All Biomes in Enshrouded Listed

Discover all the Biomes of Embervale in Enshrouded including all of their exclusive gear, resources, locations, and enemies.

All Biomes in Enshrouded (Source: Keen Games)

The world of Embervale is a vast land filled with lush green forests, swamps, snowy mountains, and deserts. All of the major regions/biomes have numerous areas covered in a deadly fog called Shroud. As players begin their journey in Enshrouded and become a Flameborn, their main objective is to get rid of the Shroud corruption across Embervale. Progressing in Enshrouded will require players to explore and free Survivors from the Vault. Moreover, crafting new recipes will require players to gather various resources that might be exclusive to certain biomes. In this guide, we will explain all major Enshrouded biomes that you will explore throughout the journey.

What are Biomes in Enshrouded?

Biomes are the major regions of Emervale, the World in which the Enshrouded game is set. Players will start in the Springlands, one of the main biomes of Embervale. Upon beginning the journey in Embervale, players will have to progress in the story by freeing Survivors, mainly craftspeople from the vaults. There are various vaults around Embervale and freeing each survivor will unlock new crafting recipes. These new recipes are crucial for progression as they can grant you new armor, weapons, consumables, food, and much more.

Moreover, exploration plays a big part in crafting new recipes. You will have to explore the new biomes to gather resources which you can then use for the recipes. Furthermore, there are certain enemies including main bosses within each biome. You will have to face these tough enemies to progress and remove the deadly fog to restore Embervale.

All Biomes in Enshrouded

There are five major biomes in Enshrouded including Springlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes, and Albaneve Summits. Moreover, there are also some sub-biomes within the major biomes. Below, you will find an explanation of each biome along with all of their resources, exclusive gear, locations, and enemies.


Enshrouded Springlands Ancient Spire

Springlands is the first major biome of Embervale from where you will begin your journey. It is the most peaceful biome of Embervale with grassy meadows and small hills. This main biome is located on the southwest side of the map and it has a sub-biome called Low Meadows. You can reach the Low Meadows by traveling to the east side of Springlands.

During your exploration in Springlands, you will run into almost all the major enemy factions. There are several Shroud areas within Springlands and Low Meadows. Fortunately, the enemies you will encounter in this biome are certainly low-level ranging from 1 to 10. Moreover, for you to traverse through the deadly fog areas within Springlands, you must have Flame Level 1 – 2.

All Major Locations in Springlands

Here are all the major locations you can discover in Springlands.

Ancient SpiresAncient ObelisksAncient VaultsElixir WellsFlame Shrines and SanctumsHollow HallsShroud Roots
Ancient Spire – SpringlandsIn A World Destined For RuinAncient Vault – BlacksmithElixir Well east of Braelyn BridgeNorth of RookmoreSpringlands Hollow HallsSouth of Peaceful Acres
Ancient Spire – Low MeadowsThe Flame Touched FaceAncient Vault – AlchemistElixir Well east of WoodgardWest of Rookmore North-west of Woodgard
  Ancient Vault – HunterElixir Well west of FerndaleSouth-west of Peaceful Acres East of Small Flint Mine
  Ancient Vault – Farmer South of Ferndale East of Saline Quarry
  Ancient Vault – Carpenter West of Wescott Ring of Rot
    South of Moth’s Grove South-east of Vukah Ceremony Hill
    East of Small Flint Mine  
    East of Mistbury Catacombs  
    South of Saline Quarry  
    South of Netherton  
    East of Hillock  
    East of Ancient Vault – Carpenter  
    North of Vukah Ceremony Hill  

All Normal Locations in Springfields

Here are all the normal locations you can discover in Springfields.

Hidden TombHarvest HomesteadSmall Flint MineLongkeep
Hidden Tomb (Low Meadows)Peaceful AcresEgerton Salt MinesRookmore
Mistbury CatacombsFenrig’s FarmSaline QuarryWoodgard
NecropolisWistful Fields Ferndale
   Hill of Scavengers
   Moth’s Grove
   Saline Springs
   Vukah Ceremony Hill
   Fox Chase
   Fort Kelvin
Normal Locations in Springlands – Enshrouded

All Enemies in Springlands

Here are all the enemies you can encounter in Springlands.

FellHollowScavengerWild LifeVukah
Fell BansheeHollow HoundScavenger BerserkerGoatVukah Brawler (boss)
Fell BeetleHollow SkeletonScavenger Matron (boss)HophareVukah Shaman
Fell Thunderbrute (boss) Scavenger RangedRat 
  Scavenger ScalperSpider 
  Scavenger WolfWolf 
Enemies in Springlands – Enshrouded

All Resources in Springlands

Here are all the resources you can gather in Springlands.

Aureolin FlowerAnimal FurDirt
CorncobBonesFarm Soil
Fire FlyCritter PartsFlintstone
HoneyFur PatchFlower Soil
Plant FiberRaw Lean MeatLuminous Growth
Purple BerriesRaw Wolf MeatMycelium
Red MushroomStringRubble
Resin Salt
Shroud Liquid Stone  
Shroud Wood  
Wood Logs  

All Exclusive Gear Items in Springlands

Here are all the gear items exclusive to Springlands that you can acquire.

Fenrig’s AxeWanderer’s BootsGemini Ring
Pikemead’s BulwarkNoble DiademSigil Ring of the Elder Guard
Reaper’s WandNoble Dress 
Wailing BladeNoble Gloves 
 Noble Pants 
 Noble Boots 
Exclusive Gear Items in Springlands – Enshrouded


Enshrouded Revelwood Ancient Spire

Revelwood is most probably the second biome that you would want to explore in Enshrouded. It is located north of Springlands and northwest side of the map. Venturing out of Springlands will let you face a more difficult world and the Revelwood is just the beginning. It contains a dense forest of Hardwood with a sub-biome called Blackmire. Moreover, this biome contains the same enemy encounters but is more challenging. The biome level of Revelwood is around 10 to 15 and requires at least Flame Level 3.

All Major Locations in Revelwood

Here are all the major locations you can discover in Revelwood.

Ancient SpiresAncient ObelisksAncient VaultsElixir WellsFlame Shrines and SanctumsHollow HallsShroud Roots
Ancient Spire – RevelwoodChasms Which Split The EarthSunken Ancient CityElixir Well east of Lone ThistleSouth of Willow CrushRevelwood Hollow HallsLumenlight Cave
Ancient Spire – BlackmireOur Sanctum Amidst The Hollow, Blinded From Within Elixir Well east of Fort KelvinEast of Lone Thistle Grind Teeth Grotto
 Entangled And Suffocated Elixir Well west of Pikemead’s ReachEast of Willow Crush South-west of Glenwood’s End
    East of Diadwyn South of Hermit Camp
    Glenwood’s End South of Snapjaw Tar Pits
    South-west of Glenwood’s End Beneath Treetop Vukah Settlement
    North-west of Old Rye Ancient Bridge
    North of Old Rye Huckster Square, Pikemead’s Reach
    North-west of Fawnsong Frontier Imperial Gardens, Pikemead’s Reach
    North of Glimmer Rock Mine  
    Glimmer Rock Mine  
    South of Pikemead’s Reach  
    Imperial Gardens, Pikemead’s Reach  
    Shanty Shacks, Pikemead’s Reach  
Major Locations in Revelwood – Enshrouded

All Normal Locations in Revelwood

Here are all the normal locations you can discover in Revelwood.

Bramblespine BoneyardLush PastureMark of SamethLone Thistle
Hidden Hollow TombCloverbrooke FarmGlimmer Rock MineWillow Crush
CatacombsRootsnook Diadwyn
Gate To The Pillars Of Creation  Glenwood’s End
   Hermit Camp
   Treetop Vukah Settlement
   Fawnsong Frontier
   Trade Outpost “Old Rye”
   White Wind
   Pikemead’s Reach
Normal Locations in Revelwood – Enshrouded

All Enemies in Revelwood

Here are all the enemies you can encounter in Revelwood.

FellHollowScavengerWild Life
Fell BansheeHollow HoundScavenger BerserkerBat
Fell BeetleHollow Cyclops (boss)Scavenger Matron (boss)Boar
Fell BoarHollow SkeletonScavenger RangedFae Deer
Fell Spitting Plant Scavenger ScalperGiant Wasp
Fell Thunderbrute (boss) Scavenger WolfMushroom Crab
Fell Wispwyvern (boss)  Rat
   Spitting Plant
Enemies in Revelwood – Enshrouded

All Resources in Revelwood

Here are all the resources you can gather in Revelwood.

Azure RussulaAnimal FurAmber
ChamomileBonesBlackmire Bark
FlaxCritter PartsBlackmire Heartwood
Forest BeetFur PatchCopper Ore
HazelnutPoison SackDirt
HardwoodRaw GameFarm Soil
HoneyRaw Lean MeatFoliage
Indigo PlantReptile HideLuminous Growth
Plant FiberShroud SackLump of Clay
Purple berriesStringMushroom Flesh
Red Mushroom Mycelium
Resin Rubble
Shroud Liquid Stone
Shroud Wood Vukah Nesting Material
Stinging Nettle  
Wood Logs  
Resources in Revelwood – Enshrouded

All Exclusive Gear Items in Revelwood

Here are all the gear items exclusive to Revelwood that you can acquire.

Cryptic WandWarrior SetCommander’s Ring
Fell Commander’s BowArcher SetRing of Rapacity
HailscourgeWizard Set 
RiptideGuard of the North Set 
Sacrificial Vukah DaggerFarmer Set 
Valor Heart DaggersGravedigger Set 
 Royal Set 
Exclusive Gear Items in Revelwood – Enshrouded

Nomad Highlands

Enshrouded Nomad Highlands Ancient Spire

Nomad Highlands is the third major biome that you will get to explore as you make progress in the storyline. It is located in the center of the map and is connected to all major biomes. It is a large dry desert area with various crucial locations including Pillars of Creation (volcanos) and Umber Hollow. Umber Hollow is a low region corrupted with Shroud. Moreover, you will encounter various new types of enemies in this biome. The biome level of Nomad Highlands is around 15 to 20 and requires at least Flame Level 4.

All Major Locations in Nomad Highlands

Here are all the major locations you can discover in Nomad Highlands.

Ancient SpiresAncient ObelisksElixir WellsFlame Shrines and SanctumsHollow HallsShroud Roots
Ancient Spire – Nomad HighlandsOur Eye Towards The Stars, Forever ShutElixir Well west of RattlebleakNorth of Mining RiftNomad Highlands Hollow HallsJasper Isles
 A Breath Of Life, FadingElixir Well south of the Pillars of CreationEast of Mining Rift North-west of Mining Rift
  Elixir Well in Umber HollowNorth-east of Pillars of Creation North-east of Cradle of Dusk
   East of Pillars of Creation West of Bounty Barn
   West of Jasper Isles Smothering Pit
   South-west of Jasper Isles East of Southern Caravan Camp
   South of Vukah Arena  
   North-east of Raven’s Keep  
   North of Dragon Cave  
   South-west of Smothering Pit  
   South of Lupa’s Lair  
   North of Lupa’s Lair  
   North of Nomad Highlands Ancient Spire  
Major Locations in Nomad Highlands – Enshrouded

All Normal Locations in Nomad Highlands

Here are all the normal locations you can discover in Nomad Highlands.

CatacombsMayfair LotMining RiftTrade Outpost “Blazing Rock”
Raven’s keepFanning RanchSmothering PitVukah Arena
 Bounty Barn Rattlebleak
   Scavenger Ruins
   Jasper Isles
   Scavenger Oupost
   Rat Infested Outpost
   Vukah Camp
   Vukah Outpost
   Surat’s Rest
   Lupa’s Lair
Normal locations in Nomad Highlands – Enshrouded

All Enemies in Nomad Highlands

Here are all the enemies you can encounter in Nomad Highlands.

FellHollowScavengerWild LifeVukah
Fell BeetleHollow HoundScavenger BerserkerBatVukah Brawler (boss)
Exploding Fell BeetleHollow Cyclops (boss)Scavenger Matron (boss)Flightless Redtail 
Fell Monstrosity (boss)Hollow SkeletonScavenger RangedRat 
Fell Thunderbrute (boss) Scavenger ScalperSabertooth Tiger 
  Scavenger WolfSpider 
Enemies in Nomad Highlands – Enshrouded

All Resources in Nomad Highlands

Here are all the resources you can gather in Nomad Highlands.

AloeAmmonia GlandDirt
Azure RussulaAnimal FurFossilized Bone
Bell pepperBonesLimestone
Mint Mushroom MeatCritter PartsLuminous Growth
Plant FiberEggsMycelium
Red MushroomFeatherRubble
ResinFur patchStone
RooibosRaw Bird MeatTin Ore
Sage LeavesRaw Game 
Shroud LiquidRaw Lean Meat 
Shroud WoodShroud Sack 
Sugar Cane  
Wheat Grains  
Wood logs  
Resources in Nomad Highlands – Enshrouded

All Exclusive Gear Items in Nomad Highlands

Here are all the gear items exclusive to Nomad Highlands that you can acquire.

Dragon SwordKnight Set
Jezmina’s ApotheosisFowler Set
Lupa’s ScalperMystic Set
SoothsayerMaid Set
Wolf’s Hydra 
Exclusive Gear Items in Nomad Highlands – Enshrouded


How to find Kindlewastes Hollow Halls in Enshrouded - the final reward location - the Sinister Crescent Staff

Kindlewastes is one of the end-game biomes of Embervale in Enshrouded. You will get to explore this major biome after Nomad Highlands. It is located on the east side of the map and connected with Nomad Highlands and Albaneve Summits. It is a big harsh desert biome with two main sections. The shroud separates Kindlewastes into Northern Kindlewastes and Southern Kindlewastes. You will encounter new types of enemies in this biome which are much difficult to tackle. The biome level of Kindlewastes is around 20 to 30 and requires at least Flame Level 5.

All Major Locations in Kindlewastes

Here are all the majorlocations you can discover in Kindlewastes.

Ancient SpiresAncient ObelisksElixir WellsFlame Shrines and SanctumsHollow HallsShroud Roots
Ancient Spire – KindlewastesAs The Final Tide Frees UsElixir Well south of BrittlebushWest of Draconian Vulture NestKindlewastes Hollow HallsShrouded Camp
 Of The Flaw In Us AllElixir Well west of Sapphire StrandEldermere Dam South-east of North-west Sun Temple
  Elixir Well east of Rose Shell BurrowVukah Sacrifice Hill Ridgeback Mine
  Elixir Well north of Low TideEast Lapis Sleeping Sands
   North-west of Kindlewastes Ancient Spire Low Tide
   North of Kindlewastes Ancient Spire The Grim
   North of Sapphire Strand  
   Flame Shrine of Manathor  
   Haunted Sun Temple  
   North-west Sun Temple  
   East Sun Temple  
   South-east Sun Temple  
   South-west Sun Temple  
Major Locations in Kindlewastes – Enshrouded

All Normal Locations in Kindlewastes

Here are all the normal locations you can discover in Kindlewastes.

Haunted Sun TempleSunsimmer SouterrainTernion MineBrittlebush
North-west Sun TempleRose Shell BurrowRidgeback MineEast Lapis
East Sun Temple  Vukah Sacrifice Hill
South-east Sun Temple  Zephyr
South-west Sun Temple  Sapphire Strand
   Low Tide
Normal Locations in Kindlewastes – Enshrouded

All Enemies in Kindlewastes

Here are all the enemies you can encounter in Kindlewastes.

FellHollowScavengerWild LifeVukah
Fell BansheeHollow HoundScavenger BerserkerBatVukah Brawler (boss)
Fell BeetleHollow Cyclops (boss)Scavenger Matron (boss)Draconian Vulture 
Exploding Fell BeetleHollow SkeletonScavenger RangedDune Armadillo 
Fell Draconian Vulture Scavenger ScalperRat 
Fell Knight Scavenger WolfScorpion 
Fell Monstrosity  Spider 
Fell Sicklescythe (boss)    
Fell Thunderbrute (boss)    
Enemies in Kindlewastes – Enshrouded

All Resources in Kindlewastes

Here are all the resources you can gather in Kindlewastes.

AloeAmmonia GlandFossilized Bone
Bell pepperBonesLapislazuli
Grapple PlantCritter PartsLuminous Growth
Kindlewastes FlowerEggsIron Ore
Mint Mushroom MeatFeatherMycelium
Palm Wood LogsFur PatchRubble
Plant FiberPoison SackSand
ResinRaw Bird MeatSandstone
SaffronRaw Lean MeatStone
Shroud LiquidRaw Dune Armadillo MeatSulfur
Yucca FruitShroud Sack 
Resources in Kindlewastes – Enshrouded

All Exclusive Gear Items in Kindlewastes

Here are all the gear items exclusive to Kindlewastes that you can acquire.

Draconian BowGloom Monarch SetMother’s Eye
DreadbaneHawk Set 
Shroud WeaverSpellbinder Set 
 Radiant Paladin Set 
 Eagle Eye Set 
 Elder Set 
 Elite Hollow Set 
 Blacksmith Set 
Exclusive Gear Items in Kindlewastes – Enshrouded

Albaneve Summits

Granite on Albaneve Summits in Enshrouded

Albaneve Summits is the end-game biome of Embervale in Enshrouded and was added in the latest update, Souls of the Frozen Frontier. It is the final major biome that you will get to explore after Kindlewastes. It is located on the northeast side of the map and connected with Nomad Highlands and Kindlewastes. This is a snowy mountainous biome that can cause hypothermia due to freezing temperatures. You will encounter the toughest enemies in this biome. The biome level of Albaneve Summits is around 30 to 40 and requires at least a Flame Level of 6. Moreover, you will be able to increase the Flame Level all the way up to 8 as you find materials from this biome.

All Locations in Albaneve Summits

Here are all the known locations you can discover in Albaneve Summits.

Ancient SpireAncient ObelisksFarmsHollow HallsMinesSettlements
Ancient Spire – Albaneve SummitsIn These Windswept SummitsWickmouth Goat FarmAlbaneve Summits Hollow HallsCamellia Lake Marble QuarryWickmouth
 We Won’t Share Our Breath With YouFairfield Goat Farm MineRothstep
  Little Rock Goat Far, Fletcher Marble QuarryPolaris Falls
  Enshrouded Goat Farm Obsidian MineNew Cromville
  Grassy Pasture Goat Farm   
  Pretty Patty’s Pumpkin Farm   
  Vinebrook Farm   
  Pumpkin Patch   
Locations in Albaneve Summits – Enshrouded

All Enemies in Albaneve Summits

The majority of enemies that you can encounter in Albaneve Summits are unknown at this point. However, you do get to face The Fell Dragon Youngling (boss) at the Howling Peak location. Defeating this boss will give you The Fell Dragon Youngling’s Head which is a key material for Flame Level 8.

All Resources in Albaneve Summits

Here are all the resources you can gather in Albaneve Summits.

Conifer LogsAmmonia GlandAmethyst
GentianAnimal FurCoat
Plant FiberRaw Fatty MeatIron Ore
 Raw WoolGranite
  Red Marble Fragment
  Silver Ore
Resources in Albaneve Summits – Enshrouded

All Exclusive Gear Items in Albaneve Summits

Here are all the gear items exclusive to Albaneve Summits that you can acquire.

  • Ancestral Star
  • Lesser Golden Twinflame Sword
  • Greater Golden Twinflame Sword

How do Biomes work in Enshrouded?

Across all five major biomes and their sub-biomes, there are numerous areas corrupted with Shroud, a deadly fog. You cannot simply venture into the fog as it can kill you instantly. As accessing each new biome will require you to get through the fog, you must increase the Flameborn Level. You can increase the Flameborn Level by visiting the Flame Altar at your base. There are currently eight Flame Levels and each biome requires a certain Flame Level before you can access it. Moreover, upgrading each Flame Level requires a certain number of materials. You must gather these materials through explorations and enemy encounters, and provide them to the Flame Altar for the upgrade. As you continue to upgrade the Flame Level, you will be able to traverse through the Deadly Shroud or Fog without dying.

FAQs about Biomes in Enshrouded

Where does Enshrouded take place?

Answer: Enshrouded is an open-world survival video game and takes place in the vast world of Embervale.

How many biomes are there in Enshrouded?

Answer: There are five major biomes in Enshrouded including Springlands, Revelwood, Nomad Highlands, Kindlewastes, and Albaneve Summits. Moreover, there are also some sub-biomes within the major biomes.

Which is the hardest biome in Enshrouded?

Answer: Albaneve Summits is the hardest biome in Enshrouded. It is the latest biome added with Update 4 and requires a Flame Level of 6 – 8. Moreover, the enemies within this biome are around Level 30 to Level 40 which are very difficult to defeat, especially if you are low-level and do not have advanced gear.

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