All Metaphor Refantazio Conversation Best Answers

Check out an in-depth list of all of the best responses you can use to rank up your bonds with characters in Metaphor ReFantazio.

Learn the best answers to unlock new Archetype skills in Metaphor ReFantazio. (Source: Atlus)

Throughout your Metaphor ReFantazio playthrough, you will meet a plethora of characters that add to the game’s gripping narrative. These characters have their own side stories unfolding as the game’s plot unfolds. You can engage with these characters to learn more about them and their position in the fantastical world of the game. Additionally. you can also unlock powerful new Archetypes that are associated with the various characters.

In order to do this, however, you not only have to start the characters’ stories but also rank up your bond with them with the right answers during conversations. In this article, we will break down all of the possible responses to conversations with the many characters in Metaphor ReFantazio and highlight the options that will be the most beneficial for you.

Best Conversation Answers in Metaphor ReFantazio

Strohl – Warrior Archetype

Strohl in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2

My goodness, look how you’ve grown.

  • Friend of yours?
  • How do you know each other?

All the more reason then that I have to help somehow

  • Let’s find a way to help. +3
  • We can build some houses. +1
  • Shall we take them with us. +1

All the more reason I should speak with them myself if that’s how he sees you.

  • Let’s go talk to him. +3
  • Let’s go set him straight. +1

I’d rather not have to add my personal woes to that…

  • I’ll make the time then. +2
  • That’s what friends do. +3
  • I insist. +2

Rank 3

I was a fool to ask for your aid.

  • Are you giving up?
  • What about your people?

It’s a pity.

  • You have terrible phrasing. +3
  • Yet you won’t help him. +3

Well if there were any clues left, I’m sure they would all point to Halia.

  • Can you think of any leads?
  • Let’s go investigate.

I’ll not burden you with a wild goose chase.

  • No, we do this together. +2
  • Is that safe? +1

Rank 4 – Obtain the Gauntlet Runner

That there may be a clue in its whereabouts in my hometown of Halia?

  • It can rebuild your house.
  • It can save your people.
  • It can make you rich. +1

All that couldn’t feel more foreign to me in this life.

  • Could be fun though.
  • Your life is yours to choose.
  • What will you do?

I need to seek out that inheritance, I know that much.

  • We should look into it. +1
  • Where is your hometown? +1

You would join me? Does your generosity know no bounds?

  • I want to see your home. +3
  • Pay me back with your inheritance. +3
  • I can’t let you go alone. +3

Rank 5 – Complete Apprehend the Real Kidnapper

I wish you could have seen it like that.

  • What happened is tragic.
  • I know I’ll see it someday. +1
  • I see it in my mind.

But would you mind waiting nearby.

  • It’s okay to be nervous. +3
  • How unlike you.
  • Don’t be such a baby.

“The family’s treasure was dispatched to the royal capital.”

  • The Royal Capital?
  • What are we waiting for?

No one expected a murderous rampaging human!

  • Try to stay calm. +1

But I have no clue who that might be?

  • No leads? +2
  • Well, it is a big city. +1
  • Tell me about your father. +2

Rank 6 – Requires Imagination Level 3 and Complete A Noble’s Legacy Quest

He is well-versed in such matters.

  • Lord Hydran?
  • You have anyone else?

They practically bludgeoned me with it.

  • Wise words to live by. +2
  • What does it mean? +2

If you don’t mind my asking, did you hear anything else about my father in the search?

  • He loved his son. +1
  • He had a strong sense of justice. +2
  • He was a man of virtue. +3

Rank 7

It matters, actually.

  • What’s wrong?
  • Something is off… +1
  • It’s worth considering.

  • Be honest with him. +2
  • Stick to your ideals. +3

I looked into it while you were helping me with inquiries.

  • Sounds like a good idea.
  • Clever…

I couldn’t have made it through without you.

  • I’ve done nothing. +3
  • It was all you. +3

Rank 8

I question whether or not I deserve to have all this.

  • You do. +2
  • Just prove it to yourself. +1
  • Everyone deserves that. +1

The people of Halia were coincidentally in the same place.

  • Luck is its own type of skill. +1
  • All’s well that ends well.

That’s my only regret in all this.

  • They wouldn’t be angry.
  • They’d have done the same.

Is this all really a coincidence?

  • It was probably intentional. +1
  • Your parents orchestrated this. +1

I continue to find ways I never understood my parents.

  • I’m not sure about that. +1
  • Surely, they believed in you. +4

I’d always thought I’d been a worthless son to them.

  • That’s not true. +4
  • Parents don’t think like that. +4
  • You’ve honored them. +4

Hulkenberg – Knight Archetype

Hulkenberg in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2 – Complete Necromancer Takedown

Yet all the times we crossed blades, we never did see who was the better.

  • Sounds like a worthy opponent. +2
  • Sounds tough. +2
  • What was he like? +1

Hmm? And who’s this pup?

  • “Pup”?
  • A friend of hers

My apologies. I’m sorry you had to see that.

  • Are you okay? +2
  • Don’t worry about it. +1
  • What a scumbag.

Rank 3 – Obtain the Gauntlet Runner

I imagine you have some grasp of your greatest strengths by now.

  • I’m good at staying versatile. +1
  • I’m not sure.

Do you care nothing for the success of the mission?

  • That’s not true. +1
  • You’re really fixated on this.
  • Push me harder! +2

How can you deny it?

  • That’s not true.
  • Don’t let it bother you. +1
  • This isn’t like you. +2

Rank 4 – Complete Apprehend the Real Kidnapper

Those who would do this nation harm shall be punished.

  • What harm?
  • What is he accused of?

One would almost think you and your friend seek the hangman’s noose yourselves.

  • Try it.
  • Wait…

I’ve forced you into my troubles again.

  • It’s nothing. +1
  • I’m used to it. +2
  • He’s the bad guy here. +1

Rank 5 – while travelling

We were alike in that way, seeking to rise by our own individual efforts regardless of familial background.

  • What changed him?
  • What happened to him?

But to see him rise to the rank of commander in such a short period of time…

  • You respect that?
  • Do you feel inferior?

A knight errant and errored, failed in her solemn duty?

  • That’s not who you are.
  • That’s still a knight.

Who am I to claim chivalry over him?

  • You would run again? +3
  • So you’ll say nothing? +3

Afraid of facing who I once was.

  • You don’t have to be. +3
  • You have friends you know. +3
  • You’re better than this. +3

Rank 6 – while travelling

It is only through battle that he will be shown the error of his ways.

  • A bold move. +1
  • Will he accept?
  • You’d risk your life? +1

This seems a fine opportunity to settle things once and for all.

  • Well, I’m rooting for you. +1
  • You’ve got this. +2

I shall face him headlong, surpass him in ability, and right his ways.

  • That’s admirable.
  • You show him. +1
  • I know you can do it. +1

I want you to be witness to my duel.

  • I don’t mind. +2
  • What would I do?
  • If only to witness your victory. +3

Rank 7 – Wisdom Level 4

What now? Have you come to aid in this execution?

  • No chance.
  • We’re here to stop you.

Had you more confidence, we could have settled this for all to see.

  • Be careful.
  • You’re not allowed to die.

End her pain, Nacetum.

  • Stop!
  • Face me, instead.

Not really a bloke to fight fair, is he?

  • …Who are you?
  • What will happen to him?

And now… ‘Tis an outcome most unfortunate.

  • You brought him to justice. +2
  • You fought marvellously. +2

I cannot say if I’ve lived up to such a title.

  • Of course you have. +2
  • You kept your faith. +2
  • You are a model knight. +3

Rank 8 – On the Gauntlet Runner

For the time being, the chaos in the capital should be still.

  • Case closed. +1
  • But it’s not over yet. +2
  • That’s a harsh punishment.

Unless His Royal Highness the Prince takes the throne, there will be no true rebirth for the knighthood.

  • So we can’t afford to fail. +2
  • I’ll forge our path forward. +4

Thus… I vow anew to use my power for you.

  • I’m counting on you. +4
  • You’re a true knight. +4
  • I’ll protect you. +4

Basilio – Berserker Archetype

Basilio in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2

Me, Fidelio and Basilio go way back.

  • Nice to meet you too.
  • An old friend, huh?

‘Cept everyone bet on you livin’ so that settled that.

  • Guess that means you won.
  • You’d bet on his death?

I know I don’t look it, but I’m a hell of a chef, me.

  • I look forward to it. +3
  • You’re not just bragging? +2
  • Some dessert, please! +3

Rank 3 – on Gauntlet Runner

See? Good, eh?

  • More, please! +3
  • Where’d you buy this? +1
  • It really sticks with me. +2

I drink it meself, on nights when the pain gets loud.

  • That must be rough. +1 
  • Does it hurt that badly?
  • And the medicinal herbs?

We took it all. We had to.

  • You were right to run away.
  • They tricked you into it?

I can be glad for that, at least.

  • He was having chest pains.
  • Didn’t seem well to me.
  • Let’s visit him again. +1

Rank 4

…I’m not settin’ foot in any damn church.

  • I get it, but…
  • It’s better than dying.
  • Then take the herbs…

Got some business to take care of first.

  • What kind of business?
  • When will you be done?

If Del were here, I’m sure he’d rake me over the coals for that one.

  • It’s very like you. +3
  • He’s gotta keep you in line. +1
  • I don’t think he’d be mad. +3

Rank 5

Oi, don’t tell me… All the murders we’ve been hearin’ about…

  • Let’s hear him out.
  • Vinca’s behind them?

That’s… You’re right to hate ‘em, mate, but…

  • What do you want to do?
  • You can’t support this.

If Del were here, he could tell me what to do…!

  • Fidelio isn’t here.
  • Find your own answer.
  • You’d help him kill? +1

Rank 6 – Imagination Level 5

Then he’s got to be layin’ low. Can’t just stroll about.

  • Let’s find his target. +2
  • Let’s ambush him. +2
  • Let’s capture him.

If you wait ‘til he makes his move, it’ll be too late!

  • We’re all but certain…
  • He’s a skilled bodyguard.

They’re gonna pin everything on me!

  • Keep your head high. +1
  • You run, I’ll stay.
  • I can break you out of jail, easy.

Thanks for earlier. You were trying to save me, right?

  • Obviously. +2
  • Didn’t care for the guy. +1
  • You’re too dodgy. +1

Del never believed it’d actually happen, but to me, it was… hope.

  • It was Vinca’s hope too. +2
  • It was Fidelio’s hope too. +2
  • Did you look up to Vinca? +1

Rank 7

What do you think? I can be smart, yeah?

  • Genius! +1
  • Will that work?
  • You should be the boss! +2

Get in my way, and I’ll kill you all too!

  • That won’t fix anything! +1
  • You need help!
  • You’d kill your family!? +1

Is he able to jump like that from the power he was talkin’ about earlier? He’s… a monster.

  • What will you do? +2
  • We’ll stop him together. +3
  • Are you ready? +2

Rank 8 – Eloquence Level 5 and Complete A Brother’s Mercy


  • Brace yourself.
  • Only one way to save him.

…This was the best we could do for him… right?

  • You helped us save Vinca. +4
  • Now we fulfill your promise. +4
  • He smiled for you. +4

He must’ve been hurting a lot worse than me, but he still gave me those herbs. No hesitation.

  • He was a good man. +2
  • He was a man worth respect. +2

Where everyone’s got a reason to smile! That’s me new dream!

  • You’ve come a long way. +4
  • We’ll make it happen. +4
  • For our departed friends. +4

Heismay – Thief Archetype

Heismay in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2

You were careless.

  • I couldn’t keep up. +1
  • One more time. +1
  • You are so cool. +1

Your body must move on instinct, to buy time for your mind.

  • How can I do that?
  • I’m not a master…

But nowhere near as good as the spirits back home.

  • What did they taste like?
  • Do you miss your hometown?

I’ll never forget the day I cremated my son’s body and mourned his death.

  • Cremated?
  • How does that equate to mourning?

I shouldn’t be talking about this.

  • I’d like to help. +2
  • Let’s find his place. +2

I can’t put that burden on you.

  • It’s a favour for a friend. +3
  • It’s for your son’s sake. +3

Rank 3

Hard enough for a boy his age to fit in.

  • Shall we look somewhere else? +1
  • Seems like a good place.

I can feel them eyeing us from the shadows too.

  • It’s too dangerous. +1
  • Well, he’d not be lonely. +2

I’d like to look at other locations if you don’t mind.

  • No problem. +2
  • You want to keep looking?
  • You’re very thorough +1

You’ve already done more than enough for me.

  • But it is my concern. +3
  • We can take our time. +2

Maybe I’m just imagining things.

  • What’s the matter?
  • Any monsters nearby?

I know ‘tis just an empty fantasy.

  • Are you okay? +1
  • I know it’s difficult. +2

And yet…

  • Something bothering you?
  • Want to keep looking?

The hill where my hometown lies.

  • You just remembered it?
  • Why didn’t we go there first?

A wind blows in my home sweeter than any I’ve known.

  • Why don’t we visit? +2
  • Let’s give up.
  • Let’s go already. +3

Rank 4

You might feel some hostility in the air.

  • I don’t mind. +2
  • Why?
  • I’m used to that.

He’s standing in the Tournament for the Throne.

  • Nice to meet you.
  • I’m the future king.

And of course I’d go whinging to Tadari about it.

  • Adorable. +1
  • A crybaby, eh… +1

Do you hear?

  • Not very welcoming.
  • That’s horrible.

Tadari was just too afraid to refuse him. That’s all…

  • I can hear you, you know. +3
  • Show yourself. +3
  • Explain yourself! +3

Rank 5 – on the Gauntlet Runner

That’s not their leader’s fault.

  • Even with the theft?
  • Is that why you left? +1

While we stayed the course of our hesitance, their dispute was resolved…

  • What happened to them?
  • I don’t blame them.

While I simply ran away, he took a role of leadership, determined to bring honourable change to our village.

  • There’s nobility in that. +2
  • You’re honorable too, Heismay.

This xenophobic nest.

  • They sound horrible.
  • I pity them.

An excuse to run from yet another decision!

  • It’s all right to hesitate.
  • No one could condemn you.

How can I call myself a father?

  • So you’re giving up? +3
  • Regret alone won’t solve this. +3

My apologies for all you’ve been made to endure.

  • I’m coming with you. +3
  • Don’t shoulder it alone. +3
  • You’d leave me behind? +3

Rank 6

Which means our culprit must have…

  • Buried it.
  • Taken it out of the village. +2
  • Swallowed it.

And the bones inside are safe, too.

  • Just as you deduced! +3
  • That’s a stroke of luck. +2

But… is that truly how this should end?

  • What do you mean?
  • Something still bothering you?
  • Time to find the culprit?

One that grows poorer and more isolated by the day?

  • I don’t think we can. +1
  • It’s their choice.
  • Let’s talk to them. +2

Rank 7 – Imagination Level 4

The people of other lands won’t accept us.

  • That’s an assumption. +2
  • You don’t know that. +2
  • Things can change. +2

That’s why we must weave our new hope one step at a time.

  • We support you. +3
  • Let’s do what we can. +3
  • We’ll blaze a trail. +3

Rank 8 – on Gauntlet Runner

…I wondered if you’d notice.

  • Where is it? +2
  • Did you lay your son to rest? +2

I will fight with my son at my side, and in my heart.

  • I’m sure he’d want that.  +4
  • That day’s fast approaching. +4
  • Don’t make me cry. +3

But it was that experience that brought me to my decision.

  • I’m honoured. +2
  • Thank you. +1

And I will see them protected, even should it cost me my life.

  • I’ll be counting on you. +2
  • Your life is important too. +1
  • I won’t let anyone die. +4

Eupha – Summoner Archetype

Eupha in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2

I was rude to the shopkeeper, even if it was just because of my excitement at seeing such interesting wares.

  • Don’t worry about it. +1
  • It probably happens a lot. +1

Why, at the other place we visited, someone even offered me a special deal on a pail which pours good fortune!

  • That was a scam. +1
  • I can’t leave you alone anywhere. +2

… Do you have some business here at the church?

  • We were curious about the smell.
  • We’ve just come to look.

I admit I prefer not to go inside alone…

Of course I will. +3

  • Sure, it’d be a break. +3

Rank 3

Hehe. Of course.

  • What kind of dance is it? +1
  • How about a preview? +1
  • Teach me, too. +2

How much do you know about the noble faith, may I ask?

  • Just the basics…
  • I don’t know anything at all.

N-no that’s not what I…

  • We’ll decide for ourselves.
  • Are you pressuring us?

Converting was never so much as a thought I’d had…

  • That’s natural. +2
  • Life’s full of surprises. +2
  • Your beliefs are your own. +3

Rank 4

I can sense magla coming from behind this door, and it’s not good.

  • Let’s take a look. +1
  • Let’s leave.

And if I pray under the church, God will hear me faster, right?

  • Is prayer all you do here?
  • What about other treatments?

Probably because too many intense feelings are concentrated in one place.

  • Are prayers the cause?
  • Like with the Dragon God?

Our prayers will be heard.

  • You don’t know that.
  • Listen to her.

If it spreads the whole town will be in danger.

  • We have to act. +3
  • Like in Eht Ria? +1
  • You can help them. +3

Rank 5

Where did you take Santor Hyperic and the sick ones?

  • We haven’t done anything.
  • Are they gone!?

I just want to talk with you all…!

  • Let’s retreat for now.
  • You’re wasting your words.

Haah…Haah…Are you alright?

  • I’m fine. +2
  • What about you? +2
  • That was scary. +2

But what can I do to help when they see me as some sort of great enemy?

  • Let’s help them snap out of it. +3
  • Let’s figure something out. +3

I worry constantly , and I’m… always looking for answers.

  • Everyone does that. +1
  • Caution is good. +2
  • Less thinking, more action. +3

And now, I want to transform into a source of strength for Ovi and Hyperic!

  • Then let’s help them. +3
  • I’ll give you a hand. +3

Rank 6 – Eloquence Rank 4

Why would that be…?

  • Because no one is here?
  • Something must have happened.
  • Let’s go see. +1

Hyperic has taken the parishioners…

  • They’re in danger.
  • Where did they go?
  • Why would he do such a thing?

Don’t you know Mama’s sick!? You’re awful!

  • She didn’t trick you.
  • It was Hyperic.

As far away as it is, we can’t pass through the mountains. But we could fly there!

  • Then let’s hurry. +2
  • We need to prepare. +2
  • We’ll deal with it together. +1

Rank 7 – Complete Wayward Shepherd And Wisdom level 5

I think they really heard me.

  • They did. +3
  • It’s a lesson learned. +1
  • Your parents must be happy. +2

Rank 8 – on Gauntlet Runner

A shameless sort of request, maybe.

  • Request? +2
  • Anything for you. +2


  • Sure, but… +1
  • What’s this all of a sudden?

I want to convey my feelings to you… Please?

  • I understand. +1
  • All right…

Are you… troubled by something? You seem tense.

  • How did you know? +1
  • Can you let go now?
  • What did you want to convey?

I only want to live in a world where you exist…

  • Then let’s live a long time together. +4
  • Let’s build a good kingdom. +4
  • I feel the same way. +4

Junah – Masked Dancer Archetype

Junah in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2

And so is the shopping for that matter!

  • What are you buying? +1
  • Do you have the money? +1

…That little girl was nidia, just like me.

  • That’s why you were nice to her? +1
  • Was that really about singing?

It should be fine as long as I don’t delay us, won’t it?

  • You should do it. +2
  • I want to hear you sing too. +2
  • And if I say you can’t? +2

Rank 3

Is there something on my face?

  • I was worried I’d lost you.
  • I thought you’d left me behind.
  • I was about to head back.

  • Who was she?
  • Don’t let her get to you. +1
  • Should we back out?

It’s not that I don’t sympathise with her, but… crowds are only won through hard work and skill.

  • It’s a tough world. +1
  • Are you sure, though? +2
  • She’s no match for you. +3

Rank 4

It couldn’t be…

  • The singer from last year?
  • The little girl you sang to?

You wouldn’t…!

  • Explain yourself.
  • You owe us money.
  • You’ve gone too far.

If there’s erika flowers on stage, I’ll…

  • What would happen? +1
  • Because they’re poisonous?
  • I’ll be with you. +3

Rank 5 – Imagination Level 4

It’s nearly time. So many guests.

  • People are excited. +2
  • Because it’s free?
  • That’s the power you have. +1

I hope she isn’t planning anything untoward…

  • I’ll take care of it.
  • I’ll have a look.

You… Here to shove me off, are ya?

  • What’s your scheme?
  • That depends on you.

Was I his target then? And Myrtus…

  • Are you alright? +1
  • How’d I miss that?

I know where they bloom too…

  • Let’s go pick some leaves.
  • What’s wrong?
  • You don’t want to go?

Rank 6 – On the Gauntlet Runner

Thought I’d die of embarrassment…

  • Was that you, Junah? +1
  • Do you have a sister?
  • I’ve seen her before… +1

What did you think?

  • About what? +1 
  • You were cute. +3
  • I like how you look now.+1

Rank 7

Gives it some significance.

  • We’re going to save her. +2
  • Fate is strange. +2

Well, I thought that if I had to show that form to anyone ever again, it might be all right if that person was you.

  • What do you mean? +2
  • Go on… +2
  • You wouldn’t show the others?

Junah… Ah…

  • Does it still hurt?
  • I’m glad you’re better.

Wouldn’t you agree?

  • You protected Junah. +2
  • People change. +2
  • I want to hear you sing. +3

Rank 8

I asked Capra to make some connections, and I think introducing Myrtus here was the right choice.

  • Are you jealous?
  • She’s got potential. +1

I think that’s what the world needs right now.

  • You can do it. +2
  • You give me hope. +4
  • That’s a great goal. +1

So let’s work together to create a world where everyone can hear me sing in peace.

  • It’s a promise. +4
  • We’ll do it together. +4
  • I’ll expect front row seats. +4

Catherina – Brawler Archetype

Catherina in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2

You’re quite the force to be reckoned with.

  • You too. +2
  • It was a breeze +1

I never knew you had kingly ambitions.

  • It’s complicated +1
  • I didn’t know you did either. +2
  • I want power.

The ones that do get riches and glory besides.

  • That’s not a bad idea. +2
  • Kind of extreme…
  • How will you judge this?

What are your plans if you win the crown?

  • I can’t say yet. +2
  • I’ll tell you if you win. +2

Rank 3

They squeezed us dry so I’ll squeeze ‘em right back.

  • Will that work?
  • Is money the answer?

They like this twisted world just as it is.

  • Let’s change things. +2
  • Not everyone’s like that. +1
  • Let’s save them too. +3

Rank 4

Is it right to bring people down just because they have money.

  • No, it’s not. +3
  • The rich are obligated.

Can’t imagine that’s the world we want.

  • That’s true. +1
  • But what about the poor?
  • We’ll find better ways. +2

I’m behind you all the way.

  • Thrilled to hear that. +3
  • You won’t regret it? +1
  • For both of us. +3

Rank 5 – Reach Altabury

Just wish I could do something, bein’ that it’s my fault and all…

  • Take responsibility for it.
  • It’s their fault.
  • Why do you think that?

I came back to the village just one time, hopin’ to thank that old man. But I couldn’t…

  • Why not?
  • Too embarrassed?
  • He left for the mountains too?

It’s been my only goal, if I’m honest.

  • You still can. +1
  • Are you giving up?

Got it in ya to help me out once more? Please?

  • To do what? +2
  • Depends.
  • You don’t need to ask. +3

Rank 6 – Tolerance Rank 5

No… You’re wrong!

  • Be proud. +3
  • Be calm. +3

He’s done a lot worse than what we’ve seen.

  • It was dicey for a second. +1
  • We finally have peace. +1
  • Serves him right.

All I know is, I don’t want to leave my people behind…

  • That’s what’s important. +2
  • What will be will be. +2
  • We can work on that. +3

Rank 7

One person makin’ waves may not amount to much, but when everyone gets stuck in, the world’s gonna change. I know it.

  • You’re right. +2
  • Change is slow. +1
  • Glad you’ve realised. +3

I’m pretty tenacious. You know that about me?

  • I sure did. +3
  • You? Nah. +2
  • You’re the coolest. +3

Rank 8

  • Things are different now.
  • You got this.

Things’ll really start lookin’ up for us then.

  • I’ll try to live up to your expectations. +4
  • Don’t set the bar too high… +1

It takes everyone to pull that off.

  • You may be right. +4
  • It’ll be a challenge. +2

Neuras – Gunner Archetype

Neuras in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2 – Find the Relic in Man-Eater’s Grotto

But the old geezer was really onto something!

  • Did you doubt him? +1
  • Would he really mislead you? +1

So please help me find the rest.

  • I’m definitely motivated. +2
  • You need more?
  • It’ll awaken his ghost…

Got a bit invested and then suddenly I was an engineer.

  • It was fate. +2
  • So you got distracted? +3

Rank 3 – Find the Relic in the Tomb of Lament

Why, I was every debutante’s dream!

  • Must’ve been amazing.
  • Keep telling yourself that.
  • Wish that were me. +2

For me gauntlet runners are the true loves of my life.

  • It’s a lifestyle choice. +1
  • I support you. +1
  • You’re perfect for each other. +3

Rank 4 – Find the Relic in Land of Ceremony

Might be why I’m so drawn to these relics, or you lot.

  • Aren’t igniters convenient? +1
  • Do you dislike igniters?

They gathered up some destitute paripus who had no other place to go… and subjected them to experiment after awful experiment.

  • Did you join them?
  • You didn’t stop it?

And now, after all that, I’ve been kicked back down to the bottom rung! Gahaha hahahaha!

  • It’s better this way. +2
  • You missed out on fame. +1
  • This is actually a step up. +3

Rank 5 – Find the Relic at Scoundrel’s Hold

Enough to give me a thunderclap of inspiration even when I’m at a low point.

  • Something on your mind?
  • You’re feeling low?

After you’ve been burned, instead of choosing the path of exhilaration and the unknown, you tend to favour the path that’s safe, secure and least risky.

  • We won’t betray you. +2
  • That’s just growth. +3

Rank 6 – Find the Relic at Mt. Vulkano

Ah, it’s a heavy burden to bear, being this generation’s greatest mind.

  • Good job holding onto it. +1
  • You never lost it?
  • What a legend. +1

And I’ll stick with you ‘til the end, you hear!

  • We’re counting on you. +2
  • You’re one of us now. +2
  • To the end, and beyond. +3

Rank 7 – Find the Relic at Everfrost Forest

I’m sorry! The truth is… all of the relics we had were stolen!

  • Who did it?
  • Only the relics?
  • Were you drinking again!?

Can’t imagine any shops would buy them off you…

  • Maybe a colleague?
  • Someone who knows relics?
  • Someone following you?

So please – help me solve this!

  • Got it. +1
  • What are those relics?
  • Anything for you, Neuras. +3

Rank 8 – Complete the Petty Thief Quest

Would’ve been dire indeed if the thief were the one to complete it…

  • Dire how?
  • Could have saved us the trouble.

Why were the relics scattered all across the land?

  • Not just a coincidence.
  • There must be a reason. +1

What do you suppose we should do with this?

  • Let’s destroy it. +4
  • Let’s use it to defeat Louis.
  • Let’s put the pieces back.

That’s how I managed to make this gauntlet runner fly. So thank you.

  • It’s the fruit of your efforts. +4
  • Likewise. +4
  • You’ve plenty more in store. +4

Maria – Healer Archetype

Maria in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2 – Tolerance Level 2 and Obtain the Tree of Prophecy Drawing

She seems to feel the need to put on a brave face.

  • She’s holding back.
  • Even to you?

Even if all you do is lend her an ear, she would appreciate it.

  • That’s all?
  • I’m not sure…
  • Leave it to me.

  • What is it?
  • You can tell me.

  • Let’s keep walking.
  • I’ll tell them off.

I bet she was talking about you!

  • How is she weird?
  • Apologise to her.
  • Clean up those drawings.

Am I… weird…?

  • You’re not weird. +2
  • Don’t let them bother you. +1
  • I’ll make them apologise. +1

You didn’t forget our promise?

  • I’d never forget. +2
  • I wouldn’t break a promise. +3

They don’t want to say it’s my fault Papa died.

  • That’s not true. +1
  • A bad person did it. +1
  • He did it for you. +1

If it’s not much trouble, can you um…

  • I’ll visit you again. +3
  • We’ll talk again. +3

Rank 3 – Obtain the Midnight Sunsands Drawing from Neuras

He let me ride on his shoulders and I felt like a grown up.

  • Let’s buy some. +2
  • Let’s go there too. +3

  • Don’t mind her. +1
  • You’re not wrong, Maria. +1

Just like him.

  • You have Ms Fabienne. +1
  • You have me. +3

I promise I’ll be good…

  • Someday we will.
  • It’s dangerous.

I have to show her I’m a good girl.

  • You are good. +3
  • Show her you care. +3

Rank 4

She insists on helping me with anything and everything, no matter what it is.

  • She’s a good kid.
  • That’s odd?
  • I may have an idea…

I’m sorry…

  • Are you okay?
  • You don’t have to apologise.

Does she not want me here anymore?

  • She would never abandon you.
  • Why would you think that?

He did everything he did because he truly, deeply cared about you.

  • He did it for both of you. +4
  • He worked to protect everyone. +4
  • He made me promise him. +4

Rank 5 – Obtain the City Ruins Drawing from Neuras

I wonder if Papa heard me…

  • What did you ask him?
  • You finished praying?

I was wrong that whole time.

  • Your papa must be happy. +3
  • You papa must feel relieved. +3

Does that mean I can’t do it, then?

  • You can do other things. +2
  • Maybe you can make people smile. +2

This one will have Papa and Miss Fabienne and me and you, all smiling together!

  • That’s a great idea. +2
  • You don’t need me there…
  • It’s the whole family. +3

Don’t forget, it also has to have pretty pictures on it, or…

  • I know an artist. +3
  • Leave it to me. +3

Rank 6

And no cheap trinket, either, but one that requires my assistance to create?

  • You can help right?
  • It’s a lot to ask…

I can’t believe it…

  • I’m glad we asked him. +3
  • I think he’ll do a good job. +3

So, do you like the one we made instead?

  • It’s a gift.
  • Maria designed it.

…I’m glad.

  • It looks amazing. +2
  • She loves it. +1
  • Mission complete. +3

Am I just like Papa now?

  • A little bit, yeah. +1
  • You did a great job. +3
  • You outdid him. +2

Rank 7 – Tolerance Level 4 and Obtain the Peregrine Falls Drawing from Neuras

He journeys to all sorts of places.

  • Neat, huh?
  • They were all incredible sights.

Mister, I made a new friend!

  • Good job. +2
  • Turns out he’s a good kid.

They don’t know anything about him and they don’t even try to find out…

  • They’re afraid. +2
  • How can I help? +3
  • Let’s check on him. +3

Rank 8

So maybe if we get everyone to eat lots of good food together they’ll talk to each other and get along!

  • We can hope for the best…
  • I want to help. +2

She even wants to get some of the townspeople to help out, too!

  • That’s great. +4
  • I’ll help with that too. +2

We’re going to go play with Hirundo and the others too, next time.

  • Hirundo?
  • You have a lot of friends. +2

I’m not going to ask you not to go.

  • Is that how you really feel?
  • Because you have a home now?

So, please come back.

  • I promise. +4
  • I won’t die. +4
  • I’ll make this country kind. +4

Bardon – Commander Archetype

Bardon in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2 – After you travel to Brilhaven

But darn it all, now everyone is clamouring for me to be governor…

  • You’re popular. +3
  • You’re suited for it. +2
  • Seems like a stretch.+1

Do… Do I have what it takes to lead them?

  • It’ll be fine. +3
  • Everything’s a challenge. +3
  • I couldn’t tell you. +1

Rank 3

I won’t chance the faintest whiff of that kinda thing happening again.

  • I support you. +2
  • You should relax a little.

Only thing I care about is protecting those wee ’uns and all this town’s people.

  • The job suits you. +2
  • Take care of yourself, too.
  • You really care about kids, huh?

Wished I could be the one to disappear, instead of them.

  • I understand.
  • You aren’t to blame. +2
  • You can protect them now. +3

Rank 4

And now I can focus on other things on the far more insidious threat plaguing the town.

  • Are there bad people here?
  • Like your political opposition?

And I must prove to Gastreaux that no injustice will be happening on my watch.

  • I see you in a whole new light. +1
  • Don’t let things escalate. +1
  • Children really do fear you.

Which is why I’ve got to spy on Gastreaux.

  • That’s a good idea. +2
  • Are you sure that’s wise.

That requires removing certain obstacles.

  • That’s reassuring. +3
  • That’s excessive.
  • Things are fine as is. +2

Rank 5 – Eloquence Level 3

Shut up you conniving cur!

  • Stay calm. +1
  • Do what they want. +1

Have I erred when it comes to my methods?

  • I’m leaning towards yes. +1
  • I couldn’t say for sure.

My duty is to protect the wee ‘uns from rampant villainy.

  • They’ll come around. +1
  • Don’t be rash.
  • Let’s think of another strategy. +3

Rank 6

And for all we know, Gastreaux lackeys are afoot.

  • Calm yourself.
  • His argument is sound.
  • Your behaviour is scaring people.

I’m not governor any more.

  • There is something you can do. +2
  • The children are scared. +3
  • Will you abandon them? +1

Here I’ll put aside my pride and ask you to help me. Please.

  • Of course. +3
  • We need to prepare. +3
  • No shame in that. +3

Rank 7 – Complete The Right to Rule

I apologise I’m causing ye all trouble.

  • Are you hurt? +1
  • You’re not causing trouble at all. +2

And with this, we saved Martira.

  • Let’s go tell them. +2
  • What will you do now? +1

He always leaves things for others to handle.

  • Is it wrong to ask for help?
  • But you yourself teach collective responsibility.

Ugh… Did something happen to Martira? Again…?

  • Nothing happened. +4
  • He says he wants to play. +4
  • Leave things to me. +4

Rank 8 – Unlock Prince Archetype

And probably to sentence me to exile.

  • That’s terrible. +1
  • You’re fine with that?
  • What will you do if you’re exiled?

Sir Gastreaux… But… if I go back to governing, it’s…

  • It’ll be fine. +1
  • Have faith in yourself. +3

…That’s why I am not fit to govern.

  • No!
  • It’s not over yet! 

Instead I acted like invaders had infiltrated us… Got my people all terrified…

  • It’s in the past now.
  • You’re still a kind person. +1

If ye think I’m fit to govern?

  • There is no one more qualified. +3
  • I’m not sure. +1
  • You’re next in the line of succession. +2

More – Seeker Archetype

More in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2 – Healer Archetype Rank 10

Thanks to the research and the strengthened influence of your archetype a flicker of memory has returned to me.

  • What kind of memory? +1
  • You remember everything? +1
  • Who are you again? +1

And it may shake the foundation of all we know.

  • It can change the world. +3
  • You may be right. +3
  • You’re exaggerating.

Rank 3 – Gunner Archetype Rank 1

It was because my archetype research was near to a truth that the king would prefer remain buried.

  • What truth?
  • An intriguing theory.

I might escape the king’s curse and leave this place.

  • I’ll help you. +2
  • I hope so. +1
  • You sure about that? +1

Rank 4 – Merchant Archetype Rank 15

This travelogue became the foundation of my fantasy novel.

  • Is that so.
  • I thought as much

The pain of writing it was worth it.

  • It’s meant a lot. +2
  • I’m kind of over it.
  • You deserve high praise. +3

Rank 5 – Rank 1 in 15 different Archetypes across all party members

No, impossible.

  • Are you alright?
  • What’s wrong?

Seems I never had an eye for people.

  • Don’t let it bother you.
  • But you do. +1

But now I wonder if some things are best left forgotten.

  • Where’s this coming from? +1
  • Don’t give in. +2
  • I won’t betray you. +3

Rank 6 – General Archetype Rank 15 (Bardon Rank 3, Commander Rank 20)

Our research proceeds at pace. Thank you…

  • You don’t seem well.
  • Something still worrying you? +1

The truth is I’m beginning to remember where this place is.

  • Really?
  • More memories unlocking?

If I was not locked here by a kingly decree, but by the decision of my peers… did I make a grave mistake…?

  • Calm down. +2
  • That may be true… +1
  • And what’s wrong with that. +3

Rank 7 – Level 1 in 25 different Archetypes

  • Are you okay? +1
  • Did you remember something? +1

It seems the time to uncover the truth has finally come.

  • Let’s find out together. +3
  • But can you accept it? +3
  • I’m at your side. +3

Rank 8 – Level 20 Elite Archetype

I do not resent being wrong.

  • I could have told you that. +2
  • I hope so. +1
  • What’s my reward?

If we only ever meet in this mind space, I can’t give you so much as a single letter.

  • I’m looking forward to it. +4
  • I hope you see them again. +4
  • We can journey together. +4

Brigitta – Merchant Archetype

Brigitta in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2

No exception, no mistakes.

  • That’s it? +1
  • Is it actually some vicious monster? +2

I’m entrusting this matter to you.

  • Why me?
  • Why hide it? +2

Such as… using magic without an igniter.

  • Why do you know that?
  • Did you look into me?

I’ll give you your pay.

  • Done already? +2
  • I haven’t done anything though. +2

Rank 3

A simple walk shouldn’t be enough for you to let your guard down.

  • That’s what’s cute about her.
  • It’s proof she’s smart. +1
  • You jealous or something?

I hated the sight of it.

  • You hated it?
  • This poor little dog?

It was hell.

  • I can’t imagine.
  • I see.

Forget I said anything.

  • Understood. +1
  • I want to hear more.

What are you aiming to do?

  • To improve the country. +1
  • To make my mark. +1
  • To help people like you.

Rank 4

The dog is no longer here.

  • She ran away?
  • You let her go?

Everyone has to fight through their own hell.

  • Maybe. +1
  • I don’t think so. +2

I’ve included what I set aside for future shifts, too.

  • Thanks.
  • I won’t take it. +1
  • I’ll keep visiting. +3

Rank 5 – Courage Level 3

The Church has discovered their base.

  • What’s the Church doing? +1
  • What are you planning?

In exchange, I’ll support you however I can from now on.

  • I refuse.
  • Please think this through.

The throne ill suits a wretch who can look past the butchery of a dog.

  • You would slaughter a village.
  • I don’t think this is right.

I don’t want to lose anything else I care about.

  • I understand how you feel. +2
  • You still need to be careful. +2

Then what does the Church get out of it?

  • To spread magic igniters? +1
  • To harass you? +1

So our business together is concluded.

  • Do we need the excuse? +3
  • I’d like to visit you. +3

Rank 6

…There you have it.

  • Burnt to the ground?
  • But they’re lying. +1

From here on, they’ll ask nothing less than total, unquestioning obedience…

  • Are you giving in?
  • What will you do? +1

I’ll be whoever they need me to be…!

  • They can’t hurt me.
  • You can’t give in to fear.
  • That won’t change anything.

When you think of this world you want to create… what do you imagine there?

  • Hope. +3
  • It won’t be hell. +3
  • … Smiling faces? +3 

Rank 7 – Courage Level 4

So I thought I’d take a different approach.

  • Won’t that make them mad? +1
  • What are you doing? +1

The route it has been stalking was our transport corridor for these prototypes.

  • Thus you chose me. +1
  • I’m glad I took the job. +2

I want to hope no matter what it costs me – my position, my fortune, or my life.

  • That’s true determination. +2
  • You’re not afraid? +1
  • I won’t let you die. +3

Rank 8 – Unlock Prince Archetype

So… you’re here for revenge. Is that it?

  • It wasn’t Brigitta’s doing.
  • The Church did this to you.

But I’d appreciate if you didn’t interfere, no matter what happens.

  • Okay.
  • That depends on what happens.

But it’ll buy some time until you take the throne, right?

  • That’s smart. +1
  • And afterwards? +1

Take the throne, and lead us forward.

  • Leave it to me. +2
  • I ask only patience. +2
  • We’ll achieve that together. +4

Alonzo – Faker Archetype

Alonzo in Metaphor ReFantazio (Source: Atlus)

Rank 2 – After you travel to Brilhaven and have Wisdom level 3

Quite effective against blackguards who hide their misdeeds, naturally – but outstandingly so against good, upstanding “family-folk”.

  • To threaten them? +2
  • I couldn’t do that. +1

Why, that’s an awful lot of money to disappear into a void.

  • What do you mean? +1
  • And that’s your aim, then? +1

Enough to buy a small village, really.

  • Why do such a thing? +1
  • Interesting plan there. +2
  • What if you mess up…

Even went as far as digging up my roots.

  • Is everything all right?
  • What do you mean?

I’ve… got a strange, nagging feeling about all this.

  • Okay. +3
  • If you cut me in. +3 

Rank 3

She never stopped smiling at me, and she was always so proud to call me her son.

  • She sounds kind. +2
  • What touching memories. +1
  • I’m looking forward to visiting. +1

Sorry… That was more than I meant to say.

  • Not at all. +1
  • We’ll save your village. +2
  • It was a bit much.

I was simply… unequivocally, a fool…

  • Are you all right?
  • Let’s get out of here.
  • She told you to live.

Rank 4 – Tolerance Level 3

They’re all gone. I’ve lost everything.

  • I’m so sorry.
  • You have to be strong.
  • You reap what you sow.

So if my death is what will give them that now… I have to…!

  • Your mother wouldn’t want this.
  • What about our friendship?
  • Don’t be rash!

Why do you not blame me?

  • Blaming you changes nothing. +2
  • Make amends by living. +3
  • I won’t kick you while you’re down. +3

Rank 5

And that’s… when I plan to nab him.

  • How?
  • Are you going to kill him?

And… I’d like for you to accompany me there as well.

  • Of course. +2
  • For what? +1
  • This sounds dangerous. +1

This world of greedy pigs gorging themselves on riches will come to an end.

  • How?
  • Is that possible?

So… make sure you go out and change the world.

  • What’s this all of a sudden? +1
  • What are you planning? +2
  • Leave it to me. +3

Rank 6

Where have I heard those words before?

  • From yourself… +2
  • First I’m hearing them.
  • It’s a common phrase. +1

I predicted correctly and won my bet.

  • Is that okay? +1
  • What now, then? +2
  • Our bet, you mean? +3

Rank 7 – Courage Level 5

  • Say something!
  • That’s all a lie!

Look at this right mess you’ve got me into.

  • Tell them the truth. +3
  • Explain this. +3
  • Please stop this… +3

Rank 8

I’d like to thank you for your assistance.

  • Assistance?
  • Why did you kill Alonzo?

Alonzo would accomplish his goal: to bring you great renown.

  • Why…
  • He shouldn’t have died for that.

…Are you all right?

  • No…
  • I’ve got to win…

Still, the fact that he managed to steal all this is quite impressive.

  • What do you plan to do?
  • Are you taking it back?

Might you donate his fortune in your name.

  • I’ll do it.
  • It doesn’t have to be me…
  • If that’s my friend’s wish.

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