5 Beginner Tips for Slitterhead That Players Need To Keep in Mind

In this guide, we shall discuss five beginner tips for Slitterhead that will ensure a smoother experience for you.

Promotional art for Slitterhead (Source: Bokeh Game Studio)
Promotional art for Slitterhead (Source: Bokeh Game Studio)

Slitterhead is a survival/action horror game coming from some of the most influential horror minds in the industry. The game is a love letter from the devs to horror fans and throws you into a bizarre world under invasion by grotesque alien-like creatures called Slitterheads.

The game combines the best of action and body horror to create an unforgettable and unsettling experience. However, despite it all feeling so familiar and the game utilizing common horror tropes, it can still be difficult at times for beginners. 

In this guide, we shall discuss 5 beginner tips for Slitterhead that players should remember to make their experience smoother.

1) Switch Bodies Often 

Switch bodies (Source: Bokeh Game Studio)
Switch bodies (Source: Bokeh Game Studio)

The game puts you in control of a spirit looking to take down the Slitterheads. This spirit can hop from one body to another, allowing you to control different living beings in the area. As you fight the Slitterheads, you can make the body switch in the middle of combat. Switching bodies gives you a temporary boost to your attack power and abilities, making you stronger. Keep switching bodies to maintain the boost and make fights easier. 

2) Watch Out for Rarities

Rarities come with cool abilities (Source: Bokeh Game Studio)
Rarities come with cool abilities (Source: Bokeh Game Studio)

Rarities are unique creatures you can possess, each with their distinct special abilities. These creatures have special powers, such as retractable Wolverine-esque claws or stronger defenses, higher health, and much more. We recommend using these stronger characters during boss fights and not wasting them on smaller enemies. 

3) Heal As Often As You Can

Heal as often as you can (Source: Bokeh Game Studio)
Heal as often as you can (Source: Bokeh Game Studio)

Healing in Slitterhead is fairly unique in that you have to consume blood to do so. As battles rage on, blood splatters around you and on the ground. By pressing the heal button, you can absorb these blood splatters to regenerate yourself back to full and make that comeback. 

4) Explore Thoroughly 

Slitterhead Achievements and Trophies
Explore, explore and explore (Source: Bokeh Game Studio)

Kowlong is a central hub rich not only in culture but also in secrets to find. The map is massive, with secrets hidden behind every other corner. Finding these secrets rewards you with new Rarities, new memories, optional bosses, and a variety of new cosmetics. 

5) Block and Assess

Slitterhead Undying Scorn Walkthrough
Block and exploit openings (Source: Bokeh Game Studio)

Your enemies in Slitterhead move fast and hit hard, and it can be difficult to keep up with the pace of these grotesque monstrosities. The trick is that you don’t have to. Blocking is the most effective option in the game, even more so than parrying or dodging, as it is low-effort and minimizes risk. It also gives you the much-needed breathing room to think and strategize while waiting for an opening.  

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