33 Immortals: How to increase Feat Level

Discover everything you need to know about how to increase the Feat level in 33 Immortals and the best tips and tricks for it.

33 Immortals: How to increase Feat Level
33 Immortals: How to increase Feat Level (Source: Thunder Lotus Games)

Leveling up Feat is the crucial way to unlock new Features and strengthen your character in 33 Immortals. Speak to Beatrice in the Dark Woods to see all the Feats available and their requirements. Each Feat will require the completion of a few tasks. The tasks are relatively simple for the early levels. As you complete each Feat, your character’s Feat level will increase.

Increasing the Feat Level will grant you further opportunities. One of the most crucial ones is upgrading weapons. You can only upgrade weapons at Feat Level 6. So, to permanently increase the damage and attacks of your favorite weapon, you must increase the Feat Level. Before heading out to Beyond, always check the Feats to see which tasks you can complete Solo and which require the assistance of other players. In this guide, we’ll discuss how to increase the Feat level in 33 Immortals and how they impact your gameplay.

How do Feat Levels Work in 33 Immortals?

feat level in 33 immortals
feat level in 33 immortals

During the tutorial, you are introduced to Beatrice and the Feat system. Completing the challenges tied to enemies’ objectives, weapons, and more will reward you points that increase your overall Feat level. It also allows you to gain powerful passives that you can use in combat. Stat increases whenever you complete a specific cluster. You should aim to master every weapon and if you haven’t experimented with them all, make sure to do because they have their own categories. Every time you increase your Feat level, you gain eternal shards and paragons.

However, at certain levels, you gain access to additional perk slots and new major systems. At level 3, you unlock the ability to start earning relic tokens as the world drops. This becomes more important at higher levels. At level 6, you can begin to upgrade the various weapons, overall power, and performance. This ranged from effects to straight-up stat boosts. Finally, at level 8, you gain the ability to wish for relics in the relic collection. You can see if you aren’t trying to complete as many Feats during each run as possible, you will lag behind other players making that effort.

The Feats are divided into two different sections, Minor Feats, and Major Feats. Minor Feats in 3 Immortals are specific objectives that grant you Feat Points upon completion. Once you fill the Feat Level bar, you complete a Major Feat. This allows you to unlock permanent stat improvements and other rewards like Eternal Shards. Eternal Shards are basically a currency that you can earn by opening chests, destroying urns, completing quests, and killing monsters. Use the shards to unlock the new perks in the game.  Completing a full set of Minor Feats grants +10 permanent health while unlocking the Party II Major Feat. You can see your Feats and your current Feat level by talking to Beatrice in the Dark Woods before every run. Completing a Major Feat also rewards you with a star fragment.

Feat and Levels in 33 Immortals Explained

feats for rewards
feats for rewards

Everything starts and ends in the dark woods. This is the staging ground for you and other players. You will find and earn access to all of the game’s rogue-like progression system through the various NPCs. The most important NPC in the dark woods is Beatrice. She grants access to the Feats. These are your primary long-term progression goals and each one you complete you a certain number of points that contribute to your overall Feat level. As that level increases, you unlock entirely new gameplay features, systems, and even bonuses to your character. However, it requires you to really understand these to know what you need to achieve during each run for maximum gain.

Completing Feats also grants you rewards often in the form of permanent stat bonuses for things like health, damage, and even damage resistance.  This allows you to push further and faster in every run.  Additionally, completing major Feats will culminate in you earning 14 stars that will unlock the Crown of Immortality.  Feats are the major source of increasing your power and boosting strength. Focus on completing an objective, opening up a chest, or killing enemies to increase your Feat level faster.  You can also level up Feats and improve your Feat level by learning the weapon in the game.

Each weapon in 33 Immortal comes with its own Feats that can be improved. Completing the in-game objectives allows gaining Feat points that increase your Feat level. You will level up and get access to powerful upgrades like weapon enchantments after you have collected enough Feat points. Get additional perk slots and a relic wishlist with your Feat level.

Feat Objectives

You need to check the available objectives before each run in the game. It’s best to focus on completing them as soon as possible. You gain a bonus reward for accomplishing the full set of objectives. If you already completed the objective during the run, then they can’t be reset after returning back to dark wood.

Switch the Weapons

 In 33 Immortals, the four weapons have their own Feat that you can unlock and level up to make them more powerful. It’s best to switch between the weapons during the runs, so don’t stick to your favorite weapons. Doing this makes sure that you earn the weapon-related Major Feats, allowing you to gain Feat levels.

Complete Daily Quests

You can get three different daily quests each day from the Bulletin Board in Dark Woods. However, the quests have pretty straightforward objectives. Complete them during the run to gain useful rewards and Feat points. Each day you will receive different quests and you use Stardust to reroll them. Use the Stardust only when you feel that the quests are difficult or time-consuming.

Play Co-Op

Improve the Feat levels by playing the Co-Op. The best thing about playing Co-Op is that you also get to progress the major Feats as well. You will get different objectives and each one grants 10 Feat points upon completion. Finishing all the objectives not only provides you Feat points but also +10 permanent health while unlocking the Party II Major Feat. The major Feat has the following objectives.

  • Complete 5 Torture Chambers while in a Party
  • Do 10,000 Co-Strikes while in a Party
  • Kill 500 Monsters while in a Party

Gain permanent stat upgrades and unlock unique Features by increasing your Feat level in 33 Immortals.

Feat Level Tips and Tricks in 33 Immortals

chest key in 33 immortals

Here are all the tips and tricks to level up Feats in 33 Immortals.

  • Completing the Feat objectives in the game is the major source of leveling up Feats.
  • Regularly speak with Beatrice in the Dark Woods to see your current Feats and track your progress. This allows you to focus on specific objectives during your runs.
  • It’s best to focus on weapon-specific Feats as each weapon has its Feats.
  • Take part in co-op actions, such as attacking the same enemy as other players or reviving teammates.
  • Unlock the ability to equip more Perks as you increase your Feat level.
  • Complete the daily quests regularly to gain more Feat points. The more Feat points you have, the faster your Feat level increases.
  • Consider switching weapons to gain Feat points associated with that specific weapon.

FAQs about Feat Level in 33 Immortals

What is the Feat level in 33 Immortals?

The Feat level in 33 Immortals is the Meta Progression system that provides stat bonuses, new weapon skins, and additional Features.

How to increase the Feat level in 33 Immortals?

Completing the in-game objectives, allows you to collect Feat Points. These points are used to level up Feats and unlock powerful upgrades.

At what level you can upgrade weapons?

You can only upgrade weapons at Feat Level 6. Consider switching weapons to gain Feat points associated with that specific weapon.

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