Discover the role of Anti-Domain Techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen, their types and how they counter the overwhelming power of Domain Expansions.

The Domain Expansion is a terrifying ability in Jujutsu Kaisen that usually points out the end of a battle with its sure-hit fatality rate. Since accomplished Sorcerers are capable of using these, it might seem impossible to escape. However, the existence of Anti-Domain techniques makes it possible. So, what are Anti-Domain Techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen?
Anti-Domain techniques are techniques that can nullify the powers of a Domain Expansion while negating its sure-hit effect. Let us take a closer look at these.
What Are Anti-Domain Techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen?
As mentioned above, an Anti-Domain Technique generally makes use of the Cursed Energy of the user to cancel out the abilities of the Domain Expansion.
We have seen in the fight between Jogo and Gojo that a clash between Domain Expansions would typically cause the inferior one to be canceled. An Anti-Domain technique works on a similar principle but does not require the expertise of a Domain Expansion.
While these still need a lot of training and refinement to pull off, their primary function is to cancel out any attacks headed their way inside a Domain Expansion. Through this, the Sorcerer casting the Domain Expansion would waste their Cursed Energy till they eventually stopped using it.
Hence, through this countermeasure, Sorcerers can fight back against the guaranteed hit effect of the Domain Expansion while defending their lives. In the Jujutsu Kaisen anime and manga, we have seen several ingenious applications of these during battle.
Advantages of Anti-Domain Techniques

1) Preserving Cursed Energy:
A Domain Expansion eats into most of a Sorcerer’s Cursed Energy, which prevents a majority of them from using it multiple times a day. Anti-Domain Techniques are more refined and do not require as much stress on one’s energy. Hence, they help in evening out the playing field in a clash between the perfect offense and perfect defense.
2) Turning of Techniques Inside Barrier:
Almost all Anti-Domain Techniques involve extending or coating one’s Cursed Energy. This would essentially provide them with a small barrier of their own inside someone else’s Domain. With this, they can negate or manipulate any attacks inside their zone and increase their chances of survival.
3) Application Into Attacks:
Certain Anti-Domain Techniques can also be applied to attacks while perfectly countering the Domain Expansion. This is extremely useful when fighting against Cursed Energy as a whole.
Therefore, Anti-Domain Techniques are very versatile, and their potency depends from user to user. Based on how they are applied, they can be the perfect shield or can be converted into a sword.
Different Kinds of Anti-Domain Techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen

In the Jujutsu Kaisen anime and manga, we have been introduced to four major Anti-Domain Techniques that have successfully countered Domain Expansions. These are:
1) Esoteric Technique: Hollow Wicker Basket
Hollow Wicker Basket was the first Anti-Domain Technique to be developed and is activated by extending one’s arms and using the necessary hand signs.
As the name suggests, a shield in the shape of a woven basket takes form while protecting the user. Hollow Wicker Basket neutralizes a Domain’s barrier and invalidates the sure-hit effect of its attacks. Unfortunately, this does not protect against Cursed techniques themselves and proves useless against Incomplete and Non-Lethal Domains.
In Jujutsu Kaisen, the only characters who used the Hollow Wicker Basket were Reggie Star, Sukuna, and Kashimo.
2) New Shadow Style: Simple Domain
The Simple Domain was developed by Sadatsuna Ashiya during the Heian Era and titled “Domain for the weak.” It was initially created by Ashiya just to protect his followers but was leaked to outside Sorcerers.
The Simple Domain was inspired by the Hollow Wicker Basket and improved upon. The technique expands a small Domain around the caster while canceling any attacks of the Domain Expansion. In the case that a Domain Expansion is too powerful, however, the Simple Domain simply reduces the fatality of the attacks while buying time for its user.
Additionally, it also prevents the activation of techniques itself if the Sorcerer casting the Domain Expansion was within its range. This would prove to be a huge advantage to its users.
Simple Domain was the most popular Anti-Domain technique in the series and was used by Sorcerers such as Miwa, Itadori, Choso, Todo, Kusakabe, and several more.
3) Secret Art: Falling Blossom Emotion
The Falling Blossom Emotion is a secret technique passed down only among the Big Three Sorcerer Families. This shrouds its user in Cursed Energy while counter-attacking as soon as the Domain Expansion’s guaranteed hit makes contact.
Through this clash of equal forces, the Falling Blossom protects its caster and cancels the hit of the Domain. This is also the only technique that can be applied to weapons such as swords, slicing through anything it comes in contact with.
In Jujutsu Kaisen, only Naobito Zenin, Ogi Zenin, and Gojo Satoru have used this technique.
4) Domain Amplification
Domain Amplification casts a thin veil of the Sorcerer’s Innate Domain around them, which neutralizes the guaranteed hit of their enemy’s Domain. This is similar to a Simple Domain but much more effective since it completely counters opposing techniques rather than just weathering through them.
However, after the Domain Amplification is used, the Sorcerer cannot use any other techniques and will be forced to rely on hand-to-hand combat.
The users of Domain Amplification in Jujutsu Kaisen were Hanami, Jogo, Sukuna, and Higurama.
Notable Instances of Anti-Domain Techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen

The most notable instance of an Anti-Domain Technique was when Itadori used his Simple Domain during the Shinjuku Showdown Arc. Faced against Sukuna’s Malevolent Shrine, he was able to sustain its Cleave and Dismantle guaranteed hits while eventually causing the Domain to come down.
In the Shibuya Arc, Naobito Zenin had used his Falling Blossom to cover his body with Cursed Energy and resist Dagon’s Death Swarm. Unfortunately, this allowed the Special Grade Curse to close the distance and land a powerful physical attack.
During the Kyoto Goodwill Event, Miwa had used her unique version of Simple Domain which required both her feet to be planted on the ground. Through this, she had control over the area around her. Anyone who entered Miwa’s Domain would be hit by her Batto Sword Drawing Technique automatically.
In the final battle, Sukuna used the Hollow Wicker Basket to counter Yuta’s Authentic Mutual Love. Since Sukuna had multiple arms and mouths, however, he was not completely stuck in one position.
To conclude, the Anti-Domain Techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen only further highlight the depth behind the story’s power systems. With the application of the technique varying for each character, it showcases their adaptability and creativity.
Since many Anti-Domain Techniques appear in the manga, anime fans will enjoy Studio MAPPA’s adaptation of upcoming arcs.
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