Discover everything you need to know about all 6 Arch Anomalies and Artifacts locations in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl.

STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl, much like its predecessor, features a thrilling story about humanity and survival. Although the game’s primary focus is the moment-to-moment gameplay, it doesn’t come at the cost of its narrative. Similar to the original Stalker game, the sequel offers various Weapons, Armor, Attachments, and Artifacts that players can equip while progressing. The Zone is dangerous, and the Anomalies add an extra layer of difficulty to prevent you from progressing. Alongside normal Anomalies, you will encounter Arch Anomalies in the Zone that contain unique artifacts with distinct buffs and debuffs. This guide will discuss everything you need to know about Arch Anomalies and artifact locations in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl.
What are Arch Anomalies in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Arch Anomalies in STALKER 2 are hazardous Anomalies scattered throughout the Zone. They often grant rare artifacts that provide unique bonuses alongside the buffs and debuffs. However, each Arch Anomaly presents distinct challenges and requires the right tactics to navigate safely. The anomalous fields are hidden throughout the Zone and there are six of them in total and each of them has its own artifacts. The artifacts obtained from these Arch Anomalies have the ‘Weird’ prefix. The artifacts that you will obtain from these Arch Anomalies are:
- Weird Ball- Bulba Anomaly
- Weird Flower- Poppy Field Anomaly
- Weird Nut- Fire Whirl Anomaly
- Weird Pot- Mist Anomaly
- Weird Water- Wandering Lights Anomaly
- Weird Bolt- Tornado Anomaly
All Arch Anomalies in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl
Here are all the Arch Anomalies in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl that you will encounter while progressing in Zone.

The Bulba in STALKER 2 is stationary and exerts a powerful gravitational effect. The direct current with the Bulba will result in a sudden death. Weird Ball artifact is obtained from the Bulba, located in the lesser Zone. You can get this as soon as you come to Zalissya which is the starting location in the game. This Arch Anomaly is on just the right of the Zalisya Base. It’s available in the small lake and it pulsates in and out dragging everything in with it.
Hide behind the cover and as you go closer to the ball and the Weird Ball, the artifact is placed between two vans that are getting crushed. Run straight towards the red and white ambulance crouch behind that, so that don’t get pulled in. Pick the Weird Ball to use it later in the game. Getting out of here is more annoying than getting in because you’ll be dragged back, so try to crouch walking.
Wired Ball is one of the legendary “altered items” often mentioned in hushed tones by Stalkers around the campfire. A child’s ball, oddly weighty. Equipping it seems to reduce bullet damage in combat, particularly when standing still.
Poppy Field

The Poppy Field is a massive anomalous field that you need to come here for the side quest. It basically puts you to sleep if you’re in the Poppy Field too long. This is located on the north of the north-western edge of the Lesser Zone along the river. Keep moving and avoid the floating red petals above the field. You can get the Weird Flower from this Arch Anomaly. An abandoned fuel truck with a bag of them conveniently located just outside the area.
Look straight ahead of you and see a raised mound of poppies with a bit of a board spot on it. Run to the left side of it and keep an eye on the floor because there’ll be a blue poppy in the middle of it. Pick it up and you’ll start to sleep, so run out as soon as you can and get to safety. The Weird Flower does not register on the echo detector. This means you cannot rely on your device to locate it. Instead, you must look for it manually. The Weird Flower gives a 10% stealth boost. This effect reduces the chances of enemies detecting you.
Its benefits apply to both human and mutant foes. You can use it when sneaking through areas or avoiding confrontation. The stealth buff suits missions where staying hidden is crucial. The artifact’s stealth effect works for a limited time. As you spend more time in the field, its effectiveness slowly fades.

The Mist is found around an abandoned house in the south-western corner of the Burnt Forest region. As you get close to Mist Arch Anomaly you will see that it is covered in Mist. Complete the puzzle to exit it. It will be impossible to exit this area until it has been fully cleared. Get inside the mist and you can see a house along with the basement area and it is all in rack and ruin.
There’s also a Bloodsucker around the house that can kill you with 3~4 hits. The doors inside the house are blocked, so get into the mist and it will take you back into the house. Now, the basement is still locked and the doors are unblocked. Each time you leave and come back it changes slightly. Complete the puzzle to obtain the Weird Pot inside of the chimney.
Fire Whirl

The Fire Whirl Arch Anomaly is found in the north-eastern cooling tower of the Cooling Towers region. Travel from the Lesser Zone then move through Garbage and into the Cement Factory to move into the Cooling Towers. You can see this one on the map itself as it’s inside the cooling tower. Move into the location and there’ll be a fire tornado. Get to the middle section of the scaffolding. The glowing middle structure has the Weird Nut on it.
Do a jumping puzzle to get there but the tornado expands and retracts causing everything around it. Move to the east side of the cooling tower use a ladder to climb up to the scaffolding. Once you climb up, walk around to the left and jump over the gaps, so you don’t fall to your death. Stop and start as the pulse heats parts of the structure. Go to the top of the platforms, wait for the fire whirl to cool, and then run to the end of the platform to pick it up.
The Weird Nut Promotes rapid blood coagulation when attached to your belt, but the wounds will take time to heal. One of the legendary “altered items” often mentioned in hushed tones by Stalkers around the campfire. Eerily cold to the touch, this unusual nut promotes rapid blood coagulation when attached to your belt, though the wounds themselves take longer to heal.
Wandering Lights

The Wandering Lights is located in a clearing in the northeast of the Zaton region. This Arch Anomaly activates only at night and appears as a field of neon green wispy orbs. Enter the area turns everything pitch dark except for the spheres, and causes non-lethal hallucinations. You can obtain the Weird Water from this Anomaly that offers you a smoother movement experience along with high-level radiation protection.
If you are exploring enough, it may also get marked on your PDA. However, these lights on the ground don’t appear until 2200 hours, or 10 PM, within the game. Once the clock strikes, reach the location (we will help you with a map below) and start searching around. There will be around a dozen lights on the ground, and your Echo Detector won’t work this time. Run around the lights in a pattern so you don’t check the same light twice, and don’t stop moving as much as possible, or the enemies may jump you.

This Arch Anomaly is found just past Yaniv Station in the northwestern corner of the Yaniv region. This giant swirling tornado is visible from a distance and it travels through the area. However, direct contact with it can throw the protagonist a considerable distance. Get close to the edge and climb structures to reach the center of the Anomaly. You can get the Weird Bolt from this Anomaly that reduces damage from Anomalies if the bolt is charged.
Climb the crane and wait for the tornado to hit you, and then you can take it while inside the tornado. The crane located in the area is the closest we can get to the tornado’s eye. Use the cable roll near the crane to climb the container. Upon reaching there, the tornado comes in contact with you and deals some damage. Since you are at the eye of the tornado, you can now spot the Weird Bolt, which will be floating towards you slowly.
Tips for Arch Anomalies in STALKER 2
Arch Anomalies serve as both a challenge and a reward for players. These artifacts can boost HP, and resistance to radiation, enhance exploration capabilities, and also be sold for a significant profit. Here are all the tips that you must follow when encountering any of these 6 Arch Anomalies in the game.
- Utilize a high-tier Anomaly detector to find hidden artifacts.
- Carry anti-radiation medications or armor resistant to the Anomaly’s effects.
- Notice the Anomaly’s behavior before moving in.
- Get ready for sudden dangers or surprises.
FAQs About All 6 Arch Anomalies and Artifacts locations in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl
Q1: What are Arch Anomalies?
Arch Anomalies are hazardous Anomalies scattered throughout the Zone. They often grant rare artifacts that provide unique bonuses alongside the buffs and debuffs. The anomalous fields are hidden throughout the Zone and there are six of them in total.
Q2: How do I detect Arch Anomalies?
Use the Echo Detector to detect the Arch Anomalies in STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl. Acquire the detector right after the tutorial or by killing the enemies.
Q3: Can Arch Anomalies kill mutants or NPCs?
Yes, Arch Anomalies can kill your character along with the mutants and NPCs as well. It attacks anything that is in its area of effect.
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