Successfully defend your base against pal and human raids in Palworld by following this short and simple guide!

Palworld gets even more difficult when you realize that you have to defend your base against regular raids. These raids usually don’t have any pattern of occurrence, at least none that I know of. This is exactly what makes them much more harmful.
Imagine you are in a dungeon several miles away from your base and you see a threat pop up on the map close to your base. You know it’s not feasible for you to travel all the way back there because you might not even make it in time.
Raids can be from a passing herd of pals, rabid pals like Direhowls, or human raiders belonging to a specific faction. All of these events bring a specific threat to your base. So, you must arm and fortify your home to prevent it from getting obliterated by enemies.
Defending Your Palworld Base Against All Raids

There are various upgrades that you can bring about your base to establish a much safer environment. They unlock progressively at higher levels. Make sure that your base has weapons, pals, fortifications, and traps to increase its chances of defense. You can include the following to make your defense better:
- Alarm Bell (level 4)
- Sandbag (level 9)
- Bear Trap (level 10)
- Wooden Defensive Wall (level 16)
- Mounted Crossbow (level 26)
- Defensive Wall (level 29)
- Mine (level 30)
- Electric Mine (level 33)
- Ice Mine (level 38)
- Mounted Machine Gun (level 40)
- Metal Defensive Wall (level 43)
- Mounted Missile Launcher (level 50)
There are also pals that you can keep at your base to defend it. While all pals will prove useful in a crisis, try prioritizing the following friendly monsters to successfully defend your base:
- Astegon
- Orserk
- Anubis
- Jormuntide Ignis
- Faleris
As we mentioned above, not every defense-related item will be available at once. Similarly, you won’t get any of these pals right away. On the contrary, you’ll have to wait till mid or late-game before getting any of the mentioned beasts. However, it’s all about finding a balance and knowing which gear suits you best in the current phase of the game. And who would know it better than yourself?
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