How To Complete Heroic Journey in Marvel Rivals

Are you confused about completing Heroic Journey in Marvel Rivals? Here are a few simple tricks that can get you up to speed.

Heroic Journey challenges marvel rivals
Heroic Journey challenges (Source: NetEase)

Heroic Journey is one of the Achievements in Marvel Rivals that players have to grind a lot for. All four Achievements that can be accessed from the Career section are difficult to complete. These are all varied. However, Heroic Journey has to be one of the most difficult ones to complete. This is because of the challenges that this Achievement requires you to complete.

Other Achievements like the Chronoverse Saga, have slightly easier challenges compared to the Heroic Journey. How do you complete it, though? Well, there is no shortcut, but the S1 Eternal Night Falls update has given certain liberty to the players. The Doom Match in the Sanctum Sanctorum lets players fight in a free-for-all match. This means that you can join with a friend and help each other finish the challenges a bit more easily!

I am not sure if it works in the same way in a custom match. You can try it out on your own. However, one thing I know for sure is that you only get the challenge rewards after completing a match. So, don’t leave a match in progress because you won’t get the reward otherwise.

All Challenges in Heroic Journey in Marvel Rivals

Name of AchievementHow To CompletePoints
Daughters of LibertyAs Invisible Woman, partner with Black Widow to score 1 KO5
Learn THIS, bub!As Wolverine, take down an enemy Magneto5
Jian and KatanaAs Psylocke, partner with Iron Fist to score 1 KO5
A Better PlanAs Star-Lord, issue the “Fall Back!” ping 3 times5
Shattered RealityTake down an enemy Scarlet Witch while playing Scarlet Witch5
Web, White, and BlueAs Spider-Man, partner with Captain America to land 1 KO5
Red ReunionAs Black Widow, partner with Winter Soldier to land 1 KO5
Frozen FathomsAs Luna Snow, freeze an enemy Namor with Absolute Zero5
Master and ApprenticeAs Magik, partner with Doctor Strange to land 1 KO5
Tree TalkAs Groot, issue a ping and receive a response from allies5
Street JusticeAs Cloak and Dagger, partner with Spider-Man to land 1 KO5
RagnarökedAs Hela, team up with Loki to take down Thor5
No Love LostAs Storm, partner with Black Panther to land 1 KO5
Arrow’s BiteAs Hawkeye, partner with Black Widow to land 1 KO5
Vengeance & GloryAs Punisher, partner with Captain America to land 1 KO5
Puny God!As Monster Hulk, slam an enemy Loki with World Breaker5
Rodent RampageAs Rocket Raccoon, assist Squirrel Girl in landing 1 KO5
Brotherly LoveAs Loki, help Thor land 1 KO5
To Solve EverythingAs Mister Fantastic, partner with Iron Man to land 1 KO5
Psychic SistersAs Mantis, help Psylocke land 1 KO5
Clash of KingsAs Black Panther, take down an enemy Namor5
Moonlit HelAs Moon Knight, partner with Hela to land 1 KO5
Spider-FightersAs Penny Parker, partner with Spider-Man to land 1 KO5
Stark Fan Club FounderAs Squirrel Girl, partner with Iron Man to land 1 KO5
Getting ChummyAs Namor, land 1 KO with an assist from Jeff the Land Shark5
Brothers in ArmsAs Winter Soldier, land 1 KO with an assist from Rocket Raccoon5
Like Old TimesAs Captain America, land 1 KO with the help of Winter Soldier5
Beard BrosAs Iron Man, partner with Doctor Strange to land 1 KO5
The Odinson Returns!As Thor, take down an enemy Loki5
Inner StrengthAs Doctor Strange, knock out Hulk’s soul with the Eye of Agamotto5
House of MAs Magneto, partner with Scarlet Witch to land 1 KO5
King in GoldAs Adam Warlock, take down an enemy Venom5
Wanna Make a Snow Shark?As Jeff, land 1 KO with the help of Luna Snow5
Broken BondAs Venom, take down an enemy Spider-Man5
The New Agents of AtlasAs Iron Fist, land 1 KO with an assist from Luna Snow5
Homo SuperiorAs Magneto, assist Mutant allies 10 times5
No More MutantsAs Scarlet Witch, take down Mutant enemies 10 times10
Lady of the HouseAs Invisible Woman, assist Fantastic Four members 10 times10
Might of FuxiAs Iron Fist, land 3 KOs in a single use of Living Chi10
Rage UncagedAs Wolverine, land 3 KOs with a single use of Last Stand10
Way of the ButterflyAs Psylocke, contest the mission area for 60 seconds in a single match10
Snack Attack!As Jeff the Land Shark, swallow 4 enemies with a single use of It’s Jeff!10
Family TiesAs Adam Warlock, forge a soul bond with 3 allies from the Guardians of the Galaxy10
Demon’s RoarAs Magik, land 3 KO’s in a single transformation into Darkchild10
Vicious VinesAs Groot, imprison 4 enemies with a single use of Strangling Prison10
King of the DeadAs Black Panther, land a 3-player KO streak in Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda: Hall of Djalia10
Symphony of Light and DarkAs Cloak & Dagger, assist allies in achieving a team wipe10
Terror of the Ten RealmsAs Hela, land a 3-player KO streak in Yggsgard: Yggdrasil Path10
Justice for All!As Captain America, land 3 KOs in a single use of Freedom Charge10
Perilous PortalAs Doctor Strange, land 1 terrain KO with the portal10
God of TreacheryAs Loki, land 1 KO by stabbing from behind10
Smoke ScreenAs Punisher, land 3 KOs amidst the smoke of Scourge Grenade in a single game10
Go Get ‘Em, Guardians!As Rocket Raccoon, revive the Guardians of the Galaxy members 5 times.10
Watch Your Step!As Peni Parker, blast 3 enemies with a single use of Arachno-Mine10
Multiverse TourAs Luna Snow, complete a match on 5 maps with different themes10
“Ahh, those tiny claws!”As Squirrel Girl, land 3 KOs with a single use of Unbeatable Squirrel Tsunami10
Bouncing IdeasAs Mister Fantastic, bounce 5 times in a single Brainiac Bounce10
Divine JusticeAs Thor, strike down 4 enemies with a single use of God of Thunder10
Arm RaceAs Winter Soldier, land 3 KOs with a single use of Kraken Impact10
To Me, My X-Men!As Storm, assist X-Men members 10 times10
Victory in BloomAs Mantis, assist allies in achieving a team wipe10
Spider-Sense Tingling!As Spider-Man, detect an enemy with Spider-Sense and land a winning counter-attack10
Aquatic AssaultAs Namor, summon Monstro spawn to land 10 KOs in a game10
Vengeance for the Milano!As Star-Lord, land 10 KOs with assists from the Guardians of the Galaxy10
Flawless DesignAs Iron-Man, hit 4 enemies with a single use of Invincible Pulse Cannon10
Grip of HungerAs Venom, snare 4 enemies with a single use of Cellular Corrosion10
Deadly BitesAs Black Widow, land 3 KOs with critical hits in a single match10
West Coast, Best CoastAs Hawkeye, partner with the Avengers to land 10 KOs10
Smart is New SmashAs Bruce Banner, land 1 KO within 3 seconds of calming down from the Hulk to Banner10
Punishment of the MoonAs Moon Knight, hit 4 enemies with a single use of Hand of Khonshu10

ALSO READ: Veni Vidi V… Achievement Guide Marvel Rivals

What Rewards Does Heroic Journey in Marvel Rivals Give You?

The rewards that Heroic Journey has in store for you (Source: NetEase)

There are plenty of amazing rewards waiting for you if you pay attention to the Heroic Journey achievement! Best of all, you get Units for reaching certain milestones. These are enough to get you an expensive 1600 Costume Bundle from the store. It will require you to grind for sure, but I think it will be worth it for the hero that you “main.”

Completing each challenge will grant you certain achievement points. Each milestone has a difference of about 40 points up until 480 Achievement Points. After that, each milestone is only 30 points away. The rewards for reaching each milestone are listed below:

  • Up until 160 points, the reward for reaching each milestone is 100 Units. If you have hit all of them, you will have gained 400 Units in total.

  • At 200 points, players will get a free Ivory Breeze costume for Storm.

  • After that, the 100-Units streak continues up to 320 points.

  • Starting at 360 points, players will start getting 200 Units for each milestone.

  • At 400 points, players will get a free Jovial Star costume for Star Lord.

  • You can expect 200 more Units at 440 Points and the Heroic Ally title that you can apply to your nameplate at 480 points.

  • From points 480-540, the difference between milestones reduces down to 30 points. You will get 200 Units for completing each milestone until you reach the end.

Heroic Journey is the only Achievement in Marvel Rivals that rewards you for playing through the entire roster. So, it is ever-expanding. With the start of Season 1, challenges related to Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman were also added.

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