Monster Hunter Wilds Charge Blade: Weapon Guide

Everything you need to know about the Charge Blade in Monster Hunter Wilds, including its basic combos, Focus Strikes, and more.

Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)
Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)

The Charge Blade in Monster Hunter Wilds is an incredibly powerful weapon, especially with an elemental build. Much like in the past titles, the Charge Blade in Monster Hunter Wilds excels at both raw and elemental damage types. However, with its new Focus Strike, the weapon has gained a massive buff in terms of its elemental damage.

The Charge Blade is considered the most “difficult to learn” weapon type in Monster Hunter. However, in the latest Monster Hunter title, the weapon has received some significant tweaks that make it viable even for newcomers. Although the weapon is still incredibly technical, most of its complexity has been streamlined, especially when it comes to Guard Points and mobility.

Much like the Dual Blades, the Charge Blade is best used with an elemental build. However, it’s also capable of dishing out impressive raw damage, which can come in handy against certain monsters in the game. Here’s everything you need to know about the Charge Blade in Monster Hunter Wilds.

How To Use the Charge Blade in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Charge Blade in Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)
Charge Blade in Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)

The Charge Blade, much like the Switch Axe, has two modes – a Sword Mode and an Axe Mode. The weapon by default uses the Sword Mode during most of its regular combos. However, once you charge up the Sword by attacking, you can transfer the energy to the Phials in the Shield.

Once all the Phials are filled, you can use the weapon’s transformation combo to switch into the Axe Mode and deal a ton of damage. The Sword Mode gives you plenty of mobility and also the ability to block and counter attacks. Whereas the Axe Mode is essentially meant to be used as a finisher. Refilling the Phials can be a bit cumbersome at first, but with a bit of practice, it’s quite easy to master.

One thing that you should note while using the Charge Blade is that you should never let the Sword Over-charge. Once the Sword is fully charged, it will start bouncing off of the monster, dealing no damage. This is an indication that you need to bank the charge into the Phials. The energy stored in the Phials does not dissipate over time. As such, it’s best not to spam your Axe Mode combos as soon as you bank the Phial charges. In the Axe Mode, you can use the Super Amped Element Discharge (SAED) to deal a ton of elemental damage.

The Charge Blade is an excellent weapon to choose if you’re going for an Elemental Blight-focused build. Here are the basic combos for the Charge Blade in Monster Hunter Wilds:

Sword Mode

CombosButton Combinations (PlayStation/Xbox)
Weak SlashTriangle/Y
Charged Double SlashHold-Circle > Circle/Hold-B > B
Forward SlashTriangle+Circle/Y+B
Savage Axe SlashTriangle (after Perfect Guard)/Y (after Perfect Guard)
Morph SlashR2 > Triangle/RT > Y
ChargeR2 > Circle/RT > B
Elemental BoostHold-Circle/Hold/B
Sword BoostHold-Triangle/Hold-Y
Fade SlashLS+Circle (while in Focus Mode)/LS+B (while in Focus Mode)

Axe Mode

CombosButton Combinations (PlayStation/Xbox)
Rising SlashTriangle > Triangle > LS+Triangle/Y > Y > LS+Y
Elemental DischargeCircle/B
Amped Elemental DischargeTriangle+Circle/Y+B
Super Amped Elemental DischargeTriangle+Circle (while in Element Boost)/Y+B (while in Element Boost)
Morph SlashR2/RT

Charge Blade Offset and Focus Strikes in MH Wilds

The Sword Mode (Image via Capcom)
The Sword Mode (Image via Capcom)

The Charge Blade doesn’t have a dedicated Offset skill in Monster Hunter Wilds. However, much like the past games, the Morph Slash as well as the Savage Axe Slash combos serve roughly the same purpose as an Offset Attack. The Morph Slash can be timed right before a monster’s attack to counter i, and also deal additional damage to it.

Furthermore, the Savage Axe Slash, if timed right after a Perfect Guard, lets you topple the monster, granted you have Slugger equipped. In addition to that, the Charge Blade also has access to a Focus Strike Double Rend. The Focus Strike can be accessed in both the Sword and Axe Modes of the weapon.

Here are the combos for Charge Blade’s Focus Strike in Monster Hunter Wilds:

CombosButton Combinations (PlayStation/Xbox)
Double RendHold-L2 > R1/Hold-LT > RB

The Charge Blade, despite its myriad of different mechanics, is a pretty good beginner weapon. Yes, the Phial management and Axe Mode combos can be a bit tricky to master, especially for newcomers to Monster Hunter. However, with some practice in the Training Arena, you can easily learn most of its combos. Furthermore, the Charge Blade is an incredible option for Elemental damage while also providing good defensive options.

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We will update the article as we learn more in Monster Hunter Wilds or MHW. Meanwhile, you can check out the following Monster Hunter articles: