Explore what Nen is in Hunter x Hunter. Learn about its different applications and the strongest Nen user in the series.

Hunter x Hunter is one of the most popular Shonen anime and manga series ever created, and its power system is a big contributor to that. Nen is a very distinctive ability that intrigues fans while being displayed in creative ways through different users. So, what is Nen in Hunter x Hunter?
Nen refers to the ability to manipulate one’s own life energy to gain access to supernatural powers. Let us take a closer look into this.
What Is Nen in Hunter x Hunter?
Every being in the world actively emits life energy known as Aura, which remains invisible to those who have not mastered Nen. By learning to control and apply one’s Nen, one can control their Aura flow and unlock the nodes necessary to view the energy.
By regulating this Aura, users gain the superhuman power of Nen. This serves as the cornerstone of combat in Hunter x Hunter and lets them enhance their attacks, defenses, healing, and several more abilities beyond our wildest imaginations.
If Nen is not learned in the proper manner, it can cause fatal consequences to the individual. It is important to note that the feelings of the individual and the growth of the Nen itself can be tied to their emotions and personality. So, how does one learn Nen?
How Do You Learn Nen?

To learn Nen, the first major step is to open Aura nodes in one’s body. This can be done through either slowly meditating or forcibly opening them through an external Aura source. This method, known as Initiation, is quicker but significantly more dangerous.
It is also important to learn to control the energy and prevent leakage by closing the nodes accordingly; otherwise, it could lead to rapid exhaustion of the user.
After the first step to Nen is taken, there are four major principles that need to be learned to refine their Aura control. These are titled the Ten, Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu.
Learning Nen is a requirement of all Hunters. Even after passing the Hunter Exam, they are expected to learn the power before setting out on their duties. While beings such as Meruem and the Chimera Ants were born with the capability to use Nen, most others are taught by private practitioners or existing Hunters.
For instance, Gon and Killua were initiated and taught the basics by Wing – a practitioner of Shingen-ryu Kung Fu.
Four Major Principles of Nen
To learn Nen, it is essential to practice and use the principles that form the core of any technique. Techniques such as Ten need to be perfected to the point where beginners can use it while asleep. The four major principles are:
- Ten
Ten is the first principle and helps a user to control the leakage of Aura from their body. Having opened their nodes, they would have to ensure that the energy flowed smoothly through their body rather than away from it.
- Zetsu
After learning Ten to prevent leakage, Zetsu completely stops the flow of Aura in a Nen user. With the option to close whichever Aura node they desired, a user could completely mask their presence from others.
- Ren
Ren takes a more aggressive approach and focuses on outputting the Aura and using it explosively. While Ten is more of a defensive technique, Ren provides a large pool of energy and can drastically increase the strength and durability of the Nen user.
- Hatsu
Hatsu is the main application part of Nen and allows users to express their life energy in any way they desire. These are often tied to the advanced techniques and six natural categories, but can also transcend those to use special functions.
Advanced Techniques of Nen

Having learned the basics of Nen, there are a variety of ways they can be combined and applied practically in battle.
- Gyo
Gyo involves focusing Ren on a particular body part and enhancing its functions. For instance, Gyo used on the eyes can help in tracking even the faintest sources of Nen.
- In
An advanced version of Zetsu is In, where the user completely hides their Aura rather than simply stopping their nodes. This cannot be sensed by other Nen users either but can be countered with Gyo.
- En
En combines Ren and Ten to spread their Aura over a particular range. This would allow the Nen user to sense all the entities inside that space and differentiate non-Nen users from powerful beings.
- Shu
Shu applies Ten to cover the user’s own body as well as other objects with Aura. This would both strengthen and protect the target of the energy.
- Ko
Ko focuses all four principles of Nen as well as Gyo into one specific body part and makes it extremely powerful for both offense and defense. Since it channels all the Aura in one’s body, it is a high gamble technique and is generally used for destructive purposes.
- Ken
Ken is a purely defensive ability combining both Ten and Ren. It helps a user shield themselves for as long as possible with higher potency.
- Ryu
Ryu reduces the wastage of Aura in a user when carrying out a technique, ensuring that the body is never left undefended. Its precise nature makes it very valuable but difficult to master.
Different Types of Nen

Through a Water Divination test where candidates focus Aura on glass with water and a leaf on top, they can find the type of Nen they are suited to. These include:
- Enhancement
If the volume of water changes, it means the user is an Enhancer. This is a straightforward ability that greatly increases their strength or that of objects. The protagonist, Gon, is an Enhancer.
- Transmutation
Should the taste of the water change, it would classify the user as a Transmuter. This would change the property of Aura and transform it into something else. Killua’s electricity is a Transmutation ability.
- Emission
Emitters change the color of the water in the Water Divination Test. Detaching Aura from the body and firing long-distance attacks are trademarks of Emitters. Razor throwing a ball of Nen is an example of Emission.
- Conjuration
Impurities appearing on the water signal Conjuration. These users can create objects from their Aura. Kurapika’s chains are an instance of conjuration.
- Manipulation
The leaf on top of the water moving means the Nen user is a Manipulator. This allows them to control both living and non-living things. Illumi Zoldyck is a well-known Manipulator in Hunter x Hunter.
- Specialization
If a change apart from any of those mentioned appears, it would mean the user is a Specialist. Alluka’s ability to kill those who don’t grant her wishes is an example of a Specialization skill.
Most Powerful Nen User in Hunter x Hunter

While there are several powerful Nen users in Hunter x Hunter, the strongest is undoubtedly the King of the Ants – Meruem.
Despite being very young, he absorbed Nen abilities at a frightening pace and surpassed the conventional logic of Aura. He could endlessly increase his Aura reserves by feeding on Nen users and proficiently used Emission, Transmutation, and Manipulation.
Through these, Meruem could sustain the fiercest of attacks and had an indestructible body. He could fly, use both long-range and close combat techniques, and also glimpse into the minds of others.
Resultantly, he was able to defeat even the most powerful Nen user at the time – Isaac Netero.
To conclude, Nen is an ability that keeps evolving with the series, and its influence is seen in many newer generation Shonen anime. The richness of the technique and its creative application makes it a very compelling power system, enhancing the depth of Hunter x Hunter.
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