Ultimate Beginner Tips and Tricks for Monster Hunter Wilds

Our Ultimate Monster Hunter Beginners Tips and Tricks Guide will help you prepare for your adventures in the Forbidden Lands.

Monster Hunter Wilds Beginners Guide [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]
Monster Hunter Wilds Beginners Guide [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

Our Monster Hunter Wilds Ultimate Beginner Tips and Tricks guide contains quite a few things that we consider necessary during your hunt. New players may find it a tad difficult to make sense of all the different mechanics that define Wilds’ gameplay. Furthermore, the series’ combat is known for its complexity, and beginners will need to learn a fair bit to start enjoying the nuances.

Here are the things we think beginners and new players to the series should keep in mind as they step into the Forbidden Lands in Monster Hunter Wilds. You can check out our guides on Photo Mode, saving the game, pausing the game, and creating squads to learn about these mechanics.

Things Monster Hunter Wilds’ Beginners Should Keep in Mind

Find Your Weapon and Try It Out in the Training Area

Great Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)
Great Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)

With 14 different types of weapons available in Monster Hunter Wilds, beginners (especially those new to the series) should spend some time trying them out. Each of these weapons can be successful in the hands of someone who takes time to master them. They will dictate how your playstyle will be as you tackle the monsters in MH Wilds. This is where the Training Area comes into play.

You can go to the Training Area in the back of the Base Camp in the Windward Plains. You’ll be able to try out each of the weapon types and get a feel for how they perform as you hit a target. With the option to carry two weapons and switch them anytime, you can even carry two weapons on your Seikret and use them to dish out a significant amount of damage.

You can check out Best Beginner Build for All Weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds to learn more. You should also have an idea regarding Focus Mode, and Focus Strike & Power Clash and Perfect Guard to have a better grip on how the combat functions.

Weapon Combos, Power Clashes, and Guarding

Monster Hunter Wilds Focus Mode Guide.
The Focus Mode is a new combat mechanic introduced in Wilds

With your weapon(s) selected, learn about the weapon combos available for it. I am a Great Sword main, and there’s no sweeter pleasure than landing a True Charged Slash or a perfect Offset Attack. The weapon can be used to guard too, which, when timed correctly, can trigger a Power Clash.

Weapons can also have certain use cases, like the tackle with the Great Sword that has super armor, meaning it can withstand roars and attacks with less damage.

Get Cooking

Cooking in MH Wilds [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]
Cooking in MH Wilds [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

There’s no Meowscular Chef or any other Felyne Chef in Monster Hunter Wilds. Instead, you have the option to do some cooking in your tent (either in the Base Camp or the Pop-Up Camp) or with the Portable BBQ Grill while exploring. Eating a meal provides a temporary boost to Health & Stamina, with possible bumps to different skills.

Cooking can be as simple as just using Raw Meat or as complex as using various ingredients and garnishing touches. These ingredients have different skills that will help your hunts. Check out our Cooking Recipes List guide to learn more.

Prepare for the Hunt and Learn Your Environments

Monster Hunter Wilds Field Guide [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]
Monster Hunter Wilds Field Guide [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

When you are going out to hunt a monster, learn as much as you can about it—its elements, weaknesses, habitats, etc. You can learn these things from your Field Guide in Monster Hunter Wilds (where more information is added as you hunt a monster multiple times). For example, you will need to use Waterblight and Iceblight as you try to beat Rey Dau in MH Wilds

Also, be aware of the environment in which you are fighting the monster. There can be natural traps that can be used to deal a significant amount of damage to the monster. These include the Vine Traps in Windward Plains or the chunks of rocks in the Iceshard Cliffs. You can also use Endemic Life like Paratoads and Flashflies to affect the monster’s status (flash, paralysis, poison, etc.). Furthermore, if there are elevated platforms, you can use them to jump off and try to trigger a mount on the monster.

If you faint during a quest against the target monster, don’t fret. You get three chances to finish a quest in MH Wilds, with the first two resulting in your being carted to the nearest camp. There, you can restock your items and rush back into the battlefield to continue your hunt. The third carting will result in the Quest Failed prompt.

Breaking Monsters

Fighting Quematrice [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]
Focus on the head [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

Various parts of the monster’s body can be broken to get specific/rare material drops. You will be able to find more about this in your Field Guide. You can use the Focus Mode to aim specifically at different parts of the body. For certain monsters, tails can also be severed and need to be carved separately from the main carcass.

The breaking and severing ability also depends on the weapon of your choosing. Generally, sharp-edged weapons are more suited for severing body parts, whereas blunt weapons allow you to break parts more easily. For example, the Dual Blades can sever the tails of monsters easily, but is not great at breaking parts. On the other hand, it’s the opposite for weapons like the Hammer which can break parts off monsters easily, but struggles with severing.

Gather materials

Lightcrystal [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

Never miss out on gathering materials from your environment. Interact with the Mining Outcrops, Bonepiles, and more to get a variety of items that can be useful while crafting. You will also be able to pick up items like a Nulberry, which will significantly improve your hunts when you face monsters that can inflict status ailments like Poison.

Sharpness and Status Effects

How To Remove Poison Status In Monster Hunter Wilds?
Rathian can inflict the Poison status on you with its tail attack. [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

Learn about Monster Hunter Wilds’ melee weapon Sharpness and how it can impact your hunts. These weapons will lose sharpness as you use them for attacking or guarding. You will need to then sharpen them with a Whetstone. You can also get on the Seikret and sharpen while moving around. This allows you to move and not be a sitting duck as you prep your weapon.

An understanding of MH Wilds’ Status Ailments and Elemental Blights is necessary to have an easier time in-game. Anyone caught unaware of these and how to prevent them can have their hunts cut short quickly.

Items to carry into hunt

How to use traps in Monster Hunter WIlds?
Traps are effective and make the hunt much easier [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

Potions, Nulberries, and Well Done Steaks are some of the things that you should absolutely carry in your hunts and expeditions. Check through your Crafting List as you progress through the game and find new items. These items have different effects and use cases. Read through their descriptions and decide which to bring on which hunt. Later on, you can also bring traps during hunts and a Farcaster.

The item selection control scheme can take some getting used to, especially the Optimal Health/Status Recovery ones. You will need to get used to them to heal up or remove a status effect quickly.

Trusty Seikret – Items, Switching Weapons, and Mounting!

Monster Hunter Wilds Seikret [Source: Capcom]
Monster Hunter Wilds Seikret [Source: Capcom]

The new Seikret is a big boon to Monster Hunter Wilds’ gameplay. It automatically picks up the objective you need to go to and directly beelines to it. This is especially great as Wilds’ open world is large, and players can get lost in it.

Seikret will carry various items in a pouch and a secondary weapon. You can mount the Seikret to transfer these items to your Item Pouch or switch to your Secondary Weapon. While fighting a monster, you can quickly call for the Seikret with a button press (Up D-Pad for the PS controller). The creature will rush toward you and pick you up. This is helpful when you are low on health and need a breather to heal up.

Finally, you can jump off the Seikret (X on the PS controller) to do a jumping attack on the monster. This can sometimes lead to your character mounting the target monster in Monster Hunter Wilds

Don’t Overcommit

Ajarakan Monster Hunter Wilds
Ajarakan can be intimidating (Source: Deltias Gaming/CAPCOM)

When you are fighting a monster, pace yourself. If you think button-mashing your way through each fight will work, Monster Hunter Wilds may be a rude awakening. While the first few monsters can largely be considered fodder (more so to veterans of the series), monsters like Alpha Doshaguma and Ajarakan can punish any missteps severely. 

You will need to learn a monster’s attack combos, the hitboxes involved, and the timing of all of these. Depending on such factors, you can move in to do an attack move, continue it into a combo, or roll dodge to change your position. When you are able to develop wounds on the monster, use the Focus Mode and the Focus Strike to destroy those to deal more damage to the monster.

While you will need to kill the monster as quickly as you can (there’s a quest timer) and being a sitting duck will result in you fainting quickly, you will need to show patience as you get habituated to the monsters you are facing and the weapons you are using. Learn how to do Superman Dive in Monster Hunter Wilds to gain frames when you are invulnerable.

Wishlist Items

Craft and upgrade weapons at the Smithy (Image via Capcom)
Craft Artian Weapons at the Smithy (Image via Capcom)

The game’s core gameplay is, of course, to hunt monsters, grind for materials, and make better and better weapons and armor. You will have to get habituated to this and spend some time at the Smithy to figure out which new weapon you want for the type you are using. There’s plenty to consider here, including the damage done and the elements. These weapons will require various parts of a monster’s body and other items, some of which will be available when you break certain parts. There’s an RNG mechanic involved too regarding what a monster will drop upon dying.

In Monster Hunter Wilds, you can also wishlist items at the Smithy. Once you do so, you will be able to see monsters that will drop the required items on your map with a unique mark.

Monster Hunter Wilds Logo

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