Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Congalala (Weaknesses and Rewards)

Beating the Fanged Beast Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds can be easy if you understand its weakness and attack patterns. 

Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Congalala
Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds (Source: Capcom)

While Monster Hunter Wilds introduces new monsters like Doshaguma, Ajarakan, and Arkveld, it also features some returning monsters. Congalala is one of the returning monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds, which originally debuted in the series in Monster Hunter 2. Congalala is a Fanged Beast-type monster, which is known for its aggressiveness and debuffing stench attacks.

If you were a veteran hunter, you would have likely encountered Congalala in previous installments. However, if you are a newcomer, here is everything you need to know about Congalala and how to defeat the monster by analysing its weaknesses.  

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Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds: Overview

The Fanged Beast resembles a pink-furred gorilla with a large tail and a hippo face. Like most Fanged Beasts, Congalala is an extremely aggressive and intelligent monster. It has long front claws, which it primarily uses for attacks. Additionally, it has been notorious among the hunters for their fart and burp debuff abilities.

Congalala is a Fanged Beast
Congalala is a Fanged Beast (Source: Capcom)

How To Unlock Congalala

You will first encounter Congalala during the Chapter 1-3 main quest, “To the Forest,” upon defeating the Lala Barina. Once unlocked, you will encounter Congalala often in forest regions. 

Where To Find Congalala

Congalala can be found in Scarlet Forest, especially in areas 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 12. A pop-up notification will appear when the monster is available in the region. You can also set up a quest hunt to track it. 

Possible Turf Wars for Congalala

Congalala has the possible turf wars against the following monsters: 

Congalala Weaknesses

Congalala’s Elemental Weaknesses

  • Fire
  • Ice

Congalala is vulnerable to fire attacks, especially when targeting its head. This makes the hunt significantly easier while multiplying the damage against its weak point. It is also weak to Ice elemental attacks. 

Congalala’s Status Weaknesses

  • Stun
  • Paralysis
  • Poison
  • Sleep
  • Blastblight
  • Exhaust

Despite Congalala’s debuff status attacks, it is susceptible to all status effects.

Congalala Weak Points

Congalala's head and rear are its primary weak points
Congalala’s head and rear are its primary weak points (Source: Deltia’s Gaming / Capcom)

Congalala has several weak spots that take increased damage compared to other monsters. Targeting these four weak points will maximize your damage output. With the head and rear being the primary weak spots of the monster, you can also opt for the tail and foreleg to deal an additional damage multiplier. Moreover, you can also break its head, tail, and foreleg by dealing consistent damage focused on those areas, weakening the monster further. 

  • Breakable: Head, Tail, Foreleg
  • Weak Point: Rear 

Best Weapons for Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds

Since Congalala is susceptible to any physical damage, for both sever or blunt attacks, you can choose any weapon that suits your playstyle. Due to their lack of speed and mobility, heavy weapons can be particularly effective for dealing massive damage. Make sure to attack its weak parts, like its head, tail, forelegs, and rear, to maximize the damage while also breaking its parts.  

Items To Carry for the Battle

Carry the following items to gain an advantage over Congalala:

  • Large Dung Pod
  • Nulberry
  • Deodorant
  • Antidote
  • Flash Pods
  • Shock Traps
  • Pitfall Traps
  • Tranq Bombs (For Capture) 

How To Beat Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds

Congalala releasing gas
Congalala releasing gas (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

While the Fanged Beast solely relies on its brute strength to fend off the hunters, its most dangerous ability is its stench debuffs, which prevent the players from using any consumable items. Congalala has a few variations of attacks with its claws, including a basic slash and a jumping charge variation. Additionally, it performs multiple consecutive slashes and then falls on its back. Dodging or blocking these attacks creates an opening for a counterattack. 

Apart from the melee attacks, it has fart and burp debuff attacks. If the beast stands on its hind legs, it indicates that it is about to release gas. Avoid them by getting away from the monster. During the fight, Congalala often picks up a food and eats it, which alters the effect of its stench attacks. 

Tips To Defeat Congalala

  • Since most of the fight with Congalala takes place in the forest, you may also get ambushed by small Congas. Wipe them out before focusing on Congalala, as they can be a major interruption during your hunt. You can also use a Large Dung Pod to disperse them. 
  • If you have been debuffed with stench, use Deodorant to remove the debuff. In case the fight takes place near any water source, wash the stench to negate the effect. 
  • It is a wise strategy to observe what Congalala is holding in its tail. Because, the effect of its fart and burps attacks will change depending on what the monster recently ate. 
  • Staying close allows you to swiftly reposition between its head, forelegs, and rear to take advantage of all its weak points. 
  • Avoid attacking its stomach, as it is highly resistant to damage. It can also enlarge its belly to bounce off an incoming attack. 

Congalala’s Dropped Materials (Rewards)

Congalala drops
Congalala drops (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

Congalala can drop the following materials when killed or captured: 

Low Rank Drops:

  • Congalala Pelt
  • Congalala Claw
  • Vibrant Pelt
  • Congalala Fang
  • Congalala Certificate

High Rank Drops:

  • Congalala Pelt+
  • Congalala Claw+
  • Vibrant Pelt+
  • Congalala Fang+
  • Congalala Certificate S
  • Beast Gem

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