Pitfall vs Shock Trap: Which Should You Use In Monster Hunter Wilds?

This article compares the Shock Trap vs the Pitfall Trap and explains which you should use in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Pitfall vs Shock Trap Which Should You Use In Monster Hunter Wilds?
Find out which trap you should use during your hunts (Image via Capcom || Deltia’s Gaming)

Using traps in Monster Hunter Wilds can greatly help you in your fight against almost any monster. These traps can immobilize the monster for a few seconds, which can allow you to deal a significant amount of damage. The Pitfall Trap and the Shock Trap both work in the same fashion, although there are some differences.

Both traps are equally effective, but should you use the Pitfall Trap or the Shock Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds? There is no simple answer to this, and this article will dissect both these traps to explain their individual use cases. 

Pitfall vs Shock Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds: Main Difference

The most significant difference between the Pitfall Trap and Shock Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds is the way in which they immobilize monsters. This statement might sound complex, but it is very simple.

Shock Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds immobilizes you for a few seconds with your entire body intact.
Shock Trap immobilizes you for a few seconds with your entire body intact (Image via Capcom || Deltia’s Gaming)

Shock Trap essentially freezes the monster for a few seconds, almost making it a statue in Monster Hunter Wilds. All of its body is accessible for attacks like in a normal fight, and you do not need to shift your attack style in any case. You are also free to use Focus Strike at any wound that you see in the monster.

Pitfall Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds causes the monster to collapse and only its head is visible.
Pitfall Trap causes the monster to collapse and only its head is visible (Image via Capcom || Deltia’s Gaming)

On the other hand, the Pitfall Trap essentially makes the monster fall into a pit. The lower body of the monster caught here is below the ground, and only the upper body is available for attacks. This greatly narrows down your attacking area. You will mostly find yourself hitting the monster’s head after it falls into a Pitfall Trap. 

Moreover, the monster is not exactly immobile, but rather stuck, and will still move. You will only be able to use Focus Strikes here if the wound is on the monster’s head. This mechanic of the Pitfall Trap applies to monsters of all sizes in Monster Hunter Wilds, and also includes flying monsters like Rathalos. You will only be able to attack the upper part of the monster’s body.

When to Use Pitfall Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Pitfall Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Pitfall Trap (Image via Capcom || Deltia’s Gaming)

Pitfall Trap is exceptionally good in Monster Hunter Wilds if you need to break off parts from the monster’s head to get some specific item from them. Since the head is easily accessible with the Pitfall trap, it makes it much easier to target for all weapons. This is especially relevant for Dual Blade or Sword and Shield users, who have short reach and rely on close melee attacks.

You can also use this trap against flying monsters to temporarily ground them. After a monster breaks free from the Pitfall Trap, they will usually linger on the ground for a while before launching themselves into the air.

Pitfall trap is also the only option against these monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds:

  • Rey Dau
  • Gypceros

These two monsters are completely immune to Shock Traps, and Pitfall is the only one that will work against them.

When to Use Shock Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Shock Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Shock Trap (Image via Capcom || Deltia’s Gaming)

Shock Trap is especially good if you need to focus a monster’s tail to sever and carve it later on in Monster Hunter Wilds. Many monsters drop their precious Gem when you carve their tail, which can be difficult sometimes against larger or more aggressive monsters. In such cases, holding them in place for a few seconds with the Shock Trap will allow you to focus all attacks on the tail.

There is one monster who are only affected by Shock Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds:

  • Jin Dahaad

This Apex monster from the Iceshard Cliff is the largest monster you will encounter in the Monster Hunter Wilds base game. Jin Dahaad is immune to Pitfall Traps, making only Shock Traps effective against it.

Should You Use Shock Trap or Pitfall Trap in Monster Hunter Wilds?

In general, Shock Trap is the better option to use in Monster Hunter Wilds. You completely immobilize the monster with this and are free to target any part of their body. However, the best trap to use greatly depends on the monster that you are hunting and if there is a specific body part that you want to target. 

If you want to target and break off the monster’s head, then Pitfall Trap is the better option. On the other hand, if you want to sever a monster’s tail, then Shock Trap suits the purpose better. Finally, a monster’s immunities also play a big part, and you should choose the trap that is effective on the monster that you are hunting.

We suggest carrying both Shock Traps and Pitfall Traps to a hunt in Monster Hunter Wilds, and use the one which the situation demands.

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