Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Balahara (Weaknesses and Rewards)

Facing Balahara in Monster Hunter Wilds can be a challenging experience. Find out all about the beast to make the fight easier.

Balahara in Monster Hunter Wilds
Balahara in Monster Hunter Wilds (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

Balahara is the first leviathan monster you see in Monster Hunter Wilds (it’s practically in the intro), but you won’t be able to hunt the monster down until much later in the game. Even then, facing a beast that can swim around in the vast open desert is no small feat, and you may need all the help you can get. In this guide, we’ll take a look at how you can fight Balahara in Monster Hunter Wilds, explore its weaknesses, and provide other helpful tips. We’ll also explain what loot you can expect from the monster.

Balahara Overview

Balahara Jumps Out of the Sand
The Balahara Makes Its Appearance (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

Balahara is a monster that you’ll encounter in the Windward Plains. It is a humongous reptilian worm that can move fast, especially when you consider its size, and deal water damage. Besides the water-based attacks, it can also create quicksand traps that are extremely dangerous for its foes. It will jump out of the sand and try to overwhelm you if you’re not fast enough to dodge out of its way. Also, Balahara can climb up on rocks and ledges, after which it uses its ranged attack, namely the Waterblight, on you.

Watch out for its tail swipes when trying to attack Balahara from behind. Apart from this, also be wary of a lunge attack. You can usually tell when this is coming, as the beast will lean back in preparation. React quickly in these instances to minimize damage.

How To Unlock Balahara in Monster Hunter Wilds

The Balahara hunt is unlocked in Chapter 1 of the game during a quest named A Hunter’s Pride. It is part of an Assignment, which means you will need to complete the hunt to progress the game’s main story. It is the fifth monster that you face as part of the campaign.

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Where To Find Balahara

You can find Balahara in the Windward Plains region. The beast makes its home in the sandy dunes of the region, being able to move effortlessly through its habitat.

Possible Turf Wars for Balahara

In Low Rank, Balahara can have possible turf wars with the following:

In High Rank, Balahara might engage in turf wars with the following:

  • Arkveld
  • Chatacabra

Balahara Strengths and Weaknesses

Fighting the Balahara
Fighting the Balahara (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

Balahara in Monster Hunter Wilds is primarily weak against Thunder elemental attacks. Sonic Bombs and Paralysis are other weaknesses that you can take advantage of when facing the beast. Make sure you target its weaker body parts to deal the maximum amount of damage possible. Since its attacks are often water-based, avoid relying on water elemental attacks, as they won’t do much to chip away at the monster’s health.

  • Balahara’s Elemental Weaknesses: Thunder
  • Balahara’s Status Weaknesses: Paralysis

Balahara Weak Points

If you are looking for body parts to exploit, you should aim most of your attacks toward its head, mouth, and tail. You can sever the tail of the monster when you deal enough damage. Sustained attacks to the head will cause it to break. However, the weakest point of the beast is actually its mouth. To target this section, wait for Balahara to get ready for its mucus attack. After safely stepping out of the way, quickly take a few swings at the mouth region.

Best Weapons for Balahara in Monster Hunter Wilds

Light Bowgun Can Be the Perfect Choice Against the Balahara
Light Bowgun Can Be the Perfect Choice Against the Balahara (Image via Capcom)

Blunt weapons are a great choice when going into this fight with Balahara. Hammer and Hunting Horn are great choices because they can deal stun damage to the beast. However, if you are trying to target its weak points, blades such as the Great Sword or Long Sword can help you do that. They can also help sever the monster’s tail, taking out a major attack from its repertoire. If you are playing as a ranged hunter, Bow Guns that do piercing damage can be highly useful too.

Below are some weapons that are great for this fight:

  • Long Sword
  • Great Sword
  • Hunting Horn
  • Bow Gun

Items To Carry for the Battle

The following are some items that you should have in your possession when you take on the Balahara hunt:

  • Nulberry
  • Thunder Pods
  • Flash Pods
  • Mega Potions
  • Shock Traps

How To Beat Balahara in Monster Hunter Wilds

Pull Down Fulgurite Pillars to Damage the Balahara
Pull Down Fulgurite Pillars to Damage the Balahara (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

Beating Balahara can be difficult, but you need to focus on Thunder elemental attacks throughout the fight, as they deal the maximum damage to the beast. Be careful of the monster jumping on a ledge, as it will follow such a move by pouncing down on you. Jump out of the way of these attacks or use a wedge beetle to move away.

Throughout the fight, the monster will also unleash a mucus attack that deals Waterblight damage to you if it hits you. Either move out of the way in time or, if you’re hit, consume Nulberry to nullify its effects. Don’t go too close to the beast’s mouth, as it can also use a bite attack on you. Fortunately, you can use a Power Clash guard or Offset Attack to counter this move. You can also take this opportunity to roll to the beast’s back and take a few swings at its exposed tail.

However, if you remain near its tail for too long, it will unleash a brutal tail swipe attack. Make sure to get away or dodge when you see the monster ready its tail for this move. In some cases, you can find the perfect opportunity when Balahara leans back for its lunge bite attack. Wait for the red glowing target to appear in its mouth and Focus Strike in the region to stun the beast.

If the leviathan climbs up on a rocky pillar and starts spewing its Waterblight attack, dodge, but wait for the pillar to reveal a weakness. When the weakness appears, use your slinger to take the pillar down along with the monster. This attack can deal significant damage to Balahara.

With one of the smallest health pools among the monsters in the game, mastering the techniques we mentioned should allow you to defeat this beast easily. Make sure you keep targeting its tail, mouth, and head for a quicker end to the fight.

Tips To Defeat Balahara

The following tips can help you make short work of Balahara in Monster Hunter Wilds:

  • Don’t forget that Balahara is greatly susceptible to Paralysis. Use weapons or items found in the environment to enforce this status effect on the beast.
  • If you’re affected by Waterblight and you’re all out of Nulberry, roll repeatedly to get rid of its effect. Waterblight can reduce the rate at which your stamina recovers.
  • Watch out for quicksand pits that start to form when you’re fighting the monster in its natural habitat.
  • Use Screamer Pods whenever the monster disappears below the sand. These items will cause the monster to reappear immediately.
  • Utilize traps, such as Shock Traps and Pitfall Traps, against the monster.

Balahara’s Dropped Materials (Rewards)

Balahara Dropped Items
Balahara Dropped Items (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

Here are the rewards you get from defeating Balahara in Low Rank:

  • Balahara Shell
  • Balahara Tail
  • Balahara Certificate
  • Aqua Sac
  • Balahara Skull
  • Balahara Scale
  • Balahara Black Pearl

In High Rank, you get the following rewards:

  • Balahara Carapace
  • Balahara Scale+
  • Balahara Tail
  • Balahara Skull+
  • Torrent Sac
  • Balahara Black Pearl
  • Balahara Certificate S
  • Wyvern Gem

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