Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Gore Magala (Weaknesses and Rewards)

Gore Magala in Monster Hunter Wilds can be a highly challenging battle. Find out how to beat the returning beast, its weaknesses, and more.

Gore Magala in MHWilds [Source: Capcom]
Gore Magala in Monster Hunter Wilds (Source: Capcom)

Monster Hunter fans would likely be aware of Gore Magala, the huge pitch black dragon monster that was first introduced in Monster Hunter 4. The beast has made a comeback in the latest entry in the series. So, if you’re about to face off with Gore Magala in Monster Hunter Wilds, this is the guide you need. Here, we’ll discuss the weaknesses of the dragon, alongside any tips or tricks that can make the upcoming fight a bit easier for you.

Gore Magala Overview

Gore Magala in Monster Hunter Wilds Screenshot
The design of Gore Magala in the game (Source: Capcom)

Gore Magala is a large monster that you will encounter in the Iceshard Cliffs region of the game. The in-game description of the dragon tells us that lacking any sensory organs, the creature uses the scales on its wings to detect prey. After detection, it will use the same wings to slash at the prey. One of the most terrifying things about this particular foe is that it can release a Frenzy virus that infects every creature caught in its radius. So, it is extremely crucial to come prepared for the fight and exploit the monster’s weaknesses properly.

How To Unlock Gore Magala in Monster Hunter Wilds

You will unlock the Gore Magala main story quest, dubbed ‘A World Turned Upside Down,’ during Chapter 5 of the game. Until then, you won’t come face to face with the monster. After you’ve completed this mission and slain the Demi Elder dragon once, you’ll also unlock an optional quest that allows you to go up against it multiple times. The optional quest is dubbed Misty Depths. Talk to Alma to begin this optional quest, or you can also use the Pop-up camp feature to begin this mission.

Where To Find Gore Magala

You can find Gore Magala in the Iceshard Cliffs region of the game. You cannot battle this monster at Low Rank, so the fight will always be a High Rank one.

Possible Turf Wars for Gore Magala

In High Rank, Gore Magala may engage in turf wars with the following:

  • Hirabami
  • Arkveld

Gore Magala Weaknesses

Gore Magala is weak against Fire and Thunder
Gore Magala is weak against Fire and Thunder (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

If you’re going up against this challenging foe, make sure you are armed with Fire-based, Thunder-based and Dragon-based attacks or weaponry. These elements do the most damage to Gore Magala in Monster Hunter Wilds. When it comes to its ailments, it is mostly strong against all status ailment types, except Blastblight and Exhaust. So, these can be great choices when you’re looking to deal increased damage.

Gore Magala’s Weaknesses

  • Thunder
  • Fire
  • Dragon

Gore Magala’s Status Ailments

  • Blastblight
  • Exhaust

Keep in mind that the monster is immune to water-based attacks and damages, so these will be the least effective in a fight with Gore Magala.

Gore Magala’s Weak Points

You should also know which body parts to target on the monster so that you can deal increased damage. So, the first weak point you have to go for is the head, which is breakable. Next, you need to wait for the monster to unfurl its antennae, and as soon as it does, attack these too. They are breakable as well, but only when they are out.

Apart from that, you can also sever the dragon’s tail. We recommend going for this since most of the monster’s attacks are frontal. So, you should be safe when attacking from behind. You can also break off its wings when focusing attacks on these parts.

However, try to avoid its legs and torso, as Gore Magala is strongest in these regions, and your hits won’t cause much damage.

Best Weapons for Gore Magala in Monster Hunter Wilds

Best Sword and Shield Build in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Sword and Shield Build (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

You can break a lot of its weaker body parts. So, you can choose weapons that deal Slashing or Bludgeoning damage to Gore Magala. These will be more effective when you are trying to crush its head or antenna. Long Sword, Insect Glaive, Hammer, Sword, and Shield are all viable options. The weapons with slashing damage can be used to sever the beast’s tail from its body. Besides this, prioritize any weapons that deal Thunder or Fire damage, as these will take huge chunks of Gore Magala’s health off with each strike.

Here are some weapons that work well against the monster:

  • Insect Glaive
  • Sword and Shield
  • Hammer
  • Long Sword
  • Dual Blades

Also Read: How To Beat Uth Duna (Weaknesses and Rewards)

Items To Carry for the Battle

You should have plenty of the following items at hand during this fight:

  • Nulberry
  • Antivirus
  • Hot drink
  • Torch pod
  • Flaming ammo
  • Thunder pod
  • Thunder ammo
  • Dragon pod
  • Dragon ammo
  • Pitfall trap
  • Shock trap
  • Health potions
  • Mega health potions

How To Beat Gore Magala in Monster Hunter Wilds

Fighting Gore Magala
Fighting Gore Magala (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

Gore Magala can be a challenging monster to bring down because of two things: its ability to fly and its Frenzy attack. The flight ability is especially dangerous because Gore Magala will often go up in the air and then slam down at you at regular intervals during the fight. You have to dodge its slam at just the correct moment, or one of those hits may lead to your Hunter fainting. As soon as it slams down, dodge and then go right ahead to attacking its head. If you want to prevent the monster from taking flight, you could also try to break off its wings.

The next massive threat is the Frenzy virus attacks. They are unleashed in the form of AoE explosives, which can hit you if you’re close to them. If you’re hit with a Frenzy attack, you still have some time to avoid its devastating effects. So, immediately go on the offensive and attack the dragon furiously, which will stop the virus’s progress. If you manage to hit the monster a sufficient amount of times, you might get a boost to your damage and beat the virus’s effects.

However, if you don’t manage to escape the virus, your defense will suffer a sizable ailment. Having nulberries or a warm drink can also cure you of the effects of Frenzy, so keep those ready. To get rid of the Frenzy attack completely, you will need to break off the monster’s head. Use weapons that offer bludgeoning damage to break the head off quickly.

Another thing you need to watch out for would be when Gore Magala becomes enraged. At this point, it will reveal its antenna, giving you the perfect opportunity to target these weaker points. With enough damage, the antenna will break and cause massive damage to the monster. Relying on Thunder and Fire-based attacks is crucial in defeating Gore Magala in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Also Read: How To Beat Hirabami (Weaknesses and Rewards)

Tips To Defeat Gore Magala

  • The Dragon will be much more aggressive during its frenzied state. You can tell when it is in this state by checking whether the beast’s body is glowing pink in certain areas. Attack Gore Magala’s head at these instances to calm it back down to its normal state.

  • Most of its attacks use the wings, so your priority should be breaking the wings away to take away many of the attacks from its arsenal.

  • Pitfall and Shock traps are great for this fight, so make sure you use them to make the confrontation less difficult.

  • You can lure Hirabami or Arkveld to cause a turf war between the dragon and them. Make sure you take advantage of this time and lay traps or get some healing done.

Gore Magala Dropped Materials (Rewards)

Gore Magala Rewards
Gore Magala Rewards (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

You can get the following materials after defeating Gore Magala:

  • Gore Magala Feeler+
  • Gore Magala Wing+
  • Gore Magala Tail
  • Gore Magala Carapace
  • Gore Magala Scale+
  • Gore Magala Certificate S
  • Frenzy Crystal
  • Gore Magala Ripclaw+
  • Gore Magala Nyctgem

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