The First Descendant: Best Ultimate Valby Build Guide

Discover the Best Ultimate Valby Build Guide for The First Descendant and how to create her with Skills, modules, and weapons.

The First Descendant Best Ultimate Valby Build Guide

This guide has been updated for Season 1, Hotfix 1.1.0 of the First Descendant.

Ultimate Valby Build Guide for The First Descendant

Ultimate Valby is an area (AOE) damage dealer who uses her water abilities to maneuver around the battlefield, deal damage, and evade enemy fire. She’s an excellent choice for players seeking a character with strong damage output and good survivability. Due to her focus on AOE abilities, Valby excels against groups of enemies but is less effective against bosses. Mastering Valby involves understanding the nuances of her abilities and applying attack and movement strategies thoughtfully.

Valby is straightforward to play, offering high damage and mobility. She can preemptively place damage on the ground before enemies appear. However, she struggles in boss fights or scenarios where you can’t control the movement. To maximize Ultimate Valby’s potential, Bubble Bullet can be used to create small puddles at its impact point. These puddles damage enemies within them over time and allow you to consume less mana while standing in them, enabling you to spam abilities almost for free when combining water and bubble tactics. Below, we walk you through a guide on the Best Ultimate Valby build in the First Descendant.

Ultimate Valby Build ProUltimate Valby Build Cons
High MobilityWeak on Bosses
Pre-Stack DamageReliance on Water
Multiple Status Effects
Ultimate Valby Build Pros and Cons

Features and Mechanics for Ultimate Valby Build in The First Descendant

The following list presents all the essential ULtimate Valby Build Features and Mechanics for this First Descendant guide:

  • Best Modules: Nimble Fingers, Skill Extension, Water Play
  • Descendant Attribute: Non-Attribute
  • Best Reactor: Materialized Mixture (Non-Attribute and Fusion)
  • Best Weapon: Blue Beetle
  • Best Weapon Mods: Fire Rate Up, Rifling Reinforcement, Weak Point Sight
  • Best External Components: 2x Acrobat, 2x Annihilation
  • Skills
    • Bubble Bullet
    • Plop Plop
    • Clean Up
    • Laundry Bomb
    • Water Intake (Passive)
  • Playstyle: using puddles to damage over time and regen resources.
  • How to Unlock: purchase from store or research.
  • Story: Valby was saddened to see Mother Nature become polluted by war.

How to unlock Ultimate Valby in The First Descendant

To unlock and play Ultimate Valby in The First Descendant, you must either purchase her from the store or research her. Moreover, if you choose to purchase Valby, she will cost 600 Caliber, which is the premium currency. Otherwise, to craft Ultimate Valby, you will need:

  • Ultimate Valby Enhanced Cells
    • Repton x949
    • Compound Coating Material x538
    • Conductive Metallic Foil x75
    • Ultimate Valby Enhanced Cell Blueprint
    • 450,000 Gold
  • Ultimate Valby Stabilizer
    • Silicon x969
    • Hellion x682
    • Heat Plasma Battery x166
    • Ultimate Valby Stabilizer Blueprint x1
    • 450,000 Gold
  • Ultimate Valby Spiral Catalyst
    • Monad Shard x554
    • Semi-Permannent Plasma x652
    • Macromolecule Biogel x252
    • Ultimate Valby Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
    • 450,000 Gold
  • Ultimate Valby Code

Finally, to craft Ultimate Valby you must speak to Anais in the Albion Mountains area. She will grant you access to the Research Institute, where you can choose to craft several additional descendant characters.

Ultimate Valby’s Exclusive Equipment

Ultimate Valby - Ultimate Equipment Arche Environment Containment Suit Sea of Emerald

Rather than having exclusive equipment, Ultimate Valby has the Arche Environment Containment Suit “Sea of Emerald” Ultimate Equipment. You can access it by clicking details in the Descendant menu and customizing the appearance of her suit. Below are the details on Ultimate Valby’s Ultimate Equipment:

“The completed Equipment was the outcome of a very fortunate coincidence that Bunny stole from the Magister workshop. While Bunny stole the prototype, which slowed the development procedure, it was her operational testing that revealed the environmental shielding function that stopped Arche depletion. This not only allowed Valby to retain over ten times as much water at all times as her prior suit, but also change her combat style.”

Best Skill for Ultimate Valby

Bubble Bullet is the best skill for Ultimate Valby because it does damage on impact, damage over time, debuffs enemies, and lowers mana consumption when standing in the water trail left behind. The main idea behind Valby is to debuff enemies with laundry (water), lowering their resistance to electricity and Non-attributes. This Laundry debuff is helpful for any player using the Thunder Cage Ultimate weapon or playing Bunny and Sharen builds.

The First Descendant - How to use Bubble Bullet - Best Valby Skill

The best way to use Bubble Bullet is at far range because the more bounce it takes, the more damage it will produce when landing on a target. The skill’s cooldown is 10 seconds but can be lowered with modules. The Materialized Mixture reactor will boost the power of Bubble Bullet and other Fusion descendant attribute abilities like Laundry Bomb.

For boss fights, use Ultimate Valby’s Bubble Bullet at range for the puddle left behind. Even if you don’t hit a boss, you can step inside the water area to lower the cost of mana (MP) abilities. You should fire out Bubble Bullet first, then Laundry Bomb, to transform your weapon into a massive water cannon. Then, you can shoot out bombs while in the puddle to lower your cost of damaging the boss or clearing mobs.

Lastly, Bubble Bullet Laundry debuff also reduces Chill resistance. You want to pair Bubble Bullet with Blizzard from Viessa for optimal damage combo. Using the debuff first, Viessa’s Blizzard ultimate skill will damage a single target or AOE. Overall, this lower cooldown, great damage, AOE, and resource-sustaining tool should be your opening attack and the focal point of any Ultimate Valby build.

Water Intake (Passive)

Water Intake - Ultimate Valby Skill The First Descendant

Water Intake Ability Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: When using skills while standing on water, she consumes less Mana.
  • Non-Attribute
  • Puddles created by Valby’s skill are also considered to be water.

This incentivizes you to stand within puddles to decrease MP cost. Less MP cost means you can chain skills back to back. Moreover, you can use the lingering pool post fight to recover some MP before advancing.

Bubble Bullet

Bubble Bullet - Ultimate Valby Skill The First Descendant

Bubble Bullet Skill Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Bounces a Bubble Bullet forward to create a small puddle where the Bubble Bullet impacts and where she stands. Enemies in the small puddle take continuous damage and are inflicted with Laundry.
  • Non-Attribute – Fusion
  • Fires a Bubble Bullet forward, creating Small Puddles where she stands and where the Bubble Bullet hits.
  • The enemy standing in the Small Puddle receives continuous damage and becomes inflicted with Laundry.
  • When the Bubble Bullet pops, nearby enemies receive AOE damage, increasing based on the number of bounces.

How to use Bubble Bullet: Valby’s primary skill is to trigger puddles and laundry status effects. Bubble Bullet, while a single target, can hit multiple enemies in a small radius for a while, leaving a puddle that deals continuous damage. Primarily, we rely on this skill for damage and status effects. Moreover, it makes enemies vulnerable to electricity and chill, and it is useful for playing with a Bunny build or others who are buffed by those elements.

Plop Plop

Plop Plop - Ultimate Valby Skill The First Descendant

Plop Plop Skill Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Creates a large puddle where Valby is standing, then dives in. Valby then pops out at a selected location in the large puddle. Enemies in the large puddle take continuous damage and are inflicted with Laundry.
  • Non-Attribute – Dimension
  • Valby forms a Big Puddle where she stands and jumps into it. She then jumps out from another Big Puddle formed at a designated spot, inflicting Knockdown on nearby enemies.
  • Enemies standing in the Big Puddle receive continuous damage and become inflicted with Laundry.
  • The skill’s cooldown decreases proportionally to the number of enemies inflicted with Knockdown.

How to use Plop Plop: This skill can be used as an escape mechanism, debuff, and charging gap closer. What makes Plop Plop power is the water that’s left behind as you activate the skill and continuous damage over its duration. Moreover, the cooldown is 25 by default. This skill also triggers electrical and chill resistance decreases, which is perfect for a party composition with Bunny and Viessa.

Clean Up

Clean Up - Ultimate Valby Skill The First Descendant

Clean Up Skill Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Vallby becomes Liquefied. While Liquefied, she cannot take her feet off of the ground or use skills, but she can move through enemies and her Movement Speed and DEF increase. When moving while Liquefied, she creates a path of water that deals continuous damage to enemies and inflicts Laundry.
  • Non-Attribute – Dimension
  • Enter Liquefied state. While Liquefied, Valby cannot take her feet off the ground and is unable to use skills, but does not collide with enemies. Her Movement Speed increases while Damage decreases.
  • Moving while Liquefied creates a Waterway. Enemies standing on the Waterway receive continuous damage and become inflicted with Laundry.

How to use Clean Up: this skill acts as a mobility tool, debuff, speed boost, and defensive increase. You can move through enemies, which is a big bonus, but you cannot use skills. Therefore, you can use this to charge in and debuff enemies or escape a situation where you are taking too much damage. Moreover, skate through enemies to debuff them and turn around for a Laundry Bomb if your skill is active.

Laundry Bomb

Laundry Bomb - Ultimate Valby Skill The First Descendant

Laundry Bomb Skill Features in The First Descendant:

  • Description: Changes the equipped weapon to the Laundry Bomb Launcher. When the Launcher is fired, a Laundry Bomb is created, pulling in enemies inflicted with Laundry and dealing continuous damage.
  • Non-Attribute – Fusion
  • Switches the equipped weapon to Laundry Bomb Launcher. The original weapon returns when all bullets have been used or its duration ends.
  • Creates Laundry Bomb at the spot where the Laundry Bomb Launcher projectile hits, which tows a nearby enemy afflicted with Laundry and deals continuous damage.
  • Continuous damage increases with the number of enemies afflicted with Laundry.

How to use Laundry Bomb: The best usage for Laundry Bomb is debuffing enemies with the Laundry status effect before using it, then dropping the bomb when they are debuff. The base damage is weak but can ramp up to 200% and has a traction radius of 8 meters. This is your AOE nuke skill you want to use in conjunction with others when enemies are debuffed.

How to play Ultimate Valby

How to Play Ultimate Valby in the First Descendant

To effectively play Ultimate Valby, stand in water to conserve mana while ensuring enemies within puddles take continuous damage. Valby uses her Arche connection to water to move fluidly across the battlefield, delivering area-of-effect damage to groups of Vulgus. Additionally, she has a knockdown ability, providing extra crowd control to support her team. Her playstyle revolves around using her Bubble Bullet ability and puddles to damage enemies, recover MP, and navigate the battlefield.

Area Damage and Single-Target Damage: Ultimate Valby’s toolkit is focused on AOE damage abilities, making her most effective against multiple targets. Her single-target damage depends largely on the weapon she uses. Utilize Bubble Bullet and Plop Plop to create large puddles. One skill is ranged, while the other is centered on her position. Use these skills when at a distance or surrounded to increase damage over time and sustain resources.

Movement and Speed: Ultimate Valby is second only to the Bunny class in terms of speed and movement in The First Descendant. Her Laundry skill allows her to move through enemies, boost her movement speed, and create a path of water. This skill can be used both offensively and defensively.

Bosses and Ultimates: During boss encounters, keep puddles under the enemy at all times. Monitor your cooldowns and rotate skills to maintain high uptime on puddle damage. Use Laundry Bomb to pull in enemies if mobs appear during encounters.

Defenses and Survival Tips: Valby’s Clean Up ability enhances her survivability and defense while dealing a bit of damage over time. Activating it makes her completely invulnerable and increases her speed. While in this state, she cannot use other skills, but it’s perfect for escaping tight situations.

Descendant Modules for Ultimate Valby Build

Frugal Mindset, Battle of Stamina, and Spear and Shield are the best modules (mods) for a Valby Build Guide in the First Descendant. We choose Frugal Mindset because it lowers your skill cost and increases damage radius. Battle of Stamina is great because it boosts your max HP and skill duration. Lastly, you want Spear and Shield because it increases both defense and skill power. Consequently, all three of these mods together will give you incredible survivability and skill power. Thus allowing Aalby to take advantage of her damage-over-time and crowd-control playstyle.

  1. Frugal Mindset
  2. Emergency Measures
  3. Battle of Stamina
  4. Maximize Skill
  5. Spear and Shield
  6. Increased HP
  7. Skill Extension
  8. Skill Expansion

In The First Descendant, modules are essential components that enhance and customize your character’s abilities, stats, and overall performance. Modules can be acquired through questing, missions, loot drops, and vendor items. Moreover, you have limited resources to slot mods; therefore, some slots may be empty depending on your chosen setup.

Ultimate Valby Best Modules for Leveling

Valby Best Modules for Leveling in The First Descendant

Below is a list of the best leveling mods for Ultimate Valby Build in the First Descendant:

  • Non-Attribute Master – Skill Power +X%, Non-Attribute Skill Power +X%
  • Skill Expansion – Improves your Skill Effect Range
  • Safe Recovery – Outgoing Heal +X%, Incoming Final DMG -X%
  • Dual Claw – Increase max module capacity
  • Technician – Skill Power Modifier +13%
  • Skill Extension – Skill Duration +X%, applies only to certain skills for each Descendant
  • Increased DEF – DEF +16%
  • Increased HP – Max HP +22%

Ultimate Valby Best Modules

Valby Best Modules Advanced in The First Descendant

Below is a guide list of the best mods for Ultimate Valby Build in the First Descendant:

  • Frugal Mindset – Skill Cost -2%, Skill Effect Range +6%
  • Emergency Measures – Skill Critical Hit Rate +16%, Skill Critical Hit Damage +7%.
  • Long-Distance Maneuvering: Modifies grappling hook range to 25 meters but increases charge time. Also allows more module capacity.
    • Dual Claw remains a good alternative until you find Long-Distance Maneuvering
  • Battle of Stamina – Max HP +12%, Skill Duration +8.8%.
  • Maximize Skill – Skill Power +X%, Skill Cooldown +X%
  • Spear and Shield – DEF +22%, Skill Power +8.1%
  • Increased HP – Max HP +22%.

Best Reactor Stats for Ultimate Valby in The First Descendant

Valby Best Reactor - The First Descendant

Materialized Mixture is the best reactor for an Ultimate Valby build guide in the First Descendant because it boosts your Non-Attribute and Fusion skills. Non-attributes are your descendant attributes, and fusion increases Bubblet Bullet and Laundry. The second choice is the Materilized Phase, which buffs Non-Attribute and Dimension type, effective Plop Plop, and Laundry skills. Below is our recommendation for the best Valby reactors:

  1. Optimization Condition: Scout Rifle (Blue Beetle)
  2. Skill Power Boost Ratio
    Materialized Mixture: Boost to Non-Attribute and Fusion type
    Materialized Phase: Boost to Non-Attribute and Dimension type
  3. Bonus Conditions: Non-attribute power boost ratio and Skill critical hit rate

In The First Descendant, reactors are powerful enhancements significantly impacting a character’s abilities, stats, and overall performance. They function as core components that provide substantial boosts and unique effects, enabling players to tailor their characters to specific playstyles and strategies.

Weapons for Ultimate Valby Build

The best weapons for the Ultimate Valby Build Guide are the Thunder Cage Submachine Gun and the Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle. Thunder Cage has a high rate of fire and an overcharge bonus. Overcharge grants the following special bonus: defeating an enemy prompts that enemy to unleash an electric shockwave, dealing firearm ATK to nearby enemies within 3 meters, with additional damage. Therefore, with Thunder Cage, you can gain even more AOE damage and boost weapon attacks as well.

The following list presents the best weapon choices for Valby Build:

  • Thunder Cage – Submachine Gun
  • Blue Beetle – Scout Rifle
  • Afterglow Sword – Sniper Rifle

Thunder Cage Submachine Gun

Thunder Cage Ultimate Submachine Gun - The First Descendant

Thunder Cage features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 18
  • Fire Rate: 666
  • Reload Speed: 1.4 seconds
  • Effective Range: 23 meter
  • Overcharge: defeating an enemy prompts that enemy to unleash electric shockwave, dealing firearm ATK to nearby enemies within 3 meters, with additional damage.

The Thunder Cage Submachine emits an electric shockwave and grants a bonus to damage after a kill. It’s the highest DPS weapon for an Ultimate Valby build due to its secondary Overcharge effect and rate of fire. Below are the best weapon mods for the Thunder Cage Submachine Gun:

  • Hawkeye – Improves your Accuracy
  • Reload Concentration – Reloading is quicker, and Firearm Critical Damage is improved
  • Rifling Reinforcement – Significantly improves your Firearm Attack
  • Concentrate Support Ammo – You get more rounds per magazine and slightly more Firearm Critical Hit Damage
  • Electric Conductor – Improved Firearm Attack when attacking Electrocuted enemies
  • Action and Reaction – Improves Firearm Attack and Recoil
  • Marksman – Improves Firearm Critical Hit Rate and slightly improves Attack
  • Weak Point Control – Improves Weak Point Damage and Recoil
  • Weak Point Sight – Greatly improves Weak Point Damage
  • Fire Rate Up – Significantly improves your Fire Rate

Blue Beetle Scout Rifle

Blue Beetle Scout Rifle - the First Descendant

Blue Beetle Scout Rifle features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 62
  • Fire Rate: 199
  • Reload Speed: 2 seconds
  • Effective Range: 35 meters
  • Arcane Wave: when using a fusion skill, grants self the unique arcane energy with a set chance. When using a singular skill, it grants the self the unique ability of purification with a set chance.

This Blue Beetle scout rifle is a versatile choice for Valby because we have a lot of Fusion skills. Arcane energy helps with skill critical hit rate and adds to her overall burst potential. Moreover, the range is nice if you plan on not using a sniper rifle or want something medium-range application.

Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle

Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle - the First Descendant

Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle features in the First Descendant:

  • Firearm ATK: 240
  • Fire Rate: 66
  • Reload Speed: 2.5 seconds
  • Effective Range: 55 meters
  • Nightmare Reaper: on hitting an enemy’s weak point, inflicts the unique ability death propagation. On hitting an enemy commander or collossi, increase firearm critical hit rate and apply the effect to the attack.

The Afterglow Sword Sniper Rifle is the best choice for ranged precision weak point damage. Once you trigger Death Propagation, you gain increased reload and damage on weak points. Use this weapon for ranged headshots if possible.

External Component

The First Descendant External Component Acrobat Set Traits
The First Descendant External Component Annihilation Set Traits

Two-piece Acrobat and two-piece Annihilation are the best modules for the Ultimate Valby build guide in the First Descendant. Combining two pieces of each of these sets gives you increased skill duration, additional skill power, and firearm ATK. This allows your abilities to hit harder and last longer and your weapons to deal more damage. The four-piece bonuses aren’t worth it. You can also use a two-piece Tomb Vanguard, which increases DEF by 25%, so swap Tomb Vanguard for Acrobat if you struggle with survivability.

Below is a list and chart of the best stats for your External Component Stats:

First Bonus:

  1. HP
  2. DEF
  3. Shields

Second Bonus

  1. Max Resource (HP, MP, DEF, Shields)
  2. Elemental resistance (fire, chill, electric, toxic)
Auxiliary PowerSensorMemoryProcessor
First Bonus PriorityFirst Bonus PriorityFirst Bonus PriorityFirst Bonus Priority
Second Bonus Priority Second Bonus Priority Second Bonus Priority Second Bonus Priority
Max HP
Fire Resistance
Max MP
Chill Resistance
Electric Resistance
Max Shields
Toxin Resistance
Best External Component Stats – Ultimate Valby Build Guide

Recent Updates and Changes for Ultimate Valby Build

All Season 1 Invasion Cosmetics for The First Descendant

The biggest change and update to Ultimate Valby during Season One is the addition of Invasions and Inversion Reinforcement. Invasions, the new content in season one, is the perfect fit for Ultimate Valby with her survival and speed. Players are rewarded for completion time and materials used for the newest Descendant Hailey. What you should know is to work towards unlocking the Inversion and completing Invasions to progress this new piece of equipment.

Ultimate Valby’s Story in the First Descendant

The Ultimate Descendant Project refers to a plan in which either the Ancestors’ technology and equipment found throughout Ingris, or their special Arche genes, are refined to suit the characteristics of active Descendants, then applied to them. The ultimate goal being to enhance all Descendants to reflect the Ancestors, the powerful predecessors of humanity.

However, the ultimate project for Valby proved difficult. Not only was there no suitable equipment for a body made of water, but even if there was Pioneer technology that could be adapted, its form would be no longer human. One design proposed by the Magisters even suggested enclosing Valby in a thickly armored water tank and mounted various weapons on the outside to create a bipedal battle platform. Valby was horrified by the idea, and Alpha rejected the proposal, saying that he wanted his heir to be treated with at least some dignity, not just as a weapon.

Just as Valby’s Ultimate project was about to be put on hiatus, the Magisters turned their attention to the Ultimate Equipment that Bunny had stolen. The device, believed to be a skin suit of some sort, was incomplete due to the lack of data, but a few features had been discovered from Bunny’s unexpected operational tests. The suit was ultra-lightweight for high-speed movement, while it also had a shielding device that could be tightly secured to keep the user’s Arche from being exposed to the outside world. In other words, the Ultimate Equipment could be combined with Valby’s current suit to complete her project.

Ultimate Valby Story Contiuned

The research was successful. Completely sealed off from the outside world, the new suit was able to contain much more of Valby’s liquified body than the old one, not to mention the power it gave her. But there was one part in particular that fascinated Valby.
The lightweight skin suit material was able to replicate the color and feel of Valby’s former body while adding armor for protection, allowing her to recapture a bit of her long-forgotten past.

Though the Ultimate Equipment was a weapon of war, Valby felt a new hope: the possibility that she could exist in her past form, while still being one with water.

Build Summary – Ultimate Valby Build

  • Reactor: Materialized Mixture
  • Weapons
    • Thunder Cage – Submachine Gun
    • Blue Beetle – Scout Rifle
    • Afterglow Sword – Sniper Rifle
  • Weapon Mods
    • Fire Rate UP 
    • Action and Reaction 
    • Rifling Reinforcement 
    • Better Insight
    • Better Concentration 
  • External Component Set
    • 2x Acrobat
    • 2x Annihilation
  • Skills
    • Bubble Bullet
    • Plop Plop
    • Clean Up
    • Laundry Bomb
    • Water Intake (Passive)

Best Mods

  1. Frugal Mindset
  2. Emergency Measures
  3. Battle of Stamina
  4. Maximize Skill
  5. Spear and Shield
  6. Increased HP
  7. Skill Extension
  8. Skill Expansion

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