Discover four exciting Shiny Pokemon that you can hunt during Pokemon GO Holiday Part 1, along with event bonuses.

Niantic is celebrating the festive season with the Pokemon GO Holiday Part 1 event. The event will run from December 17, 2024, at 10 AM local time to December 22, 2024, at 9:59 AM local time. The event features many winter-themed Costume Pokemon, all of which have the chance to appear as Shinies.
Collectors are eagerly hunting sought-after Shiny Costume Pokemon during this event. Two exciting new Shinies – Sandygast and Costume Dedenne, will be available in Pokemon GO for the first time.
Here are 4 Shiny Pokemon trainers should look out for in this event:
1. Sandygast

Sandygast will be making its Shiny debut during this event. Due to its striking black color, the Sand Heap Pokemon is one of the most coveted Shinies among players. Trainers can encounter Sandygast in the wild, though the chances of a Shiny encounter are slim. Since it will also be featured in One-Star Raids, trainers will have a much higher chance of finding a Shiny there.
The Raid difficulty is relatively easy. Players can use Water, Dark, and Ghost-type Pokemon to target Sandygast’s weaknesses.
2. Costume Dedenne

While Shiny Dedenne is available in the game, its costumed form is appearing for the first time during this event. There are three ways to obtain this costume Shiny:
- By defeating it in One-Star Raids.
- Completing the Field Research task “Earn 2 Candies walking with your Buddy.” (Dedenne is also one of six possible rewards)
- Wild encounter while using the Daily Adventure Incense.
Trainers can target its weakness to Poison and Ground-type attacks by using Pokemon such as Groudon and Nihilego.
3. Pichu (With Summer Flair)

Shiny Pichu wearing a summer hat is back in 7 km Eggs. The only way to collect this Pokemon during this event is by hatching eggs. One of the event’s bonuses includes half hatch distance, so it is easier and faster to hatch these special eggs and get a chance at the Shiny.
4. Latios and Latias

The Eon Pokemon, Latios and Latias, will be featured in Mega Raids during this event. Mega Latios will be in Raids until December 19 at 09:59 AM local time, while Mega Latias will take its place after that.
Both Pokemon are significantly hard to beat, so trainers must be well-prepared to take them on. On the bright side, Mega Raids offer higher Shiny rates, so Shiny hunting the duo is somewhat easier.
Available Shinies in Pokemon GO Holiday Part 1
Here’s a list of all the Shiny Pokemon trainers can hunt during the event:
In The Wild:
- Alolan Diglett
- Alolan Sandshrew
- Litleo
- Costume Delibird (wearing a holiday ribbon)
- Numel
- Snover
- Swinub
- Darumaka
- Sandygast (Shiny debut)
- Bergmite
In Raids:
The Tier 6 Megas:
- Mega Latios (From December 12, 10 AM local time, to December 19, 09:59 AM local time.)
- Mega Latias (From December 19, 10 AM local time, to December 26, 09:59 AM local time.)
One-Star Raids:
- Sandygast
- Costume Pikachu (wearing a Winter Carnival outfit)
- Costume Psyduck (wearing holiday attire)
- Costume Dedenne (wearing holiday attire)
Three-Star Raids:
- Costume Stantler (wearing a holiday outfit)
- Costume Glaceon (wearing an Undersea Holiday outfit)
- Cryogonal
In Event-Themed 7 km Eggs:
- Hisuian Growlithe
- Costume Pichu (with summer flair)
- Costume Spheal (wearing a holiday scarf)
- Costume Cubchoo (wearing a holiday ribbon)
- Amaura
Note: Charcadet is the only 7 km Egg Pokemon not shiny eligible.
Pokemon GO Holiday Part 1 Event Bonuses
The following bonuses will be active during Pokemon GO Holiday Part 1:
- Double XP from catching Pokemon.
- Half hatch distance for Eggs placed in Incubators during the event.
Players can also buy a $2 ticket to access a Timed Research. The exclusive research includes rewards like two Premium Battle Passes, one Incubator, 1,500 Stardust, and encounters with event-themed Pokemon.
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