All Junon Region Sidequests in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has a lot of regions with various sidequests. In this guide, we will talk about the sidequests in Junon Region.

The beautiful area of Junon (Image via Square Enix)
The beautiful area of Junon (Image via Square Enix)

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is an action RPG that is comprised of many main and side quests. Out of the total 36 side quests, five of these can be found when you reach the Junon Region in Chapter 4. Later on in-game, you can unlock two more side-quests in this region.

Completing side quests grants you many essential items along with pieces of equipment, various kinds of resources, and even relationship points. Here’s a guide on how to unlock these side quests and complete them.

How To Unlock and Complete Junon Region Side Quests in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Noticeboards are where you get sidequests in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Image via Square Enix | YouTube/OverHyped Gamer)
Noticeboards are where you get sidequests in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/OverHyped Gamer)

Once you are in the Junon Region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the quest board can be found beside the inn in Junon. From here you can select various sidequests and complete them one by one. Certain sidequests have specific requirements to unlock them. The following sidequests can be unlocked once you are in Chapter 4:

  • Stuck In a Rut
  • When Words Won’t Do
  • Calling All Frogs
  • The Hardest Sell
  • Dreaming of Blue Skies

There are two more sidequests but they unlock later on in Chapter 12. These are Tides of War and Worry and Beneath Still Waters.

Stuck In a Rut

Belle, the mountain chocobo in Junon (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/MorphMe21)
Belle, the mountain chocobo in Junon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/MorphMe21)

You can accept this quest the moment you step into Junon. This quest requires you to talk to the ranch owner in the Junon Region named Gabe. He will ask for your help with his carriage which broke down. From here you will be sent to find and catch Belle, a Chocobo for this region.

Here’s a guide on how to capture Belle. From here use her to reach the Wainwright in the mountains. He will ask for some materials to start work. Collect 1-3 pieces of driftwood marked on the map he gives you. Return them to the Wainwright for him to start on the work. Lastly, take the carriage parts and return them to Gabe to complete the mission.

Here are the rewards from this quest:

  • Queensguard Bangle 
  • Condor Cedar x10 
  • Mellow Oak x10 
  • Party EXP and Player EXP 
  • Affinity with Aerith

When Words Won’t Do

Salmon, the dog you need to protect (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/OverHyped Gamer)
Salmon, the dog you need to protect (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/OverHyped Gamer)

Complete the Friends Together Again Main Scenario in Chapter 4 to unlock this side quest. Moreover, this escort mission requires you to go from one side of the Junon to another. To start this quest, talk to Rhonda outside the inn in Junon.

Go to the map marker and talk to Rhonda who asks you to escort Salmon the dog to Crow’s Nest. Follow Salmon to Crow’s Nest while defeating waves of enemies on the way. Most of the fights are easy except the last one. Two Sandstorm Drakes will appear as your last enemies. These monsters are weak to Wind so prepare beforehand. Immediately after reaching Crow’s Nest, the quest automatically ends.

Here are the rewards from this quest:

  • Mythril Ore x3
  • Ruby x2
  • Sharpshooter’s Companion Vol. I
  • Party EXP and Player EXP 
  • Affinity with Barret

Calling All Frogs

Cloud and his party as frogs in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/OverHyped Gamer)
Cloud and his party as frogs in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/OverHyped Gamer)

Complete the Friends Together Again Main Scenario in Chapter 4 to unlock this side quest. This quest will then appear on the noticeboard. To officially start this quest, head to where you defeated Terror of the Deep and keep walking south until you reach an area filled with mist. There you see a Frog, talk to it. The frog then turns into a boy named Finn after which a cutscene plays marking the start of the quest.

You and your party are then transmogrified into a frog during which you have to defeat enemies in this state. You have only one skill available to you which is the Leapfrog ability. Try to use this as much as possible as it is your strongest move right now. After defeating the enemies, participate in the Jumpfrog minigame. Moreover, you need to get Rank 1 in this minigame which requires you to stay on the platform for at least 30 seconds.

Here are the rewards from this quest:

  • Enfeeblement Ring (Rank I Completion)
  • Enfeeblement Ring (Rank II Completion)
  • Enfeeblement Ring (Rank III Completion)
  • Party EXP and Player EXP 
  • Affinity with Tifa

The Hardest Sell

Kyrie at the lighthouse (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/OverHyped Gamer)
Kyrie at the lighthouse (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/OverHyped Gamer)

Complete When Words Won’t Do to unlock this sidequest. You can start this quest the moment you reach Crow’s Nest with Salmon. Toby stands at the entrance of Crow’s Nest when you first arrive there. Follow Toby into the town until he stops walking, the quest begins here.

After accepting the quest, Toby points towards the Abandoned Lighthouse at the Southern point of Crow’s Nest. Make your way through the village till you reach your destination. At the lighthouse, talk with Kyrie who is waiting up the stairs. After talking to her, head down and prepare for battle.

You have to first defeat numerous waves of Flans. These monsters are weak to Fire so most fire spells take them out easily. At the end, two White Mousse will appear. These can be difficult to beat due to them having no weakness. The trick to win this fight is to deal elemental damage to pressure them. You can then deal high amounts of damage once you stagger them. Finally, beating the enemies results in a cutscene after which the quest is over.

Here are the rewards from this quest:

  • Merc Cap (Chocobo Gear)
  • Merc Overalls (Chocobo Gear) 
  • Merc Legwraps (Chocobo Gear) 
  • Party EXP and Player EXP
  • Affinity with Red XIII

Dreaming of Blue Skies

Condor, a friendly great beast from Junon (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/OverHyped Gamer)
Condor, a friendly great beast from Junon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/OverHyped Gamer)

To unlock this quest, complete When Words Won’t Do which unlocks Crow’s Nest. Accept the quest from the noticeboard and head to Condor Hill southwest of Crow’s Nest. Go to the Condor’s hunting spot marked on the map using your Chocobo.

At the marker, you will see a cow grazing in the grass. It runs away once you get close to it. Use Belle to sniff the cow’s scent and follow the trail to see the cow getting attacked by monsters. Defeat the Ignilisks and protect the cow.

After this, a Mystic Dragon appears and takes the cow with it. Again, use Belle to follow its scent. The trail leads you to a cave which you need to navigate using your Chocobo. One inside, fight with the Mystic Dragon. It gets easily pressured from Wind attacks so use it till you stagger the Mystic Dragon. Once staggered, use your strongest moves to deal major amounts of damage.

Lastly, after defeating the Mystic Dragon, you get the option to choose which type of meat to take for the Condor. Choose the Bovine Meat to get the better reward at the end of the quest. From here, return to Condor Hill where a cutscene plays which marks the end of the quest in Junon.

Here are the rewards from this quest:

  • Warding Materia
  • Party EXP and Player EXP
  • Well-composed photograph (Bovine Meat) or Nice Condor Photograph (Monster Flesh)
  • Affinity with Tifa

All in all, these were all the sidequests in Junon from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

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