The Death of Ace and How It Raises the Stakes in One Piece

Discover how the death of Ace is a landmark moment in One Piece that completely raised the stakes of the series.

The Death of Ace and How It Raises the Stakes in One Piece
Ace as seen in the One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)

One Piece has consistently delivered memorable moments that captivate fans through its decades of airing. Among these, one scene that broke the hearts of viewers and significantly altered their perception is the death of Ace. This heart-wrenching and pivotal incident added several new elements to the storyline while impacting important characters in different ways.

Let us take a closer look at this and examine how Ace’s death raises the stakes in One Piece.

Who Is Ace in One Piece?

Portage D. Ace, known as Fire Fist Ace, was the adopted brother of Luffy and Sabo. As the son of Gol D. Roger, Ace was born with the burden of his father’s legacy. Despite having hated the previous Pirate King for abandoning him in a world that hated him, Ace still stood up to protect anyone who sullied his father’s name.

The Death of Ace and How It Raises the Stakes in One Piece
Young Ace, Luffy and Sabo as seen in the One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Much like Luffy, Ace was extremely loyal, strong-willed, and protective of those he loved. He was adaptable in battle using his Mera Mera no Mi but had impulsive tendencies whenever those close to him were hurt. 

Ace was initially abducted by Whitebeard and tried killing him several times. However, he grew to see the loving nature of this fatherly figure and became a dedicated commander of his second division. His unwavering commitment to the group was best shown when he chased Blackbeard across the seas for killing Thatch. 

Why Is Ace a Fan Favorite Character?

If you have not completely watched or read One Piece, you might wonder why Ace is so beloved. His screen time in the main series is limited and we mostly only get to know him through flashbacks. However, this is where the main appeal of his character is formed. Despite not seeing much of him before his death, everything we learn about Ace makes him extremely likable.

The Death of Ace and How It Raises the Stakes in One Piece
Yamato and Ace as seen in the One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)

He is fiercely faithful to Whitebeard, a man who most characters, as well as fans, were fearful of at the time. His interference to protect Luffy against Smoker in Arabasta as well as his joyous interactions with Buggy were deeply enjoyable to watch. Through flashback scenes of his past, we get to know him on a deeper level. We also gain insights into his character through scenes that occur after his death.

Ace shared a bond closer than that of brothers with Luffy and Sabo. He was heartbroken over Sabo’s supposed death and carried on his spirit in his adventures as a pirate. Ace was also one of the few people who took Luffy’s dreams seriously and hated it whenever others laughed at it. He shared this with Yamato after growing friendly with her in Wano.

While grappling with his feelings of unworthiness as Roger’s son, he found solace among the Whitebeard Pirates. As part of this group, he was often cool but also never hesitated to show his vulnerability and anxieties. 

Even during the brink of death in the Marineford Arc, Ace remained selfless and caring to the very end. His dynamic personality and iconic fiery abilities cemented his place as a fan favorite.

The Tragedy at Marineford

The Death of Ace and How It Raises the Stakes in One Piece
Ace and Sengoku as seen in the One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)

The Marineford Arc was a game-changing moment in One Piece. It was the first time we saw the strongest of pirates facing off against the most powerful Marine forces. This battle was waited for a long time but still had a feeling of anxiousness surrounding it – Ace’s execution. 

The World Government had planned to display the death of Roger’s son to the world, but the Whitebeard Pirates crashed the party to save their commander. Similarly, Luffy also showed up in a chaotic fashion from Impel Down. With all the central figures gathered in the series, we were fully expecting a happy reunion between brothers.

Unfortunately, it didn’t go quite as planned. While filled with intense clashes, the ruthlessness of the Admirals paired with Blackbeard’s interference was slowly turning the tide. When Luffy finally saved his brother from a conflicted Garp and the two were escaping, Akainu ambushed them with his Magma abilities.

When the antagonist attempted to land a fatal blow to Luffy, Ace intervened and got pierced through with a fiery fiesta. As he fell to his death, he reminisced about his time with Luffy and thanked his crew before passing away with a smile on his face.

Whitebeard as seen in the One Piece anime (Image via Toei animation)

Whitebeard was outraged by this and proceeded to land cataclysmic attacks on Akainu and all others. However, taking advantage of this, Blackbeard killed the great pirate and absorbed his Devil Fruit powers. Following Shanks’ entry and the end of the war, Whitebeard and Ace had their graves placed next to each other. 

How Did Ace’s Death Impact Luffy?

Ace might have shared comforting parting words with Luffy before his death, but it did not make his passing any easier on the protagonist. Luffy had pushed himself to the very limits trying to protect Ace and had also nearly achieved it.

However, watching his brother dying in front of him when trying to protect him was a blow too hard to bear. This completely broke Luffy’s will, plunging him into despair. Ever since Luffy started his adventures as a pirate, he had always managed to emerge victorious by the very end. This was the first time he properly felt defeat after trying everything he could do. 

Ace protecting Luffy from Akainu as seen in the One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Having pushed himself to the brink both physically and mentally, Ace’s death marked the end of his determination. He could not comprehend anything around him and had to be saved by Marco and Jinbe. After weeks of recovering in Amazon Lily and breaking down over the memory of his brother, Luffy slowly began realizing his life wasn’t over yet. 

Recognizing his crew and loved ones’ worth to him, he picks himself up to ensure he never faces such a tragedy again. This set up the premise for the two-year timeskip, where Luffy trained with Rayleigh to master Haki before restarting his path to becoming the Pirate King.

How Ace’s Death Raises the Stakes in One Piece

Ace’s death raised the stakes in One Piece on multiple levels, including:

1) Shattering the Illusion of Invincibility:

Ace and Whitebeard’s graves as seen in the One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Up till Ace’s death, there were little to no on-screen deaths that happened in One Piece which didn’t take place in a flashback scene. This led fans to the illusion of believing that the heroes would inevitably save the day. However, when the insurmountable challenges actually proved too hard for the main characters, the lightheartedness of the series took a backstep.

This introduction to sobering reality and the emphasis on the dangers of the pirate world shocked fans and gave them a new perspective on the series.

2) End of an Era:

Up till that point, One Piece’s figure of dominance had always been Emperor Whitebeard. No matter which new pirate faced other members of the Seven Warlords or the Yonko, Whitebeard was a wall no one could climb. His and Ace’s death in Marineford marked the end of an era as well as furthering the connection to Roger’s generation.

The Straw Hat Pirates as seen in the One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)

However, this also marked the beginning of a new time of chaos, centered around the Worst Generation. Now that there were no positions completely safe, pirates from all over the world could relentlessly target the One Piece yet again.

3) Luffy’s Growth:

Luffy had the most significant personal development through Ace’s death. It was extremely hard to watch him struggle through his grief, but it also helped him mature into a better leader. Luffy lost control of all his impulses when trying to save Ace and nearly gave up his life after his death. When saved by those around him, he could reorganize his priorities and strengthen his resolve to achieve his goals.

4) Foreshadowing Future Conflicts:

Did Luffy Defeat Kizaru in One Piece
Kizaru and Akainu as seen in the One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)

The Marines were always thought to just be a “not-so-important” presence in One Piece while the main fights happened between pirates. The Marineford War changed this and showed just how serious of a threat they were. The scheming of the World Government in the background was highlighted, showing the darker side of “justice.” This laid the foundations for a shift from just a battle against prominent pirates to one with the high officials running the world itself.

Additionally, Blackbeard’s heinous role in this war helped set him up as one of the main antagonists in the series. While Luffy and his crew are yet to have their definitive battle with both Blackbeard and the World Government, Ace’s death and the events surrounding it provide the perfect set-up.


To conclude, Ace’s death in One Piece threw the fandom into grief, showing a completely different side of the series. It helped showcase just how powerful the major players in this story actually were when they all gathered together. As Ace’s spirit and values are carried forward by Luffy, we are sure he will be looking over everything his brother achieves in the series.

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