5 Horror Games To Not Miss Out on During the Steam Spring Sale 2025

There are lots of single and multiplayer horror games you should try out while the Steam Spring Sale 2025 is ongoing.

Horror will keep you on your toes (Image via Capcom, Unknown Worlds Entertainment, Gearbox Software and Konami Digital Entertainment) 5 Horror Games To Not Miss Out on During the Steam Spring Sale 2025
This genre will keep you on your toes (Image via Capcom, Unknown Worlds Entertainment, Gearbox Software and Konami Digital Entertainment)

Horror games can be tense, fun and exhilarating to play, whether you are alone or playing with a friend. Horror has always remained as one of the core genres of gaming since the 1990s. Since then games have only continued to evolve due to technological advancements, which provide enhanced graphics, with better lighting and sound.

Here are some horror games you should consider grabbing as part of the Steam Spring Sale 2025.

Read More: 5 Turn Based RPGs To Not Miss Out on During the Steam Spring Sale 2025

Dead Space

This sci-fi horror franchise has been around for almost two decades now. The 2023 remake of original Dead Space comes with revamped graphics and audio design. The game follows Isaac Clarke as he tries to piece together the mystery surrounding the events of the USG Ishimura and its crew.

This game is sure to keep you on your toes, as you try to solve the puzzle. The game is currently available for a massive 75% discount.

Alien: Isolation

This game takes place 15 years after the events of the original film, which is considered to be a classic horror film. Alien: Isolation does not disappoint in that regard, as you find yourself hunted by a xenomorph. This title sets itself apart from other horror games, as the monster learns from your tactics throughout the game.

Use one tactic repeatedly, and it might not work anymore. This adds to the suspense and thrill factor. There is a 75% discount on this title as well.


This underwater exploration game can be plenty scary. The game makes sure to remind you that no matter how big and strong you might get, there’s always a bigger fish in the ocean. The main objective of the game is to find a way to leave the planet you’re trapped on. However, to do this, you need to explore the deepest and darkest depths of the ocean floor.

Needless to say, Subnautica will ensure that you don’t get comfortable in your chair. You can buy this game at half the price right now due to a 50% discount.

Resident Evil 4

The Resident Evil series is a mainstay in the horror genre. There have been lots of great games in this franchise. Resident Evil 4 is often considered by many to be one of the best of the franchise. You play as the iconic Leon Kennedy on his quest to save the President’s daughter.

Combine this with the fact that the remake is currently sitting at a 50% discount, you shouldn’t miss out on this gem of a horror game.

Silent Hill 2

This game follows the protagonist, James Sunderland, on his quest to uncover the mystery behind a letter he receives from his deceased wife. The game received critical acclaim for its scary atmosphere, and emotional story alongside great audio and visual design. Silent Hill 2 will be an amazing experience to go through, and fans should not miss the opportunity to purchase it with a 30% discount right now.

These were 5 horror games you should definitely not miss out on during the Steam Spring Sale of 2025. What other horror games would you recommend?

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