Discover the five most heartbreaking and tragic game endings that left players in tears.

Not all stories have a happy ending. Some stories, in fact, have quite the opposite. The protagonist, despite all his best efforts, either fails when it matters the most or accomplishes the task but at a heavy price. In our list, we will cover the five most tragic game endings that brought many fans to tears.
Do keep in mind that this list will feature heavy spoilers.
1. Final Fantasy XV

Noctis Lucis Caelum had already been through a fair deal of tragedies. First, his father was killed by the imperial army; next, his soon-to-be wife, Luna, was killed by Ardyn. Finally, Bahamut told him of his fate that Noctis would have to lay down his life in order to save the world and defeat Ardyn. Noctis accepted his fate diligently and laid down his life to save the world. What got a lot of players sobbing was Noctis’s final tearful farewell to his friends at the campfire, and how Noctis said how his friends meant the world to him.
2. Red Dead Redemption

John Marston, after being betrayed by Ross, is gunned down at his own Ranch. John was successful in helping his family escape while he took his last stand against the attackers. What’s tragic is how John lost his entire previous crew, and his attempt at living an honest life was yet again thwarted by Ross and his cronies.
Players can find solace in the fact that John’s son Jack ends up avenging his father years later.
3. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Zack Fair, after escaping with an incapacitated Cloud Strife upon being kidnapped by Hojo, is met by a horde of SHINRA troops at the end of his destination. Zack hides Cloud and prepares to make his last stand against the troops. He fights and fights until he’s overwhelmed and gunned down tragically, right at the end of his destination.
Afterward, Zack entrusts his hopes and dreams to Cloud by giving him the Buster Sword and passes away. What makes this scene tragic is that the game helps us bond with Zack throughout the journey. His demise is extra painful.
4. The Walking Dead

Lee Everret acts like Clementine’s adopted father throughout the entire first season of the game. His main motivation? To help Clementine find her parents and take care of her in the meantime. However, in the last episode, Lee is bit by a walker, sealing his fate. Ultimately, Lee is overcome by the disease and asks Clementine to kill him before he turns into a walker.
The scene is incredibly emotional and has brought many gamers to tears, as Lee insists Clementine to be strong and live on.
5. Shadow of the Colossus

Wander’s lover, Mono, was sacrificed as his village elder deemed her to have a cursed fate. Wander rejected this outcome and took her body to the Forbidden Lands and made a deal with Dormin. In exchange for killing 16 Colossi, Mono will be revived, but Wander will have to pay a heavy price. In the end, Wander is successful in reviving Mono, but his body is fully corrupted by killing the Colossi.
Ultimately, the evil in Wander is sealed away by the village elder, and he is fully reborn as a baby. Wander succeeded in his goal, but he could not be around to see his lover again.
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