Best Smash Stance Build in Black Myth: Wukong

This guide focuses on the key aspects of creating a powerful Smash Stance build in Black Myth: Wukong, Spells, Talents, Abilities, and Gear.

Best Smash Stance Build in Black Myth Wukong
Source: GameScience

Best Smash Stance Build Guide

In Black Myth Wukong, Smash Stance is your first stance unlocked, and your stance determines how your heavy attack charges. The Smash Stance is unique because you can charge heavy attacks while sprinting and retain Focus after a perfect dodge. These two factors make Smash Stance one of the best overall and highly useful when combat requires mobility.

Moreover, Smash Stance is easy to play and is unlocked at level 1. At level 5 you can unlock Pillar Stance, and Thurst Stance at level 20. These should be unlocked, allowing you to swap in combat for either more defensive (Pillar) or range (Thrust). However, your talents, skills, and progression will focus on defensive gameplay, survivability, and stamina recovery. Select the Smash Stance build, and follow our suggested loadout, talents, and skills below.

Smash Build ProsSmash Build Cons
Easiest to PlayLacks Range
Mobile Heavy AttacksPillar Stance Defense
Counter AttackRequires Counterattacking
Pros & Cons of Smash Stance Build – Black Myth: Wukong

Smash Stance Build Features

The following list presents all the essential Smash Stance Build Mechanics and Features in Black Myth: Wukong:

  • Spells
    • Immobilize
    • Cloud Step
    • A Pluck of Many
  • Transformation: Red Tides
  • Spirit: Wandering Wight
  • Best Beginner Stance Talents: Smash
    • Force Unbound
    • Ironbound Resolve
    • Smashing Force
  • Best Foundation Talents: Simian Agility, Endurance
  • Relic: Fuming Ears (Whistling Wind)
  • Curios: Back Scratcher, Wind Chime
  • Gourds: Trailbalzer’s Scarlet Gourd

Best Spells and Talents

Best Spells and Talents - Smash Stance Build

For a Smash Stance build in Black Myth, Wukong, Immobilize, and Cloud Step are the best spells to use because of crowd control and mobility. Immobilize lets you stun enemies, keeping them in one spot, which is useful even against tough bosses. You can make the stun last longer and deal more damage to those enemies, making it a critical spell for controlling single targets. Focus on the talents of Stagnation, Crash, and Easy Prey to get the most out of Immobilize.

For movement, Cloud Step is the best choice. You can use it both to attack or escape and with the right talents, it can boost your critical hit chances or serve as a surprise attack. It also pairs well with stamina-based dodging for quick, agile maneuvers. We’ll review how to use each spell and which talents work best. For Cloud Step, the best talents are Gallop, Converging Clouds, and Concealed Observation.


Immobilize Spell - Black Myth Wukong

Description: A control spell that, with just a gesture of the finger, can bind the enemy in place. More powerful foes may break free sooner, thus caution is advised. To ensure this spell will not be interrupted during intense combat, cast it when the opponent is exhausted, staggered, or downed.

  • Spell Tree: Mysticism
  • Mana Cost: 80
  • Cooldown: 50 seconds
  • Best Talents: Stagnation, Crash, Easy Prey

The Immobilize spell is great for crowd control because it keeps an enemy locked in place, preventing them from attacking you. It works best on staggered or knocked-down enemies since they’ll have a more challenging time breaking free. So, it’s better to wait until an enemy is in one of these states before casting Immobilize, especially against bosses or strong enemies, to maximize the time they stay stunned. The downside is that the spell uses a lot of mana and lasts a while, so use it wisely.

You’ll want to unlock the Stagnation, Crash, and Easy Prey talents when using Immobilize. Stagnation makes the stun last longer when you use light attacks. Crash increases the damage dealt to the stunned enemy, and Easy Prey helps you quickly close the distance with your first light attack, allowing you to deal more damage without sprinting.

Cloud Step

Cloud Step Spell - Black Myth Wukong
  • Description: A mobility spell that leaves behind a decoy while allowing for quick dispersion into mist and escape. Useful for evading attacks or luring enemies into a trap. Upon returning from the mist state, an Unveiling Strike can be unleashed to catch opponents off guard.
  • Spell Tree: Alteration
  • Mana Cost: 30
  • Cooldown: 35 seconds
  • Best Talents: Gallop, Converging Clouds, Concealed Observation

Cloud Step is a mobility spell that you can use for both defense and offense. Defensively, Cloud Step helps you move a long distance in your chosen direction, acting like a big dodge that uses mana instead of stamina. It also creates a decoy to distract enemies.

Offensively, Cloud Step lets you quickly close the distance to an enemy, especially when paired with specific talents. With the Unveiling Strike talent, you get a bonus when attacking, turning into a cloud to engage enemies with a powerful burst attack.

To get the most out of Cloud Step, unlock the Gallop talent for faster movement and the Converging Clouds talent to make the spell last longer. If you prefer an offensive style, consider the Concealed Observation talent to increase the critical hit chance of Unveiling Strike.

A Pluck of Many

A Pluck of Many Spell - Black Myth Wukong
  • Description: A duplication spell: pluck a strand, chew it, and spit it into the air to create multiple Duplicates. These agile Duplicates can fight or flee and will engage the enemy if the caster is attacked. This spell can be used to catch a breath or escape. However, the Duplicates are fragile and can be quickly destroyed if directly confronted by the enemy.
  • Spell Tree: Strand
  • Mana Cost: 120
  • Cooldown: 120 seconds
  • Best Talents: Longstrand, Synergy, Grey Hair

The Puck of Many spell creates duplicates to act as decoys, but it uses a lot of mana, has a long cooldown, and isn’t very effective overall. Plus, casting it takes a while, leaving you vulnerable. So, it’s better to save your mana for more useful spells like Immobilize and Cloud Step and only use Puck of Many occasionally. One good time to use it is before a fight when you need a distraction to start things off.

If you do use Puck of Many often, consider getting the Longstrand, Grey Hair, and Synergy talents. These will help make the duplicates last longer and be more durable in combat.


Wandering Wight Spirit - Black Myth Wukong

The best spirit for a Smash build is the Wandering Wight because it deals the most damage and can knock back enemies once upgraded. The Wandering Wight spirit can give you another stun to compliment Immobilize when you have Qi built up. Therefore, you can immobilize with mana to hold a creature and then stun it when in close range with Wandering Wight. This combo gives you control and damage while playing in Smash melee range.

In Black Myth: Wukong, Spirits are animalistic forms that give a unique ability and stat boost to aid your combat. Spirits provide a passive bonus stat that can increase damage, survivability, or resource management. Collecting Spirits is pretty straightforward, some bosses upon vanquishing will allow you to absorb their Spirit. Equip the new Spirit to access its special ability and passive buff.


Red Tides Transformation - Black Myth Wukong

The best Transformation for the Smash Stance build is Red Tides Moon Roam because you deal with flame damage. Moreover, dodging in any direction and following up with a heavy attack perform powerful move when you have full focus. This fits the theme of the build, which is mobility and high damage with speed.

The Moon Roam talent is tied explicitly to the Red Tides spell. Red Tides allows you to transform into a wolf guai, and inflict Scorch Bane on the enemy with each attack. Light Attacks with this spell have you continuously slash at the enemy, with each hit building up Focus. Therefore, unlocking and leveling Moon Roam will allow your Heavy Attacks to hit harder after you execute a Perfect Dodge while at full Focus. This may be a combination that is difficult to execute but can generate a mighty blow when fully leveled.

Smash Stance’s Best Talents and Skills

Best Smash Stance Talents Black Myth Wukong

Smash Stances’ best talents and skills are Force Unbound, Resolute Counterflow, and Peace from Peril. Force Unbound enables sharing while sprinting, while Peace from Peril enables focus to be retained after a perfect dodge. This allows you to constantly charge heavy attacks unless at the perfect time. Resolute Counterflow enables a combo that deals much damage and is a helpful defensive tool. Below are the best skills to unlock for a Smash Stance build in Black Myth Wukong:

  1. Force Unbound: Enable charging the Staff while Sprinting.
  2. Peace from Peril: when charging, perfect dodges retain any focus that has been built up.
  3. Resolute Counterflow: allows for counterattack during a massive damage combo.
  4. Ironbound Resolve: Increase defense (damage reduction) upon landing a heavy attack.
  5. Smashing Force: Increases the damage caused by a charged heavy attack in Smash Stance.

Taking focus talents and skills is important to increase your Focus Attack. Spend sparks and look at level progression for suggestions.

Smash Stance Best Foundation Talents and Skills

Best Foundation Talents Black Myth Wukong

Simian Agility, Endurance, and Deft Evasion are the best foundation skills for a Smash Stance Build. All three aid in survivability via dodging or sprinting. Simian Reduces cost, Endurance reduces spirit cost, and Deft Evasion makes the initial dodge create more space. Look to progress by taking passives earlier in the game, then switch to Survival at level 45+ for more damage passives. Belwos is our general recommendations and priority with a Smash Build:

  1. Simian Agility: Reduces Stamina’s cost upon dodging, allowing more dodges at base Stamina.
  2. Endurance: Reduces Stamina cost of Sprinting. This talent is helpful because sprinting is the only other option to avoid getting hit apart from dodging.
  3. Deft Evasion: makes each initial dodge more agile and flexible. Helps on your initial dodge to create distance.
  4. Everlasting Vigor: Increases Stamina Recovery Rate. Your base stamina recovery rate is low, hence using this Skill is paramount to make sure you don’t run out of Stamina in between combos or dodges.
  5. Swift Engage: Increases the engage distance of light attack combos. Acts as a preliminary gap-closer, helpful against some of the earlier bosses, who tend to run away after finishing their attacks.
  6. Robust Constitution: Flat increase to base HP. More HP equals increased survivability and more chances to recover after missing a dodge or getting hit.
  7. Rampant Vigor: Flat increase to base Stamina. (More Stamina equal more attacks in a single combo, also, it helps dodge attacks more efficiently.

Level Progression

When leveling a Smash Build in Black Myth Wukong, focus on passive skills and talents and unlock Focus Attack II, III, and IV. This can be done by investing points into the Smash and Focus skills. At levels 3, 10, and 20 sparks spent, you gain another focus. This aids in overall damage and build performance but requires a heavy investment initially.

The Survival and Stamina Foundation skills are your priority at starting the game. You want anything that increases health, reduces stamina cost, or increases stamina regeneration. As you progress, look to take more Survival damage passives, which become available at level 45 or higher.

In Black Myth Wukong, progression is primarily done via leveling and collection of Sparks. Sparks are obtained via leveling, meditation spots, or through Willpower. When you defeat an enemy, you will be granted Willpower. Then, after your Willpower bar fills up, you will get a Spark Point. Finally, you can respec your Spark Points anytime during the game. This freedom will facilitate combat strategy and allow you to modify your build to exploit the boss’s weaknesses or combat style.

Level 1 – 10

Here’s a list of talents to select from levels 1 to 10 with the best Smash Stance build in Black Myth: Wukong:

  • Level 1: None
  • Level 2: Force Unbound (Smash Stance)
  • Level 3: Exhilaration (Focus Tree)
  • Level 4: Resolute Counterflow (Smash Stance)
  • Level 5: Simian Agility (Stamina)
  • Level 6: Endurance (Stamina)
  • Level 7: Robust Constitution (Survival)
  • Level 8: Rampant Vigor (Survival)
  • Level 9: Deft Evasion (Stamina)
  • Level 10: Everlasting Vigor (Stamina)

Level 11 – 20

Here’s a list of talents to select from levels 11 to 20 with the best Smash Stance build in Black Myth: Wukong:

  • Level 11: Pillar Stance
  • Level 12: Ironbound Resolve (Smash Stance)
  • Level 13: Instinct (Focus Tree)
  • Level 14: Versatility (Focus Tree)
  • Level 15: Exhilaration 2 (Focus Tree)
  • Level 16: Exhilaration 3 (Focus Tree)
  • Level 17: Ironbound Resolve (Smash Stance)
  • Level 18: Stagnation (Immobilize)
  • Level 19: Crash (Immobilize)
  • Level 20: Thrust Stance

Level 21 – 30

Here’s a list of talents to select from levels 21 to 30 with the best Smash Stance build in Black Myth: Wukong:

  • Level 21: Gallop (Cloud Step)
  • Level 22: Red Eyes (Transformation)
  • Level 23: Simian Agility (Stamina)
  • Level 24: Endurance (Stamina)
  • Level 25: Robust Constitution (Survival)
  • Level 26: Rampant Vigor (Survival)
  • Level 27: Composure (Stamina)
  • Level 28: Smashing Force (Smash Stance)
  • Level 29: Smashing Force 2 (Smash Stance)
  • Level 30: Quick Hand (Focus Tree)

Level 31 – 40

Here’s a list of talents to select from levels 31 to 40 with the best Smash Stance build in Black Myth: Wukong:

  • Level 31: Stagnation 2 (Immobilize)
  • Level 32: Crash 2 (Immobilize)
  • Level 33: Converging Clouds (Cloud Step)
  • Level 34: Instinct 2 (Focus Tree)
  • Level 35: Versatility 2 (Focus Tree)
  • Level 36: Quick Hand 2 (Focus Tree)
  • Level 37: Instinct 3 (Focus Tree)
  • Level 38: Versatility 2 (Focus Tree)
  • Level 39: Quick Hand 3 (Focus Tree)
  • Level 40: Peace from Peril (Smash Stance)

How to Play a Smash Stance Build

To effectively play a Smash Stance build as a beginner in Black Myth: Wukong, focus on a defensive playstyle that optimizes dodge cost reduction, stamina regeneration, and Smash Stance talents. Build up your Focus Points by charging heavy attacks while moving, then unleash powerful strikes on unsuspecting enemies. Use the Immobilize spell to control foes and deal damage safely without fear of retaliation.

Here are some general tips and tricks for mastering this Smash build:

Heavy Attacks

  • Unlock and use the Force Unbound passive in Smash Stance.
  • Charge your heavy attacks while sprinting to conserve stamina and avoid incoming damage.
  • This strategy allows you to build up power and strike hard while staying mobile and safe.

Dealing Damage

  • Combine light attacks, heavy attacks, and combos for maximum damage output.
  • Focus on generating and stacking up to four Focus Points to boost your burst damage potential.
  • Prioritize building Focus Points during combat to enhance the effectiveness of your heavy attacks.

Ranged Attacks

  • Switch to the Thrust Stance or use your Spirit abilities when you need to attack from a distance.
  • Incorporating ranged attacks keeps you versatile and allows you to adapt to different combat situations.

Survival and Mobility

  • Rely on dodging, sprinting, and the Cloud Step ability to maintain distance from enemies and evade attacks.
  • Use Cloud Step alongside dodging to utilize mana and stamina to create space and reposition during fights.
  • Practice timing your dodges accurately by learning enemy attack patterns to execute perfect evasions instead of spamming dodge.

Healing and Sustain

  • Use your Gourd item to restore health during and between battles.
  • Improve your Soaks as you progress through the game to enhance your healing capabilities and overall survivability.


Best Curios for Smash Stance Build Black Myth Wukong

Fine China Tea Bowl and Back Scratcher are the best Curios for a Smash build because they increase the max stamina and stamina recovery rate. These two help in survivability by using dodge and sprinting to avoid attacks. As you progress, swap to more damage-producing Curios; those two are recommended at the start.

Best Smash Curios:

  • Fine China Tea Bowl: Moderately increase stamina recovery rate.
  • Back Scratcher: considerably increases maximum stamina.


Fuming Ears Relic - Black Myth Wukgon

Fuming Ears Relic with Whistling Wind passive is best for a Smash Stance build in Black Myth Wukong because of increased damage when performing a perfect dodge. Dodging is the most important mechanic in the game, and this gives you an offensive bonus when avoiding attacks. Moreover, the relic can be obtained early and is helpful throughout the game.

Best Gear, Weapons, Armor

Best Gear, Weapons, Armor - Smash Stance Build Black Myth Wukong

The Golden armor set and Spikeshaft Staff are the best armor and weapons for a Smash Stance Build. Golden Armor boosts focus generation, attack damage after using a spirit, and Qi gains. Therefore, you can generate more unique resources, combining focus attacks with spirits for massive damage. The Golden Armor has a two and a four-piece bonus along with a unique effect on the mask.

  • Unique Effect: Upon successful hits from spirit skills, massive focus is granted upon reverting.
  • Two Piece: For a short duration, after performing a spirit skill or using a vessel, considerably increases attack.
  • Four Piece: upon critical hits and defeats grants a small amount of Qi

he Spiekshaft Staff grants Focus after seeing through the enemies and pairs well with the Resolute Counterflow skill. Below is a list of the best staff armor and mantle for the Smash Stance Build in Black Myth: Wukong:

Gear SlotBest Gear ItemEffect
StaffSpikeshaft StaffGain Focus Seeing Enemies
MantleFireproof MantleBurn Immunity
HeadgearGolden Mask of FuryGain Focus Spirit Attack
BodyGolden Embroidered ShirtDefense 72
ArmsGolden ArmguardDefense 29
LegsGolden GreavesDefense 43


Best Beginner Gourd - Black Myth Wukong

Trailblazer’s Scarlet is the best Gourd for a Smash Build because the first sip is replenished to full health. Moreover, you can add additional effects with Soaks and Drinks, giving you even more use from this consumable heal. Below are the recommended passive bonuses:

  • Purple-Veined Peach Pit: massively increases health recovery from using the gourd when at critical health
  • Steel Ginseng: Upon using the gourd, instantly gains a moderate amount of focus.

Build Summary – Best Smash Stance Build in Black Myth: Wukong

Smash Stance Skills and Talents

  • Force Unbound
  • Peace from Peril
  • Resolute Counterflow
  • Ironbound Resolve
  • Smashing Force

Foundation Skills and Talents

  • Simian Agility
  • Endurance
  • Deft Evasion
  • Everlasting Vigor
  • Swift Engage

Best Spells

  • Immobilize
  • Cloud Step
  • A Pluck of Many


  • Spikeshaft Staff
  • Fireproof Mantle
  • Golden Mask of Fury
  • Golden Embroidered Shirt
  • Golden Armguard
  • Golden Greaves


  • Fine China Tea Bowl
  • Back Scratcher

Spirit: Wandering Wight

Relic: Fuming Ears Relic Whistling Wind

Gourds: Trailblazer’s Scarlet

Transformation: Red Tides

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