Monster Hunter Wilds: All Ore Locations

Learn where to find all ore types in Monster Hunter Wilds, how to mine efficiently, and how to use waypoints for faster farming.

All Ore Locations in Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom, Delita's Gaming)
All Ore Locations in Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom, Delita’s Gaming)

If you want to stand a chance in Monster Hunter Wilds, you need strong weapons and armor. That means gathering plenty of ore. Whether it’s Iron Ore or something rarer like Novacrystals, mining is a big part of progression. The more ore you collect, the better gear you can craft.

Each biome has its own set of Mining Outcrops. Some ores are common, while others only appear in specific locations. A few are even tied to certain monsters, making them harder to farm. Knowing where to look will save you a lot of time.

Each area in Wilds has its own Mining Outcrops, and different biomes offer different types of ore. Some are easy to find, while others are much rarer. If you’re hunting for something specific, you may need to check multiple locations or even defeat certain monsters that drop rare ores.

Efficient Mining Tips

  • Always check your map for Mining Outcrops before heading into a new biome.
  • Mark Outcrops as waypoints to reach them faster with your Seikret.
  • Strike each Outcrop multiple times to maximize ore collection.
  • Some rare ores come from monsters, so pay attention to their drops.
  • Stockpile ore early to avoid scrambling for materials later.

All Ore Locations in Monster Hunter Wilds

OresLocation to FindRarityGuide
Iron OreWindward Plains4How To Get Iron Ore
Machalite OreScarlet Forest Plains. Piragill (Small monster; 20% target reward)4How To Get Machalite Ore
Dragonite OreOilwell Basin4How To Get Dragonite Ore
FirestoneOilwell Basin4How To Get Icium
IciumIceshard Cliffs4How To Get Icium
Earth CrystalWindward Plains and Scarlet Forest. Talioth (Small monster; 20% target reward)4How To Obtain Earth Crystal 
Light CrystalAnywhere except Scarlet Forest5How To Get Light Crystal
Fulgrite ShardWindward Plains4How To Get Fulgurite Shard
Scarlet Amber ShardScarlet Forest4How To Get Scarlet Amber Shard
AntimiteOilwell Basin4How To Get Antimite
Wylk PebbleWindward Plains, Oilwell Basin, Ruins of Wyveria4How To Get Wylk Pebble
Krano CopperKrandath (Small Monster; 100% dropped item)4
Ajarakan JewelAjarakan (15% target reward, 12% wound destroyed, 18% carving)4How To Get Ajarakan Jewel
Golden CorneumXu Wu (88% break head, 25% target rewards, 50% wound destroyed, 23% carving)4
Crushed CrystalAny Guardian4
DrearisiteFestival Shares4How To Get Drearisite
SpeckliteFestival Shares5How To Get Specklite
ArgeciteFestival Shares5How To Get Argecite
GraciumIceshard Cliffs6How To Get Gracium
Carbalite OreAnywhere except Oilwell Basin6How To Get Carbalite Ore
NovacrystalWindward Plains, Scarlet Forest, and Oilwell Basin. Gypceros (30% break head, 12% destroy wound)7How To Get Novacrystal
Fucium OreRuins of Wyveria6How To Get Fucium Ore
Time-honed Wylk GemWindward Plains6How To Get Time-honed Wylk Gem
Eternal Scarlet AmberScarlet Forest6How To Get Eternal Scarlet Amber
Krano PyriteHigh Rank Kranodath (small monster)6
Ajarakan Jewel+High Rank Ajarakan (16% target reward, 12% wound destroyed, 18% carving)6How To Get Ajarakan Jewel+
Golden Corneum+High Rank Xu Wu (93% break head, 22% target rewards, 50% wound destroyed, 23% carving)7
Firecell StoneGravios (40% break back, left leg, or right leg, 20% wound destroyed)7How To Get Firecell Stone
Wyverian Bloodstone (S)Tempered Monster wound break6
Wyverian BloodstoneTempered Monster wound break7How To Get Wyverian Bloodstone
Wyverian Bloodstone (L)Tempered Monster wound break7
OrcalciteFestival Shares6How To Get Orcalcite
Drearisite ScrapsFestival Shares6How To Get Drearisite Scraps

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