Here are the 10 best Turf Wars in Monster Hunter World and Rise, delivering stunning visuals and epic monster battle animations.

Capcom’s Monster Hunter is an action RPG franchise known for its huge monsters and Elder Dragons. Monster Hunter World, the last major installment in the franchise introduced a unique system called Turf Wars. It is an in-game mechanism featuring epic battles between monsters during the gameplay. These organic monster vs monster battles in the Monster Hunter series make the gameplay more realistic and natural.
Watching two gigantic monsters battling each other is epic and magnificent, which showcases how much detail the developers put into making these animations. This fan-favorite immersive feature was incorporated later in the Monster Hunter Rise and is returning in the upcoming Monster Hunter Wilds. Let’s peek at 10 of the best Turf War battles in Monster Hunter World and Rise that you should not miss to witness.
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1) Malzeno Vs Velkhana

Malzeno Vs Velkhana feels like a perfect way to kick off the list. This battle between two Elder dragons features in Monster Hunter Rise. Velkhana, an Elder Dragon, is introduced in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. This highly territorial monster uses cold attacks to freeze its enemies.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak saw the introduction of Malzeno, who looks similar to Velkhana. The powerful Elder Dragon Malzeno, known for its aggression, uses Qurio to attack enemies and inflict Bloodblight.
Watching these two similar Elder Dragons spinning in the air and launching counterattacks is one of the best Turf Wars you can witness. Another version of this battle replaces Malzeno with Primordial Malzeno, a variant of Malzeno.
2) Goss Harag Vs Tetranadon

Next up on our list is the battle between Goss Harag and Tetranadon in Monster Hunter Rise. Goss Harag, the bear-like Fanged Beast takes up the Amphibian monster Tetranadon.
Goss Harag starts with a powerful smash on Tetranadon’s face, sending it flying across the field. After a strong blow, Goss Harag climbs on top of Tetranadon and finishes the fight with severe blows. Despite Tetranadon entering its powerful bloated form, Goss Harag takes the spotlight with pure aggression and dominance.
3) Somnacanth Vs Aknosom

Let’s move on to our next fight with our contenders Aknosom and Somnacanth. This Turf War between the low-level monsters takes place in Monster Hunter Rise. Aknosom is a territorial Bird Wyvern that retaliates anyone crossing its borders. It performs aerial and flight attacks.
On the other hand, we have another territorial and aggressive monster Somnacanth, a Leviathan. It is a unique monster that stands with its tail during fights and can put other creatures to sleep. The battle between these monsters is fast and intense as Aknosom starts by landing a kick on Somnacanth’s face. Somnacanth retaliates by tossing Aknosom and puts an end to the fight by releasing the sleep-inducing powder.
4) Almudron Vs Bishaten

Almudron Vs Bishaten in Monster Hunter Rise is definitely one of the best-animated Turf Wars. Bishaten, the monkey-like flying Fanged Beast competing against a Leviathan Almudron, which is almost double its size.
Bishaten can perform flexible attacks and throw various fruits to attack its enemies, whereas Almudron mostly lives around the mud, and uses the surface to attack the enemies. It can even dig into the mud and launch surprise attacks. Despite its smaller size, Bishaten gives a tough fight against Almudron but eventually ends up defeated.
5) Magnamalo Vs Rathalos

Next up, we have the fierce and agile Fanged Wyvern Magnamalo against the Flying Wyverns Rathalos in Monster Hunter Rise. Rathalos, are iconic flying monsters in the franchise that perform surprise aerial attacks from the sky.
On the other hand, Magnamalo, a tiger-like predator, leaps into the enemies and performs several back-to-back attacks. Despite putting in all efforts during the battle, Rathalos is propelled toward the players from the sky and ends up defeated by Magnamalo.
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6) Great Jagras Vs Anjanath

Great Jagras Vs Anjanath is the first Turf War fight you will witness in the series, as it will be introduced in a cut scene in Monster Hunter: World. Anjanath, a Brute Wyvern, is one of the most formidable monsters in the series. Introduced in Monster Hunter: World, this T-Rex-like monster uses its powerful jaw to crush and tear its enemies.
Whereas, the Great Jagras, a Fanged Wyvern, is a low-level monster that poses a threat during the early parts of the game. Anjanath shows pure dominance and gets a clean win against Great Jagras.
7) Savage Deviljho Vs Seething Bazelgeuse

In Monster Hunter: World, Savage Deviljho Vs Seething Bazelgeuse is an epic and iconic Turf War, as both are huge and powerful. With immense aggression and strength, Savage Deviljho dominates the fight from the start by crushing Seething Bazelgeuse with its unique outward teeth.
The Flying Wyvern Seething Bazelgeuse nearly escapes from the ruthless aggression of the Brute Wyvern Savage Deviljho at the end of the battle. On the verge of losing, Seething Bazelgeuse gets saved by its explosive scales.
8) Azure Rathalos Vs Rajang

Rajang is another fierce, ultra-aggressive, and violent Fanged Beast from the franchise, that relies on its immense physical strength. Despite being smaller compared to other monsters in the games, they prove to be a worthy opponent even against Elder Dragons. On the other hand, Azure Rathalos is a Flying Wyvern and a variant of the normal Rathalos. Similar to any other flying monsters, they are quick and cunning while launching aerial attacks.
Rajang captures the Azure Rathalos’s tail when it attempts to fly. Then toss the monster on the ground with extraordinary physical strength, and emerge as the winner of this Monster Hunter: World’s Turf War.
9) Kirin Vs Rajang

The Kirin Vs Rajang battle in Monster Hunter: World is another battle that shows the immense power of Rajang. This battle serves as a cut scene for the introduction of Rajang. Kirin, a Unicorn-like Elder Dragon, attacks its opponent with powerful lightning attacks and summons lightning with its horns.
Although being an Elder Dragon, Kirin can’t stand against Rajang’s agility. The battle favors Rajang over Kirin, resulting in Rajang breaking the horn of Kirin and becoming the victor.
10) Savage Deviljho Vs Blackveil Vaal Hazak

Lastly, we have another Turf War featuring the formidable and aggressive monster Savage Deviljho. This time it battles against the Elder Dragon Blackveil Vaal Hazak. The Blackveil Vaal Hazak appears similar to its normal variant Vaal Hazak, with some minor differences. The main advantage of Blackveil Vaal Hazak is its Effluvium-infused attacks.
As usual, Savage Deviljho kicks off the battle with pure aggression and takes the upper hand until it gets injured by Blackveil Vaal Hazak’s Effluvium attacks.
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