All Relics in 33 Immortals Listed

Discover all the Relics that you can acquire in 33 Immortals, including how to find Relics, their effects, and how its system works.

all relics in 33 immortals listed

33 Immortals is a Co-op Roguelike video game where 33 players fight against monsters and Gods in a fantasy world called Beyond. Similar to other popular Roguelike games, 33 Immortals provides various ways to enhance a character’s capabilities to help them in their runs. Due to high difficulty, it is essential to strengthen the characters to reach new limits in each run. One of the many ways to improve a character’s capabilities is by finding and acquiring various Relics. These are powerful items that grant various benefits and buffs. Moreover, these come in four different rarities, inspiring players to find the Relics of the highest rarity. In this guide, we will list all Relics in 33 Immortals and give you an overview of how the Relics system works.

Relics Overview in 33 Immortals

Relics overview in 33 immortals

Relics in 33 Immortals are powerful items that provide various buffs and abilities to increase your character during each run. You can acquire them from the chests within the Torture Chambers. Use the relics to customize your build and make it much more substantial. Choosing the best relics is crucial in every aspect of the game, as some of them are not as effective. While some are stronger at the beginning of the game, others are useful while progressing in the endgame. They offer enhancements, allowing you to adapt your playstyle and strategy.

How the Relics System Works in 33 Immortals

Unlike Perks, players find Relics during the run in the maps of Beyond World. The only way to gather Relics is by completing the Torture Chambers and opening the chests. There are two chests in each Torture Chamber. One of them can be opened freely, while the other requires a Chest Key. Players can get the Chest Key by opening Bone Chests on the map or purchase it for 100 Bones from the Bone Shrine. As players unlock the chests within Torture Chambers, each chest randomly drops a Relic. The Relic can be of four rarities. It includes Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Every player can equip up to 8 Relics at a time during each run.

As players progress in the game and increase their Feat Level, they can wish for certain Relics before the Run. This feature is exclusively unlocked at Feat Level 8. To use this feature, players will have to bring Relic Tokens to the Relic Collection book. It will unlock a random Relic in the book, allowing players to wish for it or enhance the chances of finding it.

As making and following a preferred build is crucial in 33 Immortals, players should invest in getting better Relics. With more Relics and higher-rarity Relics, you will get better benefits and buffs throughout the run.

All Relics in 33 Immortals Explored

celestial green feather relic

Here are all the Relics that players can find and equip during their runs in 33 Immortals.

Relic NameRarityDescriptionEffect
All Seeing SaucerLegendaryImmaculate martyr, bearer of light, she gave her riches and they took her sight.All Players’ Co-Strikes deal +10% Damage to Bosses per Co-Strike level (max 120%).
Altruist JawboneRarePatron of the lost and stolen who showed us his sanctity with his incorruptible tongue.Your Heavy attacks deal +50% Damage. Your Light attack deal -50% Damage.
Anointed ChaliceLegendarySacred is the cup which receives the blood of the Creator, and warned be the ones who wish to ruin it.You take less damage from Bosses per Player near you.
Bark of EruditionCommonIn the garden grows the tree of erudition, a snake slithering between its roots.You deal +30% Damage to Elite monsters.
Blessed ChainsRareChains which once bound a Saint to their enemy as a proof of their faith.Your Light attacks deal +50% Damage. Your Heavy attacks deal -50% Damage.
Bloodstained StoleCommonLiturgical silk garment symbolizing priestly authority, soaked in the blood of its previous owner.Your Co-op Power generates +100% faster.
Braid of DisCommonSouls brave enough to climb the Morning Star shall find the way to purification.You take -30% Damage.
Burning FemurCommonThe avaricious pretenders to holiness for material gain will see their bones burn eternally.You gain +5% Damage per Player near you (max +25%).
Burnt CinctureRareOne who insults His gifts of chastity and purity shall burn alongside the sign of their devotion.Half of your Attack also counts as Vitality.
Celestial Green FeatherRareAngels of judgment quails the snake of temptation in the valley of rulers.Half of your Empathy also counts as Attack.
Charred Book of the GospelRareLiturgical book containing His holy words, its ornate cover and pages black with soot.You gain +5% Damage per Player near you (max +50%).
Clerical CiliceCommonThose who wish for repentance shall purge their flesh with abasement.You gain +4% chance to inflict a Critical hit per Co-Strike level.
Cocytus Abiding IceRareThe purest of frost shall petrify the lowest of the damned, next to the one who leads us to sin.You deal +25% Damage.
Coffer of the DevotedLegendaryShe who led the Poor Ladies on the path of Charity is remembered with locks of hair.All Players deal +50% Damage to Stunned, Weak, Exposed, or Marked Bosses.
Congealed Blood of SaintsCommonTaken by great persecution, the martyr bishop, remembered with the liquefaction of blood.You and nearby Players take -8% Damage.
Cracked Rosary BeadsCommonA garland of decades will not save you from the Fatherly fury, shall you find yourself sinning.Your Co-Strike takes 3s longer to reset.
Cruel Harpy FeatherCommonRapacious ones, perched high on the branches of a soul’s desecrated life.Your Light attacks deal +20% Damage.
Defiled Crucifixion NailsLegendaryAn instrument of Passion which pierced the martyr King’s flesh.All Damage against Bosses is increased by 100% when the current Boss Health bar is below 30%.
Desecrated PatenEpicThe sacred instrument of liturgy has been profaned, and shant hold the flesh of the Martyr no more.You and nearby Players have Protection.
Dirty Votive CandleCommonFulfillment of vows by the offering of a flame shall carry well wishes to loved ones.Co-op Powers you participate in are +2% more powerful per point of Empathy.
Eagle TalonRareThe wise words of the winged beast shall bare true justice in the sphere of Jupiter.Your Dash causes a Blast at your starting position.
Emerald of PrincesEpicHidden in the mount of purification is an alcove of prized stones, tomb to those who ruled in life.You Co-Strike counter cannot drop below 10.
Empyreal LightLegendaryHear the ring, the sound of joy, which announces a miracle; the proof that our Lord is true.All Players inflict 100% Status Effects on Bosses.
Finger of the DoubtfulCommonHarborer of doubt, place thy finger in the saintly wound, and know that His return transpired truly.You deal +200% Damage to Stunned monsters.
Fruit of the InsatiableCommonThe ambrosial fruit of human’s downfall hangs heavily upon the branches of the tree of knowledge.Each point of your Vitality stat grants +5 Health.
Holy Book of HymnsRarePure is the Primal Love which cannot be described by means other than songs of the divine.Your Critical hits deal +25% Damage per nearby player (max +250%).
Lamp of Purifying FlamesRareThe garden of the first man reveals itself to those who purify themselves in flames.You regenerate 1% Health every 5 seconds.
Lover’s SkullEpicPatron Saint of lovers, once celebrated with the rites of Lupercalia.You deal +40% Damage.
Melted Bishop RingEpicCursed be the souls of the successors, leaders of the flock, who broke their eternal vow to Him.You gain +8% Damage per player near you (max +120%).
Muddy Apostle MedalRareYou who has left your symbol of faith in the mud, ask yourself why it is so that you refuse Him?Your Co-Strikes have a 25% chance to generate Coop Power Orbs.
Mummified Sacred HeartEpicSoul of Charity, may the source of his love be kept so that the lambs remember his blessedness.You deal +125% Damage while your Health is below 30%.
Oxidized FlagonRareA vessel used to hold the consecrated blood of the Almighty, its metal corroded with neglect.All your attacks inflict Weak.
Pious BlindfoldRareTo find the beginning and the end of love, one shall pass the test of the twelfth disciple.You deal +50% Damage to Elite monsters.
Polished MonstranceLegendaryPerpetually, its metal must be scrubbed, so that it be worthy of displaying the Lord’s splendors.When the Boss loses one full Health bar, all Players replenish 25% of their Co-op Power.
Preserved Heretic HeadEpicShrunken thy flesh will be, to perdure, so that all shall remember that ye have defied him.Your Co-Strikes have 33% chance to trigger Missiles.
Reliquary HandCommonTherein lies the bones of holy men, forever enclosed in remembrance.Your Heavy attacks deal +20% Damage.
Rope of TreacheryCommonYou who has betrayed Him with a kiss and caused His Passion shall meet death with a rope.You and nearby Players deal +4$ Damage.
Sacrosanct VernicleRareShe who wiped His brow blessed us with this veil, which cures the blind, the thirsty and the dead.Your Light attacks inflict Exposed.
Seraphic TearRareCan you hear them weeping? They are pleading for your salvation. Obey, and you shall be saved.Half of your Vitality also counts as Empathy.
Shrunken Papal HeartLegendaryThose who crave Primal Love must follow their virtuous path and lead the lambs to their shepherd.When entering the Boss lair, the Souls of all Players are mended and all Players fully Heal.
Soiled PurificatorRareCloth made of the finest linen, used for ablutions, its white fabric now tainted with rancid wine.Your Co-Strikes inflict Marked.
Stained Burial ShroudEpicLook upon the proof of His miraculousness; the imprint on the shroud of death which marks his pain.You cannot take more than 15 Damage from any single hit.
String of JibrilCommonBehold the winged messenger; a lyre at their hand and holy words upon their tongue.Each point of your Attack grants +1 base Damage.
Thorn of MartyrCommonUpon the martyr’s forehead rests the crown of mockery, holy instrument for His Passion.You deal +15% Damage.
Tusk of CiriattoRareProtector of the Malebolge, the wild hog whose tusks mangles the flesh of transgressors.You deal +125% Damage to Stunned, Weak, Exposed, or Marked monsters.
Wax Death MaskLegendaryMementos for those who wish to mourn the passing of loved ones.When the Boss loses one full Health bar, all players Heal for 10% of their max Health.
Worn ScapularCommonClose to the heart one should always keep the symbol of love, the honor to feel piety.Your Dash Cooldown is reduced by 1s.
Yawning Maw of TruthEpicThose who arbour the sin of dishonesty shall see their hands bitten off.All your attacks inflict all Status Effects you can inflict.

Best Tips and Tricks for Relics in 33 Immortals

Here are some of the best tips and tricks for Relics in 33 Immortals.

  • Be around other players in the run to easily complete the Torture Chambers and collect Relics from the chests.
  • Use the Teleport Stone to quickly reach the Torture Chamber before it closes.
  • If you don’t already have a Chest Key, purchase one from the Bone Shrine for 100 Bones before entering a Torture Chamber.
  • Always try to open both chests within the Torture Chambers to get two Relics.
  • Try to complete as many Torture Chambers as possible to have all 8 Relics before entering the Ascension Battle.
  • Swap out Relics for better ones to enhance the character’s capabilities.
  • Level up the Feat to Level 8 to unlock the Relic Collection feature.
  • Bring any Relic Token to the Relic Collection to increase the chance of getting Rare and Epic Relics in your runs.

FAQs about Relics in 33 Immortals

What is Relic in 33 Immortals?

Relics are powerful items that provide various buffs and abilities to increase your character during each run. You can acquire them from the chests within the Torture Chambers.

Which is the best Relic in 33 Immortals?

The Melted Bishop Ring is the best relic in 33 Immortals because it enhances your damage output based on the number of nearby players.

Which is the best mid-game Relic to use in 33 Immortals?

The Holy Book of Hymns is the best relic to use during the mid-game fights, as it makes your critical hits deal +25% damage per nearby player.

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