Dive into the world of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! Check out our list of the 7 most powerful Dragon-types and learn how to use them.

There is no dearth of powerful Pokemon types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. From Psychic types to simple water or fire types. However, one type that has consistently maintained its strong stature since its introduction back in the first-generation games is the Dragon-type Pokemon. If you are wondering which are the strongest Dragon-types to catch in the game, this guide is exactly what you need to go through.
7 Strongest Dragon-Types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Here is a list of the seven most powerful Dragon types in the game, in no particular order.
- Number 7: Archaludon
- Number 6: Koraidon
- Number 5: Kingdra
- Number 4: Hydreigon
- Number 3: Walking Wake
- Number 2: Dragapult
- Number 1: Baxcalibur
Now, let’s understand what makes these Pokemon some of the most powerful in the Dragon type category.
Number 7: Archaludon

Introduced as part of the Indigo Disk DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, it is the evolved form of Duraludon, which was an already powerful Pokemon. Exposure to metal allow will turn your Duraludon into the more powerful Archaludon. One of the Steel/Dragon types, this powerful Pokemon has a range of learned moves in its arsenal. These include Metal Claw, Flash Cannon, Dragon Tail, and more. It has an exclusive learned move known as Electro Shot, where it absorbs electricity from the environment and then lets it out in a powerful shot.
Number 6: Koraidon

This next Pokemon on our list is a legendary Dragon/Fighting type that’s an ancestor of Cylizar. You can catch this one in Pokemon Scarlet in the Area Zero location. Koraidon is highly effective in battle, doing major damage with its learned abilities. Drain Punch, Collision Course, Dragon Claw, and Giga Impact are some of the Pokemon’s learned moves. These abilities have made Koraidon one of the favorites when attempting Terra Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Number 5: Kingdra

Kingdra is one of the most versatile Pokemon on this list with its Water/Dragon type combination. An evolved form of Seadra, it comes with a ton of useful resistances, which allow the Pokemon to take on various kinds of roles. For instance, you can easily rely on Yawn or Flip Turn to use the Pokemon as a utility wall. On the other hand, the Focus Energy ability ensures that you can utilize it as a setup sweeper. While Kingdra might not be the best at any one role, its versatile nature is what makes it a string dragon type to have in your arsenal.
You can catch the Pokemon in the Terrarium region during Tera Raids if you have the Indigo Disk DLC installed. Also, read about our guide on the Shiny Rayquaza Tera Raids.
Number 4: Hydreigon

Hydreigon is a pseudo-legendary Pokemon belonging to the Dark/Dragon type. First introduced in the fifth generation, Hydreigon is one of the most powerful additions to your collection. It has an extremely high Special Attack stat that you can take advantage of in battles. To acquire the Pokemon, you must own Pokemon Scarlet.
You can catch it during raids, or you can evolve Zweilous if you have one. Pokemon Violet owners can only get Hydreigon if they trade with someone who owns the Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet. Some of its learned moves include Dragon Breath, Assurance, Crunch, and more. Hydreigon has the Levitate ability.
Number 3: Walking Wake

During the second generation, one of the legendary Paradox Water/Dragon types that were launched was Walking Wake. It’s the ancient form of Suicune. The Pokemon comes with a decent 109-speed and 125 Special Attack stat. Its Hydro Steam signature move also receives a damage boost if you manage to use it in harsh sunlight.
You can pair this attack with its Protosynthesis ability (similar to other Paradox Pokemon) to unleash an even more devastating special attack stat. Some of its other learned moves include Flamethrower, Dragon Breath, Breaking Swipe, and Aqua Jet.
Check out our list of the top 10 Paradox Pokemon based on their designs.
Number 2: Dragapult

This pseudo-legednary Pokemon is an evolved form of Dreepy, and it is a Dragon/Ghost type. The Pokemon has incredible stealth and attack stats that make it a valuable addition to your team. With its signature move of Dragon Darts, you can essentially deal critical damage twice in a row. Other learned moves include Hex, Phantom Force, Last Resort, and Assurance. Besides evolving Dreepy, you can also get Dragapult in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet through Tera Raids.
Number 1: Baxcalibur

Baxcalibur is a powerful Pokemon that evolves from a cute little Pokemon known as Frigibax. The pseudo-legendary Pokemon falls under the Dragon/Ice types. It has a range of powerful abilities, including Thermal Exchange. This essentially allows the Pokemon to deal double damage after it suffers a fire-type attack. Baxcalibur is also the only Pokemon in the game that has the Glaive Rush ability, which allows it to charge head-long at the enemy.
However, there’s a downside to unleashing this move. During the next turn, enemy attacks are guaranteed to hit Baxcalibur and cause double their normal damage.
That sums it up for our list of the most powerful Dragon-type Pokemon you can find in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. We hope this list will help you prioritize which of them to catch first.
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