Best Skills for Gunlance in Monster Hunter Wilds

Take a look at some of the best skills to get for Gunlance in Monster Hunter Wilds. These skills bolster your damage and survivability.

Gunlance in Monster Hunter Wilds
Gunlance in Monster Hunter Wilds (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

Gunlance is a weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds that is great for both close and medium range combat. You can deal devastating strikes using the weapon at close range. When needed, you can also drop back and use the Gunlance shelling to eat away at a monster’s health. The fired shells can also inflict Partbreak and Stagger on the enemies, which are additional benefits.

However, making the Gunlance in Monster Hunter Wilds your primary can take some getting used to. With the right skills in place though, it can be a highly rewarding experience to choose the Gunlance. So, in this guide, we’ll outline some of the most useful skills when going for a Gunlance build.

Gunlance in Monster Hunter Wilds: Which Skills To Get?

Best Gunlance Build Monster Hunter Wilds.
Best Gunlance Build in Monster Hunter Wilds (Source: Deltia’s Gaming/Capcom)

The following are some of the weapon and armor skills that suit a Gunlance wielding hunter.

Weapon Skills

  • Artillery (Level 3): This is a skill that will increase the damage you deal with the explosive shell from your Gunlance. At level 3, all damage from the Wyvern’s Fire combo increases greatly. The speed of recharge for Wyvern’s Fire also improves drastically. Add to that a bonus of +90 shelling fire attack, and the skill can destroy monsters with ease. You can acquire this skill by using specific weapon decorations, such as Artillery Jewel levels I, II, and III.
  • Load Shells (Level 2): As the name hints, this skill is mostly involved with speeding up the reload speed of shells in Gunlance. This will enable you to attack faster and, in turn, cause more damage. The loading capacity of Gunlance also increases by 1. You can get this skill from a number of different Gunlance weapons in the game, including Ajara-Kalika and Ajara Gunpike I.
  • Guard Up (Level 3): Many players intend to play as the tank when opting for a Gunlance build, and the Guard Up skill is essential if that’s your plan. This one can reduce incoming damage significantly, allowing you to avoid fainting even after considerable punishment. At level 3, this skill will cut down your damage received by 80%. The Triple Bayonet III, White Cannon and Triumvirate Edge are all great options to get the Guard Up equipment skill.

Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds Gunlance: Weapon Guide

Armor Skills

  • Agitator (Level 5): This armor skill boosts your affinity and attack power whenever a large monster you’re fighting becomes enraged. Level 5 of the skill increases affinity by 15% and the attack power by 20. This is a great skill to have when you want each of your strikes to make a sizable dent in a beast’s HP. G Fulgur Vambraces Alpha, Dahaad Shardgreaves Beta and Blango Coil Alpha are just some of the armor pieces that offer this skill.
  • Burst (Level 5): Make sure you grab this skill during your Gunlance playthrough. At level 5, the skill improves your physical and elemental attack stats when you land five consecutive shots on a monster. Since you’ll be firing multiple shells at once, this skill is almost a guaranteed way to bolster your attack power. Just make sure to land the consecutive hits within four seconds of each other. G Ebony Braces Alpha and Udra Miregreaves Beta armor pieces have this equipment skill attached.

Apart from these, you can also opt for Stamina Surge, Weakness Exploit and Stun Resistance skill to further improve on the Gunlance build. Also, go through our detailed guide about the best Gunlance Build.

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