Every Known Marine Admiral in One Piece So Far

Discover every known Marine Admiral One Piece has introduced so far. Additionally, explore the strongest among them.

Every Known Marine Admiral in One Piece So Far
The Marine Admirals as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

One Piece features a variety of different groups upholding separate ideologies. While the pirates and revolutionaries promote freedom and the fight against oppression, Marines represent the pinnacle of justice and military might. 

The Marines have a strict hierarchy of their own, being classified on the basis of their strengths and contributions in the series. Admirals are the most impressive and powerful among these, possessing distinctive abilities and motivations. Let us take a closer look at these figures and every known Marine Admiral in the series.

Who Are the Marine Admirals in One Piece?

Admirals are the second-highest rank within the Marines, only falling under Fleet Admirals. Much like the Marine force itself, most Admirals are very faithful to the World Government, wielding their powers for the Celestial Dragons’ sake.

Luffy faces the Marine Admirals as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Luffy faces the Marine Admirals as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

At the same time, since they are closer to the ruling powers, they are also relatively disillusioned. Hence, we have also seen Admirals who follow their own code, regardless of their superiors’ orders.

Marine Admirals command huge fleets, causing panic in whichever battlefield they appear in. They possess immense strength, comparable to that of the Four Emperors. Most Admirals possess rare Logia-type Devil Fruits and wield Haki masterfully.

As a result, they have played a very important role in the storyline thus far. The most notable role of the Admirals came during the Marineford War, where they were able to fight against Whitebeard’s crew. Individual Admirals have continued playing an important role in other arcs as well, both getting in the way of the Straw Hats and also assisting them. 

Every Known Marine Admiral in One Piece

Sabo facing Fujitora and the Marines as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Sabo facing Fujitora and the Marines as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

While there are currently only 3 Admirals in One Piece, we have seen a few more over the course of the series. These include:

Current Admirals – 

  • Kizaru – A laid-back and unpredictable Admiral who faithfully serves the Gorosei. He can control light with the Pika Pika no Mi and killed Vegapunk during the attack on Egghead. He is also the only active Admiral from the pre-time-skip period.

  • Fujitora – A blind Admiral who is the kindest and most compassionate among his peers. Fujitora is very powerful with his Zushi Zushi no Mi’s gravity abilities but does not misuse them. He let Sabo go in Dressrosa and helped abolish the Seven Warlords system.

  • Ryokugyu – The most enigmatic Admiral who got his position after Akainu’s promotion. He can control flora with his Mori Mori no Mi and fought the revolutionaries during the Levely Arc.
Kizaru and Akainu as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Kizaru and Akainu as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Former Admirals – 

  • Akainu – An intense former Admiral who got promoted to become the new Fleet Admiral after Sengoku. Akainu possesses magma powers with his Magu Magu no Mi, notably killing Ace in Marineford.

  • Sengoku – A memorable Admiral who went on to become the Fleet Admiral, retiring after the Marineford War. Referred to as Sengoku the Buddha, he is a feared and respected figure who has the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu and can use Supreme King Haki.

  • Aokiji – The recommended successor appointed by Sengoku who left his position as Admiral after losing a fight against Akainu. Aokiji has the Hie Hie no Mi, manipulating ice and changing the entire weather of Punk Hazard. He is currently one of Blackbeard’s Ten Titanic Captains.

  • Zephyr – The main antagonist of One Piece Film: Z who resigned from being an Admiral after his family was killed by pirates. He is a master of Armament Haki, nicknamed Black Arm Zephyr.

Is Monkey D. Garp a Marine Admiral?

Garp as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Garp as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Monkey D. Garp, also known as Garp the Fist, is a hero to the Marines. He was instrumental during the God Valley Incident, bringing down the Rocks Pirates with Roger. Garp possesses unbelievable strength, being the only Marine who can use Supreme King Haki apart from Sengoku. 

Due to his immense contributions, it is natural to wonder whether he is a Marine Admiral in the series. To this, the short answer is no, Garp is not a Marine Admiral in One Piece. This is of no fault of his own, but rather his own decision to stay as a Vice Admiral.

The World Government has tried multiple times to promote Garp to Admiral due to how influential he is. However, he has refused them at every instance. This is because Garp is a man who believes in true justice and is not unfairly prejudiced against anyone. This was proven by his respect for Gol D. Roger.

Garp and Sengoku as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Garp and Sengoku as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

He realized the shady history of the World Government and their contributions towards several atrocities. To remain free and operate on his own, he did not wish to get closer to them by becoming an Admiral. Rather, Garp became an instructor who directly trained new-generation Marines like Koby.

Who Is the Strongest Marine Admiral in One Piece?

In the history of the Marine Admirals in One Piece, there is little doubt that the strongest would be either Akainu or Sengoku. There has been no revealed counter to Akainu’s magma powers, where he can regenerate and fight against the most formidable figures in the world. This even let him go toe-to-toe against Whitebeard in Marineford.

Strongest Marine Admiral
Kizaru as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Similarly, Sengoku, though far past his prime, can transform into a giant golden Buddha, destroying multiple pirates with just the shockwaves created by this form. He can also use all three forms of Haki and was the only one capable of restraining Garp during the Marineford War.

However, if we are to consider the current One Piece Marine Admirals, Kizaru would arguably be the strongest. Kizaru’s light powers give him unmatched speed and flexibility during battle. He could go toe-to-toe against Rayleigh and even survived a confrontation against Gear Five Luffy. Many also believe he would have won a drawn-out battle against the protagonist if he felt like it. 


The Marine Admirals in One Piece represent the ultimate force of justice in the world, wielding devastating powers that shape the balance of power. From Kizaru’s carefreeness to Fujitora’s ethics, each Admiral brings a unique philosophy and fighting style to the battlefield.

As the series heads into the Final Saga, we will be looking forward to learning more about other Admirals such as the mysterious Ryokugyu.

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