Repairing the buildings in your towns and cities helps you sustain more affectively in Civilization 7. Learn how to do it.

Civilization 7 has a building-repair feature to let players maintain their settlements, towns, and cities. This feature is important for sustaining one’s empire because crafting new buildings will require additional resources and time. So, why not take that time to repair your existing assets
There is not just one way of repairing your broken buildings in Civilization 7. Today, we shall go over all the ways we have found out since the game’s release to help you out. If we have an update on more ways to do so, we will update them here.
Short Guide To Repair Buildings in Civilization 7
How To Repair?

One of the ways you can repair a building in this game is by visiting the City or Town menu. This should go without saying—only the damaged buildings can be repaired. So, once you find one or more damaged buildings in your civilization, head to the City or Town menu and visit the building showing up for “repair.” You will find them in the Production or Purchase tab.
Then, you need to spend one turn and/or 30-50 Gold to execute the action. The game will let you know the cost of the repairs in the menu itself. We suggest not skipping these unless you are trying to manage your expenses.
When Do Buildings Need Repairs?
There is only one reasons why you would want to repair your buildings and that is when they are damaged. However, they can be damaged after certain events that you need to look out for. These go as follows:
- Natural Disasters: No settlement is immune to natural disasters, especially in Civ 7. So, if nature showcases its wrath on your civilization, all you can do is bear the loss and recover from it later by repairing certain damaged buildings.
- Sieges: Civilization 7 is not just about repairing broken buildings. So, if a war is going on, the opponents can play their turns strategically to capture a town. The buildings will usually need repairs after the invaders have dealt the damage.
- Civil Revolt: A seized town or city can also break into a riot amongst the civilians there. As one would expect, it may result in some damaged property that will require your attention later.
- Pillaging: Pillaging rural tiles during a village raid will also damage the building structures in that area. Ensure that all is repaired in fine condition before you move on from the seized settlement.
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