All Map and Locations Guide in Stalker 2

Discover all regions and their locations on the map in our STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl guide along with which locations you should visit in your playthrough.

All Map and Locations Guide - Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl
All Map and Locations Guide – Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl

STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl, much like its predecessor, features a thrilling story about humanity and survival. Although the game’s primary focus is the moment-to-moment gameplay, it doesn’t come at the cost of its narrative. Similar to the original Stalker game, the sequel offers various WeaponsArmorAttachments, and Artifacts that players can equip while progressing. However, all of the better equipment comes from certain locations that you must visit and explore.

There are various types of locations within the Zone including bases, points of interest, caves, anomalies, and more. Points of Interest are the ones that you should consider checking first as you can discover unique weapons, armor/suits, etc. Caves and Anomalies are a lot tricky but offer some of the best loot guaranteed. The only way to discover these locations is by exploration and in this guide, we will list all locations for each region on the map and tell you which locations you must visit in your playthrough in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl.

Map and Locations Overview in Stalker 2

All Map and Locations Guide – Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl takes place in a post-apocalyptic Eastern Europe setting. The whole map is bigger than the original trilogy combined and it offers 20 different regions. Each region is unique with its own environment containing new structures, locations, characters, anomalies, enemies, and more. In this immersive world of Zone, exploration is essential as you can find all kinds of good to enhance your character’s capabilities. Throughout the whole non-linear adventure experience, the Zone will surprise you with both jaw-dropping and terrifying moments.

The world within the Zone is not safe at all, as it contains all kinds of anomalies and various inhuman threats. Moreover, the anomalies corrupt the laws of physics and nature within those areas, making you fight and survive through them. With all these dangers, you have to stack up on necessary items like bandages, med kits, food, ammunition, weapons, armor, etc. Make sure your armor and weapon durability are full as you don’t want your weapon to get jam in intense fights. You can get all of these items and services from various NPCs in the bases so, make sure to check everything before you set out on your next adventure.

Types of Locations in Stalker 2

As we mentioned above, there are various types of locations within every region. Most of these locations will already be marked on the map with the “?” icon. These represent the Points of Interest locations and they can be either abandoned or populated buildings/structures with enemies or Anomaly areas. An Anomaly area will be corrupted by a certain type of anomaly which you can explore and look for any possible artifact. Equip the Echo Detector to see if there is any “Blue Light” to confirm whether there is an Artifact in the area or not.

In addition to these locations, there are also hidden caves. These caves mostly have mutants and a certain type of anomaly in them. If you run past these caves, they will get marked on the map with the same “?” icon. Moreover, the caves offer some of the best items for your gear including weapons, armor/suits, attachments, blueprints, and more. However, surviving in these caves is more difficult so you should go prepared.

Moreover, there are Arch Anomaly locations. These are the special anomaly locations that have corrupted the area on a large scale. There are seven Arch Anomaly locations in total within the Zone. Exploring these Anomaly areas will give you a guaranteed Legendary Artifact. So, these locations should be on the top of your priority list.

All Map Regions and Locations in Stalker 2 Listed

There are 20 regions within the Zone and over 250 locations that you can discover and explore. Each region offers unique locations from where you can get useful and valuable gear. It will take you a while to explore each region with all of its locations, so take your time to dig up the best loot possible. Here are all 20 regions in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl.

  1. Lesser Zone
  2. Garbage
  3. Wild Island
  4. Cordon
  5. Zaton
  6. Swamps
  8. Chemical Plant
  9. Cement Factory
  10. Rostok
  11. Yantar
  12. Burnt Forest
  13. Duga
  14. Malachite
  15. Cooling Towers
  16. Red Forest
  17. Yaniv
  18. Jupiter
  19. Generators
  20. Prypiat

NOTE: Generators is an unexplorable region along with CNPP and Iron Forest regions.

Lesser Zone

It is the starting region of the game, offering numerous locations from which you can find good gear. Here are all the locations in the Lesser Zone.

Location NameAnomalyArch Anomaly
Perimeter Decontamination CenterSpringboardBulba
Central CheckpointBurnerPoppy Field
Rudnya-VeresnyaFruit Punch 
Scientists’ BunkerGas 
Dire Thicket  
Post Office  
Boiler House  
Magnetic Cave  
Eastern Checkpoint  
Zalissya (Base)  
Zalissya Bar  
Gaffer’s House  
Len’s Garage  
Old Mill  
Deaf Meadow  
Radiation Hazard Signs Storage  
Water Tower  
Pontoon Bridge  
Pol Depot  
Monitoring Station  
Northern Checkpoint  
All Locations in Lesser Zone

While in the Lesser Zone, go to Bulba and Poppy Field Arch Anomaly locations to get yourself two Legendary Artifacts. Moreover, you can get a scoped weapon called Valik Lummox’s AKM-74S from the Water Tower location.


It is the second main region that you will visit while progressing through the main story. There are various locations in this region and you can get a couple of the best unique weapons.

Location NameAnomaly
Detention CenterWhirligig
HlynkaGlass Shards
Vehicle GraveyardTesla
The Ward’s OutpostElectro
DepotInvisible Exploding
Plant Boiler Station 
Boiler Plant 
Hydroelectric Station 
Electric Field 
Slag Heap (Base) 
Dig Site 
The Brood 
Explosion Funnel 
Poisonous Hole 
Iron Forest Gate 
All Locations in Garbage

You can get the Drowned unique weapon by completing a short mission for Boo at the Slag Heap base. Moreover, you can also find Shah’s Mate unique weapon near the Maze location.

Wild Island

You will meet some of the important characters in this region like Scar and Faust. Here are all the locations in the Wild Island.

Location NameAnomaly
Stone VillageVortex
Waste Processing StationGlass Shards
Polissya Collective FarmWhirligig
The ScarBubble
Boat House 
Shelter (Base) 
Pontoon Depot 
Lodochka’s Lab 
Quiet’s Camp 
Azimuth Station 
Sand Mine 


It is one of the smallest regions and is located beside Lesser Zone and Wild Island. However, there are still some locations and a base that you can visit.

Location NameAnomaly
Outer CheckpointWhirligig
Abandoned FarmsteadVortex
Transport TunnelElectro
Pig FarmGlass Shard
Lokomotyv Vehicle Station 
Tunnel Camp 
Death Cave 
Nuclear Waste Burial 
Rookie Village (Base) 
Military Checkpoint 
All Locations in Cordon

Go to the Death Cave location to get AS Lavina. However, be ready to face the control mutant in the cave.


It is one of the biggest regions and has two separate bases that you can visit. Moreover, it has numerous locations that you can visit to get some of the best gear in the game.

Location NameAnomalyArch Anomaly
Railway Maintenance FacilityElectroWandering Lights
North TunnelWhirligig 
Lonely Depot  
Canning Factory  
Fisherman’s Cabins  
Icarus (Base)  
Roadside Shop  
Gas Station  
Cave Network  
Sultansk (Base)  
Fish Farm  
Weather Station  
Hydrodynamics Lab  
Swamp Tram  
Port Cranes  
Ruined Preobrazhensky Bridge  
Repair Quay  
Ranger Station  
Old Barge  
Snork Cave  
Kupovate Collective Farm  
All Locations in Zaton

Grab the Sofmod unique weapon from the Railway Maintenance Facility location. Head to the Wandering Lights Arch Anomaly at night around 10 PM (in-game time) to get Weird Water artifact.


It is one of the most dangerous regions in the game. Although there are not any bases here, but still some locations you can visit.

Location NameAnomaly
Horodyshche HamletElectro
Trailer CampElectrical Flash
Burnt Farmstead 
Lonely Grave 
Fishing Hamlet 
Pumping Station 
Second Vanguard 
Abandoned Hamlet 
Clear Sky Base 
All Locations in Swamps


An individual region you will visit during one of the main missions of the story. There are no anomalies in this specific region. Here are all the locations inside SIRCAA.

  • SIRCAA Exterior Checkpoint
  • SIRCAA Interior Checkpoint
  • Pondside Station
  • SIRCAA Main Building
  • ARL Building

Chemical Plant

It is a big region with several locations which will help you get some of the best gear items.

Location NameAnomaly
Chemical Plant (Base)Electro
Maintenance YardBolide
Chemical TanksGravity & Tornado
Motor DepotTeleport
Pallet WarehouseWhirligig
Roofed Warehouse 
Military Tunnel 
Bloodsucker Village 
Army Warehouse 
Storage on the Hill 
Promin CMD Factory 
Transformer on the Island 
Ahroprom Research institute 
Ahroprom Factory 
All locations in Chemical Plant

Cement Factory

You will visit it during one of the main story missions. It offers several locations and it is best that you find the base in it.

Location NameAnomaly
Eastern TunnelGlass Shards
Machine Tractor Station 
Daredevil Path 
Intercom Tower 
Reloading Point 
Concrete Forest 
Temporary Warehouse 
Cement Factory (Base) 
All locations in Cement Factory


One of the main regions you will visit mid-game and it offers a few locations.

Location NameAnomaly
Rostok (Base)Electro
ChystohalivkaGlass Shards
BuryakivkaBlack Hole Teleporter
Restock Depot 
Scientist Helicopter 
Underpass Exit 
All locations in Rostok

While in the Rostok region, participate in The Arena activity at the Rostok base to get the Sledgehammer unique weapon.


It is next to the Rostok region and also offers a few locations.

Location NameAnomaly
Car DumpGlass Shards
Choppers Field 
Agricultural Workshop 
Yantar Production Complex 
Scientist Bunker 
Trailer Dump 
All locations in Yantar

Burnt Forest

It is a big region with no base but offer numerous locations and an Arch Anomaly.

Location NameAnomalyArch Anomaly
Repair StationFlashbangMist
Distribution Substation  
Krug Antenna Complex  
Fairy Tale Pioneer Camp  
Orbita Station  
X15 Lab  
Helicopter Wreck  
Perimeter Dam  
Helicopter Base  
All locations in Burnt Forest


There are numerous locations to visit in this region and it is located next to Burnt Forest and Malachite regions.

  • Pioneer Camp Bus Stop
  • Watchpost
  • Tech Zone Checkpoint
  • Cooling System
  • Comms Center
  • Crystal SCS
  • Duga Substation
  • Block D
  • Vehicle Park
  • Technical Tunnel Descent
  • Chornobyl-2 Checkpoint
  • Arms Depot
  • Military Unit
  • Commissary Store
  • Infirmary
  • Garages
  • City Boiler House
  • Fire Depot
  • Grocery Store
  • Radio Center Club
  • Entrance to Duga
  • Officer’s Quarters
  • Kindergarten
  • School Stadium
  • School

Cooling Towers

A small individual region is located next to the Cement Factory. It has various locations and an Arch Anomaly area.

Location NameAnomalyArch Anomaly
Field Radiobiology BaseTeleportFire Whirl
Nagirtsi Village  
South Cooling Tower  
Material Assets Storage  
Burning Fire Depot  
Unit Pumping Station  
Red Fortress  
SKD Assembly Unit  
All locations in Cooling Towers


It is located on the west side of the Zone next to the Chemical Plant. There are a few locations and a base that you can visit in this region.

  • Malachite Checkpoint
  • Energiya Vehicle Station
  • Level Crossing
  • Malachite Repair Factory
  • Monolithian Gathering
  • STC Malachite (Base)
  • X17 Lab
  • VPC Mirror
  • Brain Scorcher
  • Troposphere Comm Station

Red Forest

There are few locations to visit in this region and an Arch Anomaly. However, no base in this region.

Location NameAnomalyArch Anomaly
Pipe YardWhirligigMirage
Parking Lot  
Witch’s Circle  
Pile Driver  
Forest Cemetery  
All locations in Red Forest


It is directly north of the Red Forest region and contains a base, an Arch Anomaly, and several locations.

Location NameAnomalyArch Anomaly
Yaniv Station (Base)VortexTornado
Conjoined Wagons  
Spark Bunker  
Bog Poppers  
Dusty Cable Tunnel  
Klyvyny Waypoint  
Bridge of Death  
All locations in Yaniv


An end-game region and offers several locations to discover and explore.

Location NameAnomaly
Bread FactoryElectro
WSD Base 
Prypiat Substation 
Science Campus Checkpoint 
SES Polygon 
Mobile Enterprise Building 
Commercial Kitchen 
Fluoridation Station 
All locations in Jupiter


The final region in the main story and it offers numerous locations to explore.

Location NameAnomaly
Start ShopWhirligig
Friendship KindergartenVortex
Prypiat-1 Checkpoint 
Kolosok Battery 
Department Store 
Zustrich Canteen 
Sunny Kindergarten 
Strumok Milk Shop 
“White House” 
Shopping Mall 
School Stadium 
Industrial Hospital No126 
School No1 
River Port 
Prometheus Movie Theater 
Music School 
Polissya Hotel 
Enerhetyk Palace of Culture (Base) 
City Park 
Ferris Wheel 
Olimpiya Cafe 
All locations in Prypiat

FAQs about Map and locations in Stalker 2 Heart of Chornobyl

1. Question: Which is the best Location in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl?

Answer: Rostok is the overall best base and location in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. All the merchants are available at the base, allowing you to restock and upgrade your gear. Moreover, this base also has one of the most unique features in the game, The Arena. Participating in the arena will let you fight against various enemies in a series of rounds with minimal gear and inventory. Passing through the rounds will earn you a decent amount of money. However, every round is more difficult than the other, requiring you to be more strategic in winning the fights.

2. Question: How to unlock locations in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl?

Answer: Exploring the world will start marking the point of interest icons (?) whenever you are near any location. There is no certain requirement to explore any location in the game except for the end-game regions because they are tied to the progression of the main story. You can freely visit other regions to discover them and explore to unlock locations.

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