It is not easy to earn money quickly in GTA Online. Here are a few ways you can become a rich criminal in Los Santos.

Making money in GTA Online can feel like a task. If you are starting in 2024, it could seem like a long road before you become a rich criminal in Los Santos. However, there are shortcuts if a player is willing to adopt some risks.
Before starting off the list, we would like to give an honorary mention to Heists. You can never go wrong with these missions if you wish to earn quick money in GTA Online.
On top of the money, Heists will also let you enjoy your online session with your friends. Heists that require a high skill level, let you earn up to 400K GTA$ per hour. With that out of the way, let us start with the rest of the list.
Before starting, kindly note that there are more ways than the ones listed here, to make money in GTA Online. The following list is not ranked in any order.
1. Auto Shop Robbery Contracts

All you have to do here is purchase an Auto Shop business and complete the Impounded Car setup mission. Now, you should have access to the Job Board outside the office in the building. Kick off a Robbery Contract, which can be done solo if you don’t have a reliable partner. If you manage to complete Union Depository Contact, you will have access to 300K GTA$.
Even the rest of the contracts have a sweet payout, which are worth coming back for. The finale mission is generally preceded by two setup missions. So, be ready for them.
2. Agency Security Contracts

You first have to purchase an Agency. Once done, use the computer in your office to access Security Contracts. You will get options like Asset Protection, Recovering Valuables, and Rescue Operations. All you have to do is eliminate the threats surrounding these assets.
The pay is solely dependent on the difficulty here. For example, if a mission is more difficult, you can expect a payout of 60K GTA$, or more. After completing a contract, another one won’t be accessible until the cooldown is done. It should usually take you around 5 minutes in real life. This is probably to stop players from printing endless money in the game.
You can swoop in and gather at least 2, 3, or more of these contracts within an hour and obtain a decent income as they are not all that complex.
3. Payphone Assassinations

After purchasing an Agency, keep working on those Security Contracts. Complete them at your convenience. Once you are done with at least three of them, you will have gained access to the Payphone Hits.
If you are near a ringing payphone, simply just walk up to it and pick up the call. However, you don’t always have to be at the discretion of these random occurrences. Feel free to call Franklin in your contacts and request a hit. Your map will lead you to the nearest payphone for an assassination contract.
Eliminating the bounty target can pay you up to 15K GTA$. And those who manage to meet the bonus criteria could get up to 70K GTA$ extra! The drawback is that you would have to wait around 20 minutes after completing one of these.
4. Gunrunning Club

If you are somebody who likes passive money whilst doing other stuff in GTA Online, owning an Online Gunrunning or a Motorcycle Club can multiply your virtual monetary gains. First and foremost, buy a Bunker. Next, buy or steal supplies for the business you are setting up. Whenever you are ready, the game will convert these supplies into products you can then sell at a profit.
If you leave your stock resting for too long, it can become too much for a single player because selling it requires completing a specific mission. So, those who play with friends can stock up the products for quick and sudden gains. But if you play alone, we suggest that you sell your stock on the regular.
5. Time Trials

Those who don’t like competitive races can always opt for Time Trials. Don’t get us wrong here. These are still races, but others are not directly involved. You will drive your vehicle against time. Although they are only available weekly, you can do them on the side for some good extra earnings.
Completing one can pay you almost 50K GTA$ while you only have to invest a few minutes while driving. If you take longer than, or around 10 minutes, this challenge may not be for you. But if you can get it right, it doesn’t require much of an investment.
6. Some Less Profitable Businesses

When it becomes too much of a grind to earn some GTA$, kick back, relax, and start an Air Freight Cargo or Nightclub business instead. These are less profitable versions of Special Cargo and Gunrunning, respectively. However, the plus point is that you don’t have to invest as much in these businesses.
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