All Status Effects in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

This Status Effects guide will cover everything from Regen and Protect, all the way to Petrify, Berserk and Toad.

Knowing about Status Effects could make Sephiroth easier to fight (Image via Square Enix)
Knowing about Status Effects could probably make Sephiroth easier to fight (Image via Square Enix)

Status Effects have always been a staple in RPG games, for a long time now. The newest release in the Final Fantasy games is no exception to this mechanic. If you want to breeze through combat, you should be aware of the number of different status effects present in the game.

What Are Status Effects in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has 3 categories into which all Status Effects can fit. These are Positive (blue icon), Negative(red icon), and Mixed (yellow icon). Positive Status Effects apply purely beneficial effects on you; in contrast, Negative Status Effects do the complete opposite. Meanwhile, Mixed Status Effects give a positive effect along with a negative one, or at a cost.

Read More: How to Unlock Fast Travel in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Let us look at these in order:

Positive Status Effects in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Phoenix from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Image via Square Enix)
Phoenix from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Image via Square Enix)
Status EffectDescriptionCounterpart
BraveryBoosts Attack PowerDebrave
FaithBoosts Magic AttackDefaith
ProtectBoosts DefenseDeprotect
ShellBoosts Magic DefenseDeshell
BarrierHalves Physical Damage TakenN/A
ManawardHalves Magic Damage TakenN/A
ShieldNullifies Physical Damage for 80 secondsN/A
ReflectRepel Magical Spells back on caster (only enemies can use this)N/A
HasteQuicken the rate of ATB gain by 30%Slow, Stop
ResistPrevents Negative Status EffectsN/A
RegenRestores 1% HP every 2 seconds for 180 secondsPoison
Auto-LifeAutomatically revive from incapacitationN/A
ReprieveFatal damage will leave the target at 1 HPN/A
Critical Hit Rate UpIncreases rate of Critical HitsN/A
DarknessMakes it harder to be hit by enemy attacksN/A

Negative Status Effects

Status Effects in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can go from bad to toad (Image via YouTube/@SweetJohnnyCage)
Status Effects in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can go from bad to toad (Image via Square Enix, YouTube/@SweetJohnnyCage)
Status EffectsDescriptionCounterpart
PoisonGradually decreases HPRegen
VenomEnhanced PoisonRegen
SilenceTarget cannot cast SpellsN/A
SleepTarget cannot actN/A
SlowDecreases rate of ATB gauge chargeHaste
StopTarget is unable to actHaste
StunTarget is unable to act or evadeN/A
ToadTurns target into a frog, greatly decreasing movement speed and damageN/A
DebraveReduces Attack PowerBravery
DefaithReduces Magic AttackFaith
DeprotectReduces DefenseProtect
DeshellReduces Magic DefenseShell
Petrify and StoneDamage taken while target is affected with Petrify charges up the Petrify gauge. Once the gauge is full, the target turns to stone and is defeated.N/A

Mixed Status Effects in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Status EffectDescriptionCounterpart
BerserkIncreases damage dealt by 30%
Increases damage taken by 30%
FuryIncreases charge of the Limit gauge
Increases damage taken by 50%
SedateReduces the charge of Limit gauge
Reduces damage taken by 10%

Status Effects can make or break a battle. A hard fight can become trivial if you use them properly. However, even the vice versa could easily be applicable.

Those were all the Status Effects that are present in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. What was your favorite Status Effect to use, and which one gave you the most trouble?

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