Take a look at this tier list of all of the characters featured in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero so you know which ones to look out for.

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero features a plethora of characters for players to choose. All of them come with specific abilities. However, when there’s a staggering total of 181 characters, some are bound to be better for combat than others. While players are free to play with any character they want, no matter how weak, certain characters can provide more of an advantage on the battlefield. Additionally, the DP system can enable you to make some interesting combinations using strong and weak characters.
In this article, we will provide a full tier list of every character ranging from S to F tier in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Tier List for All Characters

Since the roster of characters is so vast, the combat and character choice can be highly subjective. However, this list should give you an idea about which characters are likely to perform best during battle. Given below is a full tier list of all of the combatants you can play as in Sparking Zero:
Tier | Characters |
S | Goku Super (Ultra Instinct), Gogeta GT (SSJ4), Blue Vegito, Blue Gogeta, Beerus, Whis, Broly (LSSJ), Broly Super (SSJ), Fused Zamasu (Half Corrupted), Jiren (Full Power) |
A | Goku Super (Super Saiyan God SSJ), Goku (Ultra Instinct Sign), Goku (SSJ4), Vegeta Super (Super Saiyan God SSJ), Vegeta (SSJ4), Super Vegito, Super Gogeta, Goku Black (SSJ Rose), Omega Shenron, Goku (SSJ3), Ultimate Gohan, Vegito, Gogeta, Gotenks (SSJ), Bojack (Full Power), Android 13 (Fusion), Metal Cooler, Cooler (Final Form), Kefla (SSJ), Toppo, Fused Zamasu, HIT, Kefla (SSJ2), Jiren, Anilaza, Broly Z (SSJ), Broly Z (LSSJ), Kale SSJ (Berserk), Caulifla (SSJ2), Cabba (SSJ2), SYN Shenron, Great Ape Baby, Cooler, Dabura, Gotenks (Base), Super Baby 2, Goku Super (SSJ), Super Janemba, Super Buu (Gotenks Absorbed), Super Perfect Cell, Gogeta Super (SSJ), Gotenks (SSJ3), Golden Frieza, God Toppo, Goku Super (SSJ God), Vegeta Super (SSJ God), Adult Gohan (SSJ), Frieza (Full Power), Goku GT (SSJ3) |
B | Majin Vegeta, Goku (SSJ), Goku (SSJ2), Goku GT (SSJ), Vegeta Early (SSJ), Super Vegeta, Vegeta End (SSJ), Vegeta End (SSJ2), Vegeta Super (SSJ), Teen Gohan (SSJ), Teen Gohan (SSJ2), Adult Gohan (SSJ), Majin Buu (Evil), Base Kefla, Kale (SSJ), Cabba (SSJ), Frost, Perfect Cell, Majin Buu, Kid Buu, Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed), Frieza (Super), Mecha Frieza, Frieza (4th form), Super Baby 1, Hirudengarn, Future Trunks (SSJ), Super Trunks, Trunks Melee (SSJ), Future Gohan (SSJ), Super Buu, Majuub, Android 17 (Super), Dyspo |
C | Goku (Z-Mid), Goku SSJ (Z-Mid), Goku (Z-End), Goku (Z-Super), Goku (GT), Great Ape Vegeta, Vegeta (Z-Early), Vegeta (Z-End) Vegeta, Future Gohan, Piccolo (Fused with Kami), Future Trunks, Trunks (Melee), Sword Trunks (SSJ), Android 17 (Z), Tapion, Teen Goku, Android 18, Broly (Z), Android 16, Cell (2nd Form), Cell (1st Form), Frieza (3rd Form), Frieza (2nd Form), Frieza (1st Form), Goten (SSJ), Kid Trunks (SSJ), Giant Lord Slug, Broly (Super), Android 13, Bojack, Janemba, Baby Vegeta, Base Goten, Goku Black, Zamasu, Roasie, Kakunsa, Ribrianne, Caulifla, Cabba |
D | Goku (Early), Mini Goku (Daima), Vegeta (Scouter), Teen Gohan, Adult Gohan, Great Saiyaman, Piccolo, Nail, Tien, Sword Trunks, Kid Trunks, Lord Slug, Turles, Dr. Wheelo, Super Garlic Jr., Bergamo, Kale, Dr. Gero, Android 19, King Cold, Ginyu, Bardock, UUB, Kid Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Cell Jr., PAN, Raditz, Nappa, Zarbon, Super Zarbon, Dodoria, CUI, Recoome, Jeice, Burter, Babidi |
E | Saibaman, Master Roshi, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Master Roshi (Max Power), Guldo, Frieza Soldier, Spopovich, Videl |
F | Mr. Satan |
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