Brocade Battle RobeDefense 29
ArmsBronze ArmguardsBurn Resistance
LegsBronze BuskinsDefense 17

Below is a list of the best staff armor and mantle for the Red Loong boss Build guide in Black Myth: Wukong:

  • Rat Sage Staff: craftable after defeating the final boss of Chapter 2, Yellow Wind Sage.
  • Fireproof Mantle: what, why, which act or how is it found
  • Bronze Armor Set (Mask, Battle Robe, Armguards, Buskin): The Bronze Armor set is craftable after defeating the final boss of Chapter 2, Yellow Wind Sage. The two-piece bonus deals additional damage to the enemy upon crashing their immobilization. Moreover, the four pieces dramatically reduce the cooldown of the Immobilize spell. This is a great set to use, considering the boss is vulnerable to immobilization, and it can be locked in place easily.


The best Gourd soaks for Red Loong Celestial Lotus Seeds, Laurel Buds, and Tender Jade Lotus.

Build Summary – Best Red Loong Boss Build Guide in Black Myth: Wukong

Smash Stance Talents

  • Force Unbound
  • Ironbound Resolve
  • Smashing Force

Foundation Talents

  • Simian Agility
  • Endurance
  • Ephemeral Shadow

Best Spells

  • Immobilize
  • Cloud Step
  • A Plusk of Many


  • Rat Sage Staff
  • Fireproof Mantle
  • Bronze Monkey Mask
  • Bronze Brocade Battle Robe
  • Bronze Armguards
  • Bronze Buskins


  • Good Spikeplate
  • Back Scratcher

Spirit: Wandering Wight 

Relic: Craving Eyes (Opportune Watcher)

Gourds: Celestial Lotus Seeds, Laurel Buds, Tender Jade Lotus

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