Discover everything you need to know about the top 10 tips for beginners in Atelier Yumia, allowing you to progress fast.

After the massive success with the Atelier Ryza series, Gust is back with a brand new saga in the Atelier series with Atelier Yumia. While it shines brightly in so many ways it also stumbles in others. This game takes the series in such a bold new direction that it feels like a complete reinvention. Atelier games are known for their cozy slice-of-life charm but Yumia smashes that mold with a mature story-driven experience, deeper exploration, and a new combat system. Some of the changes are incredible while others though not so much. Playing this game for the first time can confuse you so much, so we bring the best tips for beginners who seek to play this RPG. In this guide, we’ll discuss the best 10 tips for beginners in Atelier Yumia and what factors affect your gameplay.
Top 10 Tips for Beginners in Xenoblade Chronicles X
Atelier Yumia is a bit tricky game for beginners as they don’t know where to start. The game is all about crafting, so make sure to understand the mechanics of crafting the items. Gather the required materials and experiment with crafting recipes, allowing you to craft new useful items. Some quests are time-dependent as you need to activate them in a specific time. The more materials you collect during the initial stages, the better your characters get with valuable items. Earn skill points to invest in skill trees to gain some unique abilities to use while battling against enemies. Make sure to upgrade Yumia’s gear to make exploring and fighting easier. Synthesis is a core part of the game, so experiment with different materials and recipes to unlock new items. Completing requests from NPCs is a great way to earn rewards and XP.
Here are 10 essential tips and tricks when you begin a new game in Xenoblade Chronicles X:
1) Collect More Items
Gather all the materials you come across ASAP. The game walks you through one but they don’t put a heavy emphasis on how important these are. They make combat feel less clunky, so when you first start out the game is going to walk you through making a Luft. But I really recommend that you make all of these because these are going to make combat much more fluid. This is useful, especially at the beginning of the game where things can be a little bit clunky. You don’t have all of your skills unlocked.
This is going to be useful for several reasons but you’re probably going to be starting with two or three. You can weave these different items into combat, so they’re not used like items in your traditional game. They’re actually used as abilities and so the more you have the more variety and the option of abilities you have. Use them to dish out damage, especially in the early game where you may be limited on the amount of actions that you use.
2) Unlock Friend Action

Come to the skill tree and you unlock the friend action as soon as you can. You can get it for 150 skill points and this can help you out significantly when you’re in combat. Now, essentially what a friend action does is that when you enter combat and you can get an enemy stun, you can take advantage of his weakness. Use my Mirage sword which can trigger the friend action. You can continue investing in the skill tree and that can allow it to be available more frequently. However, as long as you unlock that first option, whenever you stun an enemy you can weave to your item and exploit its weakness.
As long as you have an item equipped it’s going to be able to exploit the enemy’s weakness. It can deal a lot more damage and increase your damage output, especially if you’re having trouble with combat. It can make things feel more fluid, so one and two tips really go together. You can get as many items as you can equipped, so that way you can take advantage of as many weaknesses as possible. Calling this an item makes us kind of have that mindset that it’s consumable or a one-time use. These two are going to go hand in hand for dealing a ton of damage.
3) Use the Gun’s Two Modes
One should be on how to utilize your gun. Now Atelier Yumia provides you with a gun that you can use with two various modes. One that will let you scan for enemies and what levels they are, the nearby items as well as your regular gun. This allows you to shoot to collect far-away items as well as also stun enemies for a pre of strike. A key note to notice is to utilize both modes to know which enemies are stronger than you and which enemies are weaker than you. I would also utilize on using the gun to shoot at enemies to get you a preemptive strike so they’ll be stunned. This allows you can attack them first when you go into battle instead of just fighting normally and get a much bigger Head Start than you usually do.
4) Find a Nearby Shrine and habitat
You must find nearby shrines as well as blocks and Mana Geysers. Certain landmarks like the prayer shrines, as well as the energy blocks, old ruins, as well as the treasure TRS, are essential and very handy. Each of them will provide you with energy prisms. These are essential for unlocking skills later down the line that require more than just the skill points. The prayer shrines even though they do involve doing some puzzle-solving here are absolutely worth it to get more empty prisms. As well as to find Mana Geysers that provide you with energy particles.
These are essential especially when making new recipes. Doing the recipe recall situation is one thing you need to absolutely do when exploring this game and preserving energy collecting. Worth mentioning that Mana Geysers and Monster Habitats carry energy particles which are necessary to learn recipes, so find them. Energy Shrines also help you increase your energy core, gathering, Procella abilities etc, so use them as well when you have energy prism to spare.
5) Combat Tips

Position yourself where you’re more comfortable during battle, especially against areas that might wear the camera and where it becomes too close for comfort. It’s best to switch between stances, so you get to utilize which one is better as depending on the stance enemies will have a certain weakness too. You need to master between stances or even switch between them to get a good combo. This allows you to know which enemy is weak whether it’s close-range or long-range attacks. When enemies are stunned, you will see an icon from your Party member. This shows you how to activate the item. You can even switch between items to use a friend action.
Also, I recommend evading enemy attacks when they glow red and make a noise and doing a perfect Dodge. When you do a perfect Dodge, I also recommend you switch between a party member from either your front or your back row to perform a Precision counter. You will perform a special follow-up attack that will inflect St helmets and even perform a special attack. This can even drain and deal damage to stun an enemy. Keep an eye on as well as keep a lookout for your Party members if they’re stunned or not. They can also be stunned as much as the enemies.
6) Find Nearby Fast Travel Points
You should definitely find any fast travel points nearby, so you can be able to fast travel to areas you’ve been to. Just in case, you want to go to areas that do take up a good chunk, especially for those who don’t have the motorcycle yet. This is a valuable means of traverse for those who don’t want to walk around for hours beyond relief. Also, you should come across any zip lines and repair them immediately. This allows you can zip through areas that will get through destinations and shortcuts much faster. Any ladders that are broken, you should also be able to repair them nearby. Those two mechanics will provide a puzzle that you need to complete but it’s still worth it. Doing so will allow you to progress through other areas that you’ve never been to.
7) Preserve Your Energy Core
Make sure your Energy Core is preserved when exploring. Beware of doing things like taking fall damage, going through Manabound areas, or even riding the bike. The reason is that it does drain your energy. Use simple synthesis that can also drain energy when crafting special items like the camping crit. If you do come across things like Mana Flowers, then find them as it will help replenish your energy core.
Make your way to your energy recharge station that can be found in your interior and can fully recharge the energy core. If you lose the entire energy core, then you won’t be able to do things like unlock Mana circulators. This is essential when clearing out found areas. If you’re going against combat and you have zero energy, you’ll be provided with a very dangerous slow movement. Make sure that you keep your energy fully recharged no matter what.
8) Do the Pioneering Effort Objectives
Follow the pioneering effort and do the various objectives that will provide you. Whether it’s to synthesize something, have a character perform the same skill 20 times, or even do lots of crafting or planting throughout the areas. Whatever you do, complete those certain objectives as they’ll provide you with lots of rewards. They can provide you with a fishing lure, as well as more skill points, and other various benefits. It’s something to keep on track especially as they’ll help Travel you new areas to explore and keep you on tabs. So, consider it to be a checklist of swords and do those various objectives if you can possible. You’ll also gain things like XP and skill points.
9) Explore Everything

Don’t be afraid to explore and navigate every area of the map. When I was playing the game I got sidetracked so much during that first region. If you’re new to the Atelier franchise, this is going to be something that you’re encouraged to do. At points in the story, it forces you to raise your Pioneer level in that region and essentially to do that you have to do side quests, explore, and gather things.
You need to do a lot of mini-quests but you will be restricted for your Pioneer level based on if you can progress in the main story. So, don’t be afraid to waste time exploring as it may seem like a distraction now but it could actually save you time later on. Generally, when I walk into a new area or I unlock a new region I walk to as many of the main story destinations as possible. This allows me to gather everything I see on the way there.
10) Equip the Training Wrist Weights
Move into your inventory and equip the training wrist weights. These were in my inventory by default and I had three of them, so I was able to equip them without even crafting anything to the base three characters. These made sure that my party was constantly leveling up. You swap these out for gear as things get more difficult. However, for the early game, this was very helpful in making me be over-leveled and just be strong for where I was at.
FAQs about Atelier Yumia: Top 10 Tips for Beginners
Is Atelier Yumia open world?
Yes, the Atelier Yumia is an open-world game that allows you to explore the map and complete several quests.
Which is the best weapon in Atelier Yumia?
Yumia’s Gunstaff allows for strong item usage and stun damage, making it a popular and powerful choice. Yumia can swap between different items with her skills, allowing for flexible combat strategies.
How to gain skill points in Atelier Yumia?
You can earn skill points between around 10 and 30 whenever you synthesize. You can synthesize to your heart’s content and your basket’s near-depletion.
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