Best Spell Binder Build Guide in Black Myth: Wukong

Explore the best Spell Binder Build focused around Crit Hits and Crit Damages in this Black Myth: Wukong guide.

Best Spell Binder Build Guide in Black Myth: Wukong.
Best Spell Binder Build Guide (Image via GameScience)

Spell Binder build in Black Myth: Wukong is generally the go-to route for most NG+ players. Not only is this a fun build, but it also fares extremely well against the heavy-hitting bosses of the game. The game scales drastically from the NG+2 run onwards, and you will need to adjust your build accordingly to deal with the bosses that you will encounter.

One of the many NG+ builds people use revolves around the Spell Binder. This ability blocks the usage of all other spells while giving you a massive damage boost. It might not sound that good, but once you start using this, there’s no going back. In this Black Myth: Wukong guide, we will explore the best Spell Binder build, one that focuses on Crit Hit Chance and Crit Hit Damage to wring out massive numbers from your attacks.

Note: This Spell Binder Build guide does not use medicines and other buffs.

What is Spell Binder in Black Myth: Wukong?

Get the Spell Binder.
Spell Binder in Black Myth: Wukong (Image via GameScience)

Spell Binder is technically also a spell that locks you out of using any other spell. You can get the Spell Binder by completing the Treasure Hunter quest line in Chapter 3 after beating the Green-Capped Martialist. Once activated, this spell will consume all your Mana and prevent you from using all other spells, transformations, and vessels. In turn, you will get a massive boost to your attack stat. It is important to note that the more mana is consumed, the more attack boost you get.

The Spell Binder basically sets the playing field to let you undertake a true martial artist style. You can only use your Staff attacks, making it a melee-only fight from your side. You can freely use all stances and their skills while Spell Binder is activated. There is a visual cue that you can see when Spell Binder is activated. A red chain-like glow will be there on the Destined One’s wrists and ankles, and the ends of whichever staff you are using will also glow.

Spell Binder is a permanent effect, and it will stay active till you fall in battle or rest at a Keeper’s Shrine. Also, changing your build and items after activating it does not change the buff that the spell gives; these buffs depend on the mana that was consumed before activating Spell Binder only.

Why Should You Use a Spell Binder Build in Black Myth: Wukong?

Spell Binder visual cue.
Spell Binder visual cue (Image via GameScience)

The first NG+ run is going to be the easiest playthrough and you will feel like Sun Wukong himself. Even if you do not dodge attacks, you will take very little damage while dealing out significantly heavy hits yourself. This scenario drastically changes from NG+2 runs, where the bosses scale up in difficulty significantly. Their aggression increases, and you can easily be one or two-shot by most bosses.

Simply put, NG+2 and beyond runs are where you can experience a whole different game where you can do a lot of damage yourself while taking in even more. With the increased difficulty and aggression, using spells and transformations will require careful planning. You must find the correct window of opportunity where the boss will not interrupt you while casting a spell or using a transformation.

This is where Spell Binder comes in. Upon using this, your mana automatically depletes to zero. This immediately takes away the hassle of having to manage your mana in a fight and rotate your spells and their cooldowns. The same goes with Vessels and Soul Transformations, meaning you don’t have to worry about Qi generation as well. With everything else gone, you can focus on just the fight and your stances, their combos, and dodging effectively.

Best Spell Binder Build Guide in Black Myth: Wukong

You need to have two different strategies before activating Spell Binder:

  • Maximize your Mana before activating Spell Binder so that you get maximum attack buff by consuming all of it.
  • Maximize your Attack after activating Spell Binder, since you do not need to worry about Mana.

Breaking this down, this Spell Binder Build guide will focus on two things. In the first part, you will use curios, transformations, and gear to maximize your Mana. The more Mana used to activate it, the more attack buff you will get. After this, you will activate Spell Binder and then swap out all these items to equip items that maximize your Attack instead. Since the buff will not change after activating, you will focus on these aspects primarily – Crit Hit Chance, Crit Hit Damage, Attack, and Damage Bonus.

All the skills in Spell Binder’s Skill Tree must be unlocked for this build to work properly.

Black Myth: Wukong Build Before Activating Spell Binder

Spell Binder pre-activation build in Black Myth: Wukong.
Spell Binder pre-activation build (Image via GameScience)

You must maximize your Mana before activating Spell Binder. Here are the items that you will need:

  • Staff: Any
  • Curios: 2x Thunderflame Seal (each increases maximum Mana by 30). You can equip a third one if you have more of this curio.
  • Spirit: Gore-Eye Daoist (increases maximum Mana by 115 when upgraded to the maximum level)
  • Headgear: Golden Feng-Tail Crown (headgear from Sun Wukong armor. It increases maximum Mana by 30)
  • Body: Any
  • Arms: Any
  • Legs: Any
  • Gourd: Any
  • Transformation: Any
  • Vessel: Any
  • Foundation Skill Upgrades:
    • Survival – Spiritual Awakening must be maxed out. There are six levels and you must have it upgraded to the highest one. You can always respec your Sparks if you do not have enough of them.
  • Xu Dog upgrades: Make 9 Taiyi Pills from Xu Dog to max out your Mana.

If you are on your NG+ runs, you should also have defeated the Giant Shigandang and crafted the Five Skandhas Pill, which further increases all your stats including Mana.

The above build should bring your total mana to 575, which is a significant number. The number will be lower if you are not in NG+ runs or if you do not have any of the items listed. In such a case, go through all your items and equip anything that can increase your Mana overall. Set bonuses do not matter at this stage.

Black Myth: Wukong Build After Activating Spell Binder

Spell Binder post-activation build in Black Myth: Wukong.
Spell Binder post-activation build (Image via GameScience)

Once you have activated Spell Binder, your entire mana will be consumed instantly, and you should see the visual cue on your wrist, legs, and your Staff. You will now have to change your build to:

  • Staff: Adept Spine-Shooting Fuban Staff (has maximum Crit Hit Chance in the game)
  • Curios: 3x Cat’s Eye Beads (if you have more slots, use anything that boosts attack)
  • Spirit: Non-Able (increases your attack, crit hit chance, and crit hit damage for a dip in total Mana)
  • Armor: Yaksha Set
    • Headgear: Yaksha Mask of Outrage
    • Body: Embroidered Shirt of Outrage
    • Arms: Yaksha Braces of Outrage
    • Legs: Yaksha Greaves of Outrage
  • Transformation: Any
  • Gourd: Supreme Gourd
  • Vessel: Weaver’s Needle
  • Foundation Skill Upgrades:
    • Survival – Wrathful Escalation – maximize Crit Hit Chance
    • Survival – Wrathful Might – maximize Crit Hit Damage
    • Survival – Surging Momentum – maximize Attack
  • Xu Dog Upgrades: Make 9 Jade Lotus Pills to maximize health and 9 Nonary Pills to maximize Stamina.
  • Spell: Life-Saving Strand

Once again, you are expected to have used the Five Skandhas Pill to further amplify all your stats. The core concept of this build is to maintain a decent Crit Ratio (Crit Hit Chance divided by Crit Hit Damage) while keeping your attack stat considerably high. If you have followed the above build correctly, you should have 59% Crit Hit Chance and 181% Crit Hit Damage. Your attack stat should also be at 250+.

The Yaksha Armor set is our recommendation here since it provides a further 25% damage bonus. This comes with a trade-off – you will lose out on 30% of your defense. It might be considered to be somewhat of a glass-cannon build, but the drawback depends entirely on your ability to dodge properly.

Alternatively, the Bull King Armor Set is a safer option, since it drastically increases your defense while lowering your attack stat a little bit. You can choose this set as well if a more balanced build is your flair, or if you do not want to dodge all the time. Furthermore, the Bull King Set encourages taking some hits, since it will increase your defense further.

Spell Binder Build Strategy in Black Myth: Wukong

Pillar Stance works well with this Spell Binder build in Black Myth: Wukong.
Pillar Stance works well with this Spell Binder build (Image via GameScience)

This Spell Binder Build focuses on dealing Crit Hits as much as possible, with a considerably high attack. As such, the Staff Spin is a crucial combat move here. You will need to be fairly adept at the dodging and “see through” mechanics, which is why the 30% defense loss is not much of a problem. All the stances are extremely compatible here, but the Smash Stance and Pillar Stance work better. You can use whichever one suits your playstyle the best.

Having a greater Crit Hit Chance is always desirable since you will be able to land more damage-dealing hits frequently. You will also be able to use other Staffs like the Jingubang or Stormflash Loong Staff to get a much better damage output. On the other hand, these builds will not have crit hits that often, which will ultimately lower the overall damage. This build is not focused on attacks or crits – it’s the best combination of both these styles, providing the maximum damage output overall.

Non-Able in Black Myth: Wukong.
Non-Able in Black Myth Wukong (Image via GameScience)

For Spirits, Non-Able is the best choice since it provides a boost to Crit Hit Chance, Crit Hit Damage, and Attack. You will only need the Spirit’s passive buff since you will not be able to use this Spirit transformation either way. If you want to especially focus on Crits here, a maximum upgraded Wolf Assassin is also an excellent alternative for this slot.

How to Use This Spell Binder Build in Black Myth: Wukong?

In a boss fight, here is the general flow that you should be looking at:

  • Lure the enemy’s first attack, and dodge it to go behind the enemy.
  • Use Staff Spin to build up as many focus points as you can.
  • Dodge out when the boss is about to hit you.
  • Counter with “see through” attacks like Resolute Strikes and Windward Strikes.
  • Piller Stance moves like Sweeping Gale, Churning Gale, and Collapsing Gale also deal massive damage if you have maximum focus points.
  • Sneak in charged heavy attacks when you see an opening.

Life-Saving Strand is the only spell that works with Spell Binder since it activates automatically and does not consume Mana. This can give you a second life if strong bosses like Erlang have managed to beat you.

The Supreme Gourd is the ideal choice for this build since you will likely take one or two heavy hits from bosses. Given that you already take 30% more damage, having the maximum number of gourd uses is always better.

Looking For More Black Myth: Wukong?

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