Black Myth: Wukong – All Survival Talents List Guide

Discover everything you need to know in our All Survival Talents List Guide for Black Myth: Wukong!

Black Myth Wukong – All Survival Talents List Guide
Source: Game Science

In Black Myth: Wukong, your character progresses by unlocking Foundation talents in three different skill trees. These Foundation talents for Stamina, Martial Arts, and Survival will primarily dictate your combat efficiency, so you will want to give priority to unlocking them with Spark Points.

Furthermore, you will need to defeat enemies to make progress towards Spark Points. First, when you defeat an enemy you will be granted Willpower. Then, after your Willpower bar fills up, you will get a Spark Point.

Finally, you can respec your Spark Points at any time during the game. This freedom will facilitate combat strategy and allow you to modify your build to take advantage of boss weaknesses or combat style.

All Survival Talents – Black Myth: Wukong

Survival Talent Tree - Black Myth Wukong

In Black Myth: Wukong the Survival tree includes a total of 10 different skills that can increase the amount of your Health, Stamina, and Mana, along with their recovery rates. Additionally, other talents in this tree will over you protection from the Four Banes, while others increase Critical Hit Chance and Damage. All of these talents have multiple levels you can unlock to stack these effects. Moreover, all the Spark Points required means that it will take a lot of investment to unlock any of these.

Therefore, it will be best to base your priorities on what you need the most often as you play. Having trouble with survivability? Stack more Spark Points into Health or Defense. Unable to take more actions during battle? Unlock more talent levels to increase your Stamina.

Below are all the Survival Skills and Talents:

Robust Constitution

Robust Constitution - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Endurance
  • Foundation Skill Line: Survival
  • Description: Each talent level moderately increases Maximum Health.
  • Type: Passive
  • Sparks Cost: 1

The Endurance talent in the Survival talent tree will grant you some additional Maximum Health each time you unlock a level. Moreover, there are six levels to unlock, so at the end, you will have quite a bit of additional health to take into difficult battles with you. Health is a basic resource and it should be an early priority to unlock at the beginning of the game.

Rampant Vigor

Rampant Vigor talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Rampant Vigor
  • Foundation Skill Line: Survival
  • Description: Each talent level moderately increases Maximum Stamina.
  • Type: Passive
  • Sparks Cost: 1

Unlocking the Rampant Vigor talent is a simple way to add more resources to your Stamina pool. This also has six levels that you can unlock to stack the effect. Furthermore, Stamina is required for nearly any physical move you make in the game. Light and heavy attacks, charged attacks, jumping, and dodging will also use some of your stamina. Therefore, the Rampant Vigor talent should also be a high priority to unlock.

Bane Mitigation

Bane Mitigation - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Bane Mitigation
  • Foundation Skill Line: Survival
  • Description: Each talent level slightly reduces the duration of Four Bane effects.
  • Type: Passive
  • Sparks Cost: 1

Next in the Black Myth: Wukong – Complete Guide List Survival Skills and Talents article is Bane Mitigation, which reduces the duration of the Four Bane effects. The Four Banes are status effects in Black Myth: Wukong that are based on different types of elemental damage: Burn, Chill, Poison, and Shock. Not every boss monster will be able to inflict these effects, but most will likely specialize in at least one. Therefore, this talent will help with defense and survivability, so the cumulative damage-over-time doesn’t cripple you.

Wrathful Escalation

Wrathful Escalation - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Wrathful Escalation
  • Foundation Skill Line: Survival
  • Description: Each talent level slightly increases Critical Hit Chance.
  • Type: Passive
  • Sparks Cost: 1

The Wrathful Escalation talent is one of several ways in Black Myth: Wukong to increase your Critical Hit Chance. Weapons are another way to boost your critical hit rate, although most of these have quite small percentage increases. However, all the effects that you can unlock will stack with one another, so you can really build up your critical hit chance to a respectable rate.

Rough Skin

Rough skin talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Rough Skin
  • Foundation Skill Line: Survival
  • Description: Each talent level moderately increases Defense.
  • Type: Passive
  • Sparks Cost: 2

The Rough Skin talent in the Survival skill tree will provide you with a general boost to your overall Defense. Unlike the Bane Mitigation, this will apply to damage from all sources. Physical attacks, spells, elemental damage, and more. You won’t be able to unlock it until you reach character Level 30, but it will be a worthwhile investment for mid to late-game.

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Spiritual Awakening
  • Foundation Skill Line: Survival
  • Description: Each talent level moderately increases Maximum Mana.
  • Type: Passive
  • Sparks Cost: 2

Unlocking Spiritual Awakening will provide a direct boost to your maximum amount of available Mana. Mana is used to cast spells such as Immobilize, A Pluck of Many, Rock Solid, and more. Depending on your playstyle mana may not be as important as stamina. However, even if you prefer mostly physical combat, it’s good to have a pool of mana on hand for those times when you run out of stamina.

Wrathful Might

Wrathful Might - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Wrathful Might
  • Foundation Skill Line: Survival
  • Description: Each talent level moderately increases Critical Hit Damage.
  • Type: Passive
  • Sparks Cost: 2

If you’ve invested in Wrathful Escalation to increase your critical hit chance, then once you reach Level 60 Wrathful Might is a great talent to pair it with to increase your critical hit damage. Likely you’ve been getting comfortable using Focus Points to generate powerful blows against boss monsters. Now imagine the same blows hitting with critical hits that have increased damage on top.

Deep Breath

Deep Breath - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Deep Breath
  • Foundation Skill Line: Survival
  • Description: Each talent level moderately increases Stamina Recovery Rate.
  • Type: Passive
  • Sparks Cost: 2

Stamina is arguably the most important resource in Black Myth: Wukong because without it you cannot make any physical attacks or maneuvers. Therefore, Deep Breath is another talent you can unlock, this time to boost your stamina recovery rate. Pair this with a large pool of stamina, and you will have the endurance to stay in the fight.

Surging Momentum

Surging Momentum Talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Surging Momentum
  • Foundation Skill Line: Survival
  • Description: Each talent level slightly increases Attack.
  • Type: Passive
  • Sparks Cost: 2

Next in the Black Myth: Wukong – Complete Guide List Survival Skills and Talents article is Surging Momentum, which will increase your overall attack damage. This attack boost won’t be available until mid-game at Level 45 and your priority at that point will depend on your skill level. If you have mastered the timing of dodges and keep away from most damage, then this boost to your DPS will be the way to go.

Four Bane Endurance

Four Bane Endurance - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Four Bane Endurance
  • Foundation Skill Line: Survival
  • Description: Each talent level slightly increases Four Band Resistance.
  • Type: Passive
  • Sparks Cost: 2

The Four Bane Endurance bonus is a late-game talent you won’t be able to unlock until Level 60 but will increase your resistance against the Four Bane effects. Additionally, you can boost this even further by equipping certain armors that offer single resistances to specific status effects such as Chill, Burn, Poison, and Shock. Unlock this talent and equip the relevant pieces before going into a fight against an elemental boss.

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