Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Get Torrent Sac

Torrent Sac is a special item found in Monster Hunter Wilds. Follow this guide to learn how to obtain it.

Torrent Sac in MH Wilds (Source: Deltias Gaming, CAPCOM)
Torrent Sac in MH Wilds (Source: Deltias Gaming, CAPCOM)

There are so many items in Monster Hunter Wilds; some help in crafting, and some help in other things. Torrent Sac is one of the special items in the game that is used to craft various weapons, armor, and armor sets. If you are someone who is trying to obtain this item and still got nothing, don’t worry; we’ve got you.

In this Monster Hunter Wilds guide, players are going to learn the process of acquiring Torrent Sac.

How To Get Torrent Sac in Monster Hunter Wilds

Rewards from slaying Uth Duna
Players can get this item by slaying Uth Duna (Source: CAPCOM)

Players can obtain items from various sources, such as looting the environment, slaying and carving monsters, and completing quests. Torrent Sac is a Rarity 6 special item, and the game describes it as “A monster organ designed to hold and preserve copious amounts of water.” Players can acquire this item from the following monsters:

  • Balahara (High Rank): Target rewards 18%
  • Uth Duna (High Rank): Target rewards 16%

Related: Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Uth Duna (Weaknesses and Rewards).

Moreover, players can complete the following quests in order to obtain Torrent Sac:

  • The Desert Knows Not the Sea (Optional Quest)
  • A Leviathan’s Temper (Optional Quest)
  • Tide Overtaking Timber (Assignment)
  • One Thick Veil! (Optional Quest)

Uses of Torrent Sac

Players can use Torrent Sac to craft the following equipment:

WeaponArmor SetArmor
Uth Khviluk II x3Balahara Alpha SetBalahara Coil Alpha x1
Uth Valeroje III x3Balahara Beta SetBalahara Coil Beta x1
Uth Ngarpatu II x3Uth Duna Alpha SetDuna Wildmail Alpha x3
Uth Dalgap II x3Uth Duna Beta SetDuna Wildmail Beta x3
Uth Olacha II x3Xu Wu Alpha SetXu Wu Greaves Alpha x2
Uth Khlunda II x3Xu Wu Beta SetXu Wu Greaves Beta x2
Uth Falarmata II x3
Balahara Exploder III x2
Balahara Glaive III x2
Balahara Lance III x2
Balahara Horn III x2
Balahara Hammer III x2
Balahara Blade III x2
Guild Knight Sabers II x4

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