In this guide, we shall list the seven of the best new Pals to catch in Palworld’s latest update, Palworld Feybreak.

Palworld’s latest update, Palworld Feybreak, has brought in a plethora of content, including new resources, new regions, and brand-new powerful Pals. These cool new Pals, especially, are something fans of the game were most excited and hyped for. The Feybreak update has added a whopping 24 new Pals, breathing new life into the game with new Pals to capture and exciting skills and abilities to try out.
Now, if you’re unsure which Pal to go after first, we’ve got you covered with this guide. In this guide, we shall list seven of the best new Pals to catch in Palworld’s latest update, Palworld Feybreak.
1) Smokie

Smokie is one of the cutest new Pals added to the game in the latest update. This cute little fox-pup is essential if you wish to get the most out of Feybreak Island. Smokie’s Partner skill allows him to detect Chromite, which is crucial for crafting technologies in the update. The amount of Chromite obtained is also increased, making him a must-pick. This is one Pal you must capture right away.
2) Tarantriss

Stop reading this, launch the game, and capture Tarantriss RIGHT NOW. This super cool new Pal is a spider that comes with a mounted grappling ability. This means when mounted, you can use Tarantriss to SWING AROUND LIKE SPIDER-MAN. Yes, that’s her selling point. If you’re still somehow not convinced, she also brings fairly moderate Level 2 work stats, making her a safe pick for your base.
3) Splatterina

Splatterina is one of the best new Pals, if not the best Pal added in the Feybreak update. This new “Murder Waifu” (as the Palworld subreddit has deemed her) is a jack of all trades. Her Partner skill gives you bonus items when butchering Pals, making her a must-pick for leveling up fast. Her Work Sustainability is also very impressive, making her one you need at your base.
4) Silvegis

Silvegis is a total beast of a Pal who aids you in combat through his defensive capabilities. The Pal offers very little versatility when it comes to work, but what it does offer is impressive. Silvegis has Level 3 Lumbering, which makes him one of the best Pals to keep at the base. In battle, he holds his own too, with his Partner skill increasing the duration of your shield when using Aegis Charge.
5) Xenolord

Xenolord is another great Pal who makes his debut on Feybreak Island. This Pal is one of the best mounts in the game, falling behind just Tarantriss on the metric of pure fun. His Partner skill allows you to mount him and fly him around at absurd speeds, letting you cover large distances in a flash. For work, however, he falls short with an unimpressive Level 1 Gathering to his name.
6) Nyafia

Nyafia is a more combat-focused Pal, as was seen in the Palworld Feybreak reveal trailer earlier this month. Her Partner skill allows her to fire a shotgun at nearby enemies, making her an asset in battle. She is also more than capable of holding her own when it comes to base work, boasting a respectable Level 2 Lumbering, Level 2 Transporting, Level 2 Gathering, and Level 3 Handiwork.
7) Nitemary

Nitemary is one of the new Pals added as part of the Feybreak update. Contrary to what her name may suggest, Nitemary is found both during the day and night. Boasting Handiwork Level 3 and Transporting Level 2, Nitemary is a pick you need at your base. Her Partner skill also boosts the amount of Pal Souls you gain as drops, helping your Pals grow stronger quickly.
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