Does One Punch Man have a deuteragonist? Let’s take a look at the identity of the person playing this role in the animanga series.

The One Punch Man anime and manga series has gained recognition all over the world. The webcomic series received a manga and anime adaptation, which has captivated the entire anime community. There are plenty of reasons why ONE’s magnum opus has appealed to millions of fans across the world.
However, there is one element in particular that drives the plot—characters. The character writing is layered and complex, which is also why fans love the protagonist. However, there is one question in particular that seems to be making rounds on various social media platforms and forums—does One Punch Man have a deuteragonist?
Yes, the One Punch Man series has a deuteragonist. However, this is based on what has been shown in the manga so far. Depending on how the series progresses, we might get new contenders for this position. However, Genos is the current deuteragonist in the One Punch Man series.
It is important to understand the role of a deuteragonist before we can justify why Genos has taken on this role. In short, the deuteragonist is given to a character who is second in importance to the protagonist, and they usually accompany the protagonist on their quest. Naturally, there are other qualities that one needs to look out for in such a role. Here’s why Genos is the deuteragonist in One Punch Man.
What Is a Deuteragonist?

A deuteragonist can be considered a secondary protagonist of sorts. The protagonist often gives viewers their point of view. That being said, the deuteragonists might not have opposing outlooks, but they offer a slightly different perspective. Additionally, the purpose of the role can differ with each story.
However, most deuteragonists share a few common points. They support the main character and often lend a helping hand in their quest. In this case, Saitama is the main character, and he is on a quest to find the strongest fighter who could challenge him.
Therefore, the deuteragonist is expected to help Saitama achieve this goal. Even if the help doesn’t yield results, they are expected to accompany him on this quest. These are some of the points that one can expect in a deuteragonist. Now that we have clearly understood what the role entails, let’s understand why Genos is the deuteragonist in One Punch Man.
Genos’ Role in One Punch Man

Those who have read the manga will know that Genos has been a part of Saitama’s journey since the beginning. While he might not have been a part of his journey to become a hero, he certainly tethered himself to the Caped Baldy ever since he became a hero.
In fact, Genos met Saitama even before he joined the Hero Association. The cyborg also decided to become his pupil. Additionally, Genos is one of the only people in the series who knows Saitama’s potential. He realized that Saitama was the strongest hero in the series and that there wasn’t a single person he couldn’t defeat.
Genos is also an S-class hero. Therefore, he is an important character in the series. In fact, he was a part of numerous missions that the Hero Association assigned. Furthermore, Genos has taken away important lessons even though Saitama isn’t the best teacher. There is a level of persistence and mental toughness that he developed under Saitama’s “tutelage.”
We can see that Saitama and Genos have a strong bond. The Caped Baldy isn’t the most expressive character in the series. However, his reaction to Genos’ death in the Monster Association arc highlighted just how much he cared for him. He even managed to travel back in time to save his dear friend. Therefore, there is no denying that Genos is the deuteragonist of the series.
Does One Punch Man Have Other Characters Who Could Take This Role?

If we take a closer look at the animanga series, there are a couple of characters who could be the deuteragonists in the series. For example, King is a solid contender who could take Genos’ role based on how the manga progresses from here on. If the cyborg dies or no longer plays an active role in the manga, King could take this mantle. Saitama is the only one who knows about his true powers.
King has also been exceptionally candid with him and considers him a good friend. Much like Genos, he too shares a strong bond with the Caped Baldy. While he has accompanied Saitama on this journey, he hasn’t done it to the extent that Genos did.
While King is an important character, he doesn’t seem to be as important to the plot progression as Genos is. Furthermore, Genos also has a personal quest, unlike King. He wants to know the identity of the cyborg that went berserk and killed his family. Therefore, Genos will have an important role in One Punch Man’s plot progression.
Genos’ Potential Impact on Saitama

What we need to understand is that Saitama hasn’t really shown much character progression in One Punch Man. This is where Genos could really shine as a deuteragonist. Saitama isn’t particularly in tune with his emotional side. There is no doubt that Genos is a student.
However, he could help Saitama develop a certain degree of emotional intelligence, which Saitama seems to lack. Monotony is his biggest enemy, and having Genos by his side could help. Therefore, we could see Genos potentially playing a key role in Saitama’s character progression as the One Punch Man series advances.
Genos is undoubtedly the deuteragonist in this series. We can say with utmost confidence that One Punch Man has a deuteragonist. However, the extent of his impact on the protagonist needs to be observed as the series progresses. As it stands, Genos has a minor impact on Saitama. The Caped Baldy might be annoyed by the constant questioning, but it certainly breaks the monotony and loneliness that he suffers from. Furthermore, it keeps Saitama accountable in a certain way. There is a sense of urgency at times, which is essential for a hero.
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