If you’ve thought about starting your paranormal investigator journey in Phasmophobia, this guide provides the best tips and tricks to get started.

Phasmophobia, the multiplayer horror game by Kinetic Games, offers unique features that allow players to experience a haunting co-op paranormal investigation. Launched as early access in 2020, the title remains a favorite among horror fans. It is also considered one of the best spooky horror games.
Over the years, many players have joined the ghost hunt in Phasmophobia. The horror title by Kinetic Games can be a little overwhelming at first with various equipment and ghosts unless you learn the basics. So, we brought you some of the best tips and tricks you need to keep in mind while entering the haunted world of Phasmophobia.
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1) Don’t Skip the Tutorial

Every game has a tutorial section for a reason, as it enlightens the players with the basics and core mechanisms, making them prepared for the advanced gameplay. Similarly, the Phasmophobia tutorial allows players to get the hang of the horror title, teaching the basics of how each equipment works and how to use them to identify the different types of ghosts.
Identifying the ghost type and collecting evidence is the core aspect of Phasmophobia, which can be achieved by mastering the various equipment through proper learning. Since the tutorial allows you to practice each of these mechanics without worrying about your sanity, it is highly recommended to utilize the section effectively.
2) Finding the Ghost Room Is the Top Priority

It is understandable that entering into a haunted location from your Van gives chill and makes you nervous at first. However, don’t lose your focus on tracking your objective and the purpose you came for. Along with the ghosts, your goal will be disrupted by the weather, which reduces your hearing when it rains and visibility when there is fog.
Your primary goal is to locate the ghost room, as that’s where most ghost activities occur, leaving clues and evidence to progress your investigation. Using equipment such as EMF Readers, Thermometers, and Night Vision Cameras helps you locate the Ghost Room quickly.
3) Keep Track of Your Sanity Level

One of the essential aspects of Phasmophobia is the Sanity Level. It is the basic vital of your character that you need to monitor throughout your mission. If the Sanity level drops below a certain threshold, that’s a hunting call for the ghosts.
Each type of ghost has a threshold of Sanity to initiate a hunt. However, some of them start a hunt regardless of your Sanity level, even if you have a 100% sanity level. Staying in a light source prevents the Sanity drain and helps keep the Sanity level as high as possible. Activities like using Sanity Pills, Flashlights, or standing in front of an active computer can prevent the Sanity drains.
4) Take Advantage of the Cursed Possession Objects

Most of the players aren’t aware of the Cursed objects on the map, which can benefit them in many ways. There are a total of 7 Cursed Possessions in Phasmophobia, with each having a 1/7 chance of spawning in every map. They are the Music Box, Ouija Board, Voodoo Doll, Haunted Mirror, Summoning Circle, Monkey Paw, and Tarot Cards.
Each carries a supernatural power fueled by curse energy, allowing players to interfere directly with the ghost. For instance, the Haunted Mirror provides a view of the Ghost Room and Monkey Paw grants various wishes to players. While these objects can put players in an advantageous position, they also come with drawbacks, such as triggering a hunt or costing sanity.
5) Learning Your Surroundings and Memorizing the Hiding Spots

Gaining knowledge and insights always puts you at an advantage. Similarly, learning about your environmental surroundings in Phasmophobia benefits you in many ways. It creates opportunities for efficient looping of ghosts and plotting the best escape route when things go wrong. Additionally, learning every nook and corner of the map unlocks more hiding spots to break the line of the sight of the ghosts, as well as escape them.
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