How To Easily Catch Grand Escunite in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Everything you need to know about the Grand Escunite in Monster Hunter Wilds, and how you can easily capture the rare Endemic Life.

Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)
Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)

The fishing minigames have always been one of the most challenging pieces of side content in any mainline Monster Hunter game. This also holds true for Monster Hunter Wilds, where you need to complete a series of fishing-related challenges to complete a set of Side Quests.

As you progress through the main story in High Rank, you will eventually meet Kanya in Scarlet Forest, who is overly enthusiastic about everything fishing. Talking to her unlocks the fishing Side Quests, which require you to capture a variety of Aquatic Life across the Forbidden Lands. At the tail end of Kanya’s questline, she will ask the Hunter to capture a Grand Escunite.

However, as is the case with the fishing quests in Monster Hunter games, the Grand Escunite is an extremely rare Aquatic Life. It appears under very specific weather conditions and in a limited number of areas. Here’s everything you need to know about the Grand Escunite and how to easily capture it to complete Kanya’s quest in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Where To Find the Grand Escunite in Monster Hunter Wilds?

The Razzle Dazzle quest (Image via Capcom)
The Razzle Dazzle quest (Image via Capcom)

Capturing the Grand Escunite is part of the Razzle Dazzle Side Quest, which is also the final step of Kanya’s questline. Unlike the Gravid Bowfin or Golden Fish, the Grand Escunite can be found within the Scarlet Forest itself. However, it only appears during heavy downpours.

To force the Grand Escunite to appear, you need to set the weather to Inclemency and the time to either Morning or Daytime. The Grand Escunite also appears during Nighttime. However, locating it during the darkness of the night can be quite tricky. The creature is also only found in large water bodies, which also house Whoppers and Speartunas.

Unlike the regular Escunites, Grand Escunites have a light blue glow to them, which is visible even during heavy downpours. The blue color indicates the creature’s feelers, which is crucial to identify before you can catch it.

Best Location To Find the Grand Escunite

Location of the Grand Escunite (Image via Capcom)
Location of the Grand Escunite (Image via Capcom)

There are essentially two key locations where you can find the Grand Escunite. The first location is the lake close to Area 16. This is also the place where Uth Duna can be found resting. This area is essentially the best spot to farm regular Escunites and Whoppers.

You can also find Grand Escunites here, but they are relatively rare. The best place to find the Grand Escunite is close to Area 13. You can reach this area from the Wudwud’s Hideout. Exit the Hideout, and proceed to the northwest until you reach the edge of a lake. Walk along the edge until you reach a nearby waterfall. This is where Grand Escunites usually appear, often in multiple numbers.

How To Capture the Grand Escunite?

Capturing the Grand Escunite (Image via Capcom)
Capturing the Grand Escunite (Image via Capcom)

Once you have located the Grand Escunite, simply equip the Fishing Rod and equip the Tentacle Jig bait (Hold R1 and cycle through the baits using Triangle). Make sure to throw the bait close to the Grand Escunite’s feelers (identifiable by their blue hue). Slowly reel in the line to attract the Escunite (move the left stick (LS) up and down rapidly). Once the Escunite hooks on the bait, press R2 to reel it in and capture it.

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