Black Myth: Wukong – All Thrust Stance Skills and Talents List Guide

Discover everything you need to know in our All Thrust Stance Skills and Talents List Guide for Black Myth: Wukong!

Black Myth Wukong – All Thrust Stance Skills and Talents List Guide
Source: GameScience

In Black Myth: Wukong, you can progress and strengthen your character build by unlocking new stances. Moreover, you can refine those stances further by unlocking talents. Talents are passive boosts to the stances that you unlock with Spark Points. The Thrust Stance is a slower but longer-range stance designed to deal with much damage caused by charged attacks and powerful combos.

You earn Spark Points in the game by defeating enemies. When you defeat an enemy, you will be granted Willpower. Then, after your Willpower bar fills up, you will get a Spark Point.

Finally, you can respec your Spark Points anytime during the game. This freedom will facilitate combat strategy and allow you to modify your build to exploit boss weaknesses or combat style.

All Thrust Stance Skills and Talents – Black Myth: Wukong

All Thrust Stance Skills and Talents – Black Myth Wukong

The Thrust stance talent tree is broken up into two paths, with the left focusing on damage, while the right focuses on survivability and tactical retreat. Unlike other stances, you must pick the Whirling Thrust skill to advance down the line. Therefore, this skill becomes critical to activating your skills, talents, and passives. Players should invest in this skill tree if they want a longer striking distance or counterattack heavy gameplay.

There are 10 Thurst Stance talents available to unlock in Black Myth: Wukong and each will grant a different type of passive boost. There are no active skills or spells available. You simply need to activate your stance to use the passive abilities gained while in that stance.

Below are all the Thrust Stance Talents, Skills, and Abilities in Black Myth Wukong:

  • Thrust Stance: unlocks the Thrust Stance, which charges heavy attack while stationary.
  • Borrowed Strength: recovers stamina when hitting enemies in Thrust stance.
  • Offense in Defense: jumps backwards and counters with Forceful Thrust.
  • Whirling Thrust: performs a channeled attack after either a forceful thrust or a charged heavy attack.
  • Force Cascade: increases the critical chance for each hit with Whirling Thrust.
  • Adaptability: allows you to jump backwards with a heavy attack after Whirling Thrust.
  • Relentless: increase heavy attack damage to enemies staggered or repelled.
  • Lucky Strike: if you perform a tactical retreat, you can use heavy attack to gain brief invincibility.
  • Deadly Dance: automatically performs a thrust heavy attack after a roll dodge with 4 focus points.
  • Ebb and Flow: removes stamina cost for a short time upon a tactical retreat.

Thrust Stance

Thrust Stance Talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Thrust Stance
  • Description: Switching to Thrust Stance allows the Destined One to charge by holding Heavy Attack while remaining stationary. Upon releasing Heavy Attack, the Destined One can execute a swift thrust attack at a distant enemy.
  • Sparks Cost: 1
  • Ranks: 1

As with all Stances, the first Talent in the tree simply unlocks the stance for use. The Thrust Stance allows you to charge a heavy attack that can hit enemies at a range. This is a powerful ability granting you much more versatility in how you can engage your enemies in battle. Additionally, the range seems to be much further and can be helpful when needing range to target a boss.

Borrowed Strength

Borrowed Strength Talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Borrowed Strength
  • Description: Each talent level increases Stamina recovery when hitting enemies while in Thrust Stance.
  • Sparks Cost: 1
  • Ranks: 2

The Borrowed Strength Talent is a simple one that simply increases Stamina Recovery when you hit enemies while in the Thrust Stance. Since most actions in the game use Stamina in one way or another, this is a great option to take early if you are investing in the Thrust Stance tree.

Offense in Defense

  • Talent Name: Offense in Defense
  • Description: Following Light Attack with Heavy Attack performs Tactical Retreat. The Destined One hops backwards and hones his defenses while preparing for another fierce attack. Following Tactical Retreat with another Heavy Attack that consumes a Focus Point unleashes Forceful Thrust. With both hands clutching his staff, the Destined One executes a fierce thrust attack with an extended attack range directly at the enemy’s face.
  • Sparks Cost: 1
  • Ranks: 1

The Offense in Defense Talent improves on the Varied Combo while in Thrust Stance. Instead of hitting the enemy multiple times, the Destined One performs a Tactical Retreat, which other abilities in the Thrust Stance tree build off of. If you follow up this Tactical Retreat with a Focus Point Heavy Attack, you can deal a powerful Forceful Thrust attack.

Tactical Retreat is critical to unlocking the most out of the skill tree. You can eventually gain temporary invincibility, so practicing the combo is important.

Whirling Thrust

Whirling Thrust Talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Whirling Thrust
  • Description: After performing Tactical Retreat, Forceful Thrust, or charged Heavy Attack, hold Light Attack to unleash Whirling Thrust. The Destined One leaps forward to engage the enemy head-on, besetting them with barrage of staff strikes.
  • Sparks Cost: 2
  • Ranks: 1

While in Thrust Stance, the Whirling Thrust Talent allows you to do a special Whirling Thrust Light Attack after any of the listed above criteria. These powerful attacks build off of the previous combos, making it easy to do after a Tactical Retreat of Forceful Thrust. It can also be done simply after a regular Thrust Stance charged Heavy Attack.

Force Cascade

Force Cascade Talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Force Cascade
  • Description: Each successful hit with Whirling Thrusts slightly increases Critical Chance for a short duration. This effect can stack up to 15 times.
  • Sparks Cost: 1
  • Ranks: 1

Whirling Thrust was already a powerful ability for its sheer combo potential. Now, the Force Cascade Talent will allow you to build up a rather large stack of increased critical chance for every successful hit with it. This can take your damage to the next level, and it is an absolute must-pick for those investing in the Thrust stance.


Adaptability Talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Adaptability
  • Description: Following Whirling Thrust with Heavy Attack unleashes a Tactical Retreat.
  • Sparks Cost: 1
  • Ranks: 1

Further building off the Whirling Thrust combo, the Adaptability Talent allows you to use a Heavy Attack after the Whirling Thrust to do a Tactical Retreat. This might seem small, but remember you can build more combos off of that Tactical Retreat to go into another Whirling Thrust combo. This is a powerful Talent that is worth taking.


Relentless Talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Relentless
  • Description: Staggered or repelled enemies take increased Damage from charged Thrust Heavy Attacks.
  • Sparks Cost: 1
  • Ranks: 1

The Relentless Talent makes your charge Heavy Attack while in Thrust Stance do more damage to staggered and repelled enemies. There are several ways to stagger and repel enemies in the game, so this is a great Talent to choose if you find yourself surrounded by enemies with those status effects.

Lucky Strike

Lucky Strike Talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Lucky Strike
  • Description: Upon performing Tactical Retreat, with the enemy seen through, executing another Heavy Attack initiates Forceful Thrust and gains brief Invincibility.
  • Sparks Cost: 1
  • Ranks: 1

The Lucky Strike talent centers on performing a Tactical Retreat to gain brief Invincibility. The Offense and Defense talent is critical to making this happen, combining light and heavy attacks to hop backward. Therefore, make sure to combine the two talents if you want increased survivability.

Deadly Dance

Deadly Dance Talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Deadly Dance
  • Description: When with 4 Focus Points, automatically perform a Thrust Heavy Attack immediately after a Roll (Dodge) or a Perfect Dodge.
  • Sparks Cost: 2
  • Ranks: 1

The Deadly Dance talent is a powerful talent that builds off of several other aspects of the Destined Ones fighting style, not just Thrust Stance. You must first have the ability to use 4 Focus Points before this talent becomes useful, but once you do, you will automatically perform a Thrust Heavy Attack when you dodge. Note that the fourth Focus Point is volatile and cannot be held indefinitely, so this effect won’t last forever even if you don’t perform any Focus Point Attacks.

Ebb and Flow

Ebb and Flow Talent - Black Myth Wukong
  • Talent Name: Ebb and Flow
  • Description: Exempts all Stamina cost of a short duration upon seeing through the enemy in Tactical Retreat.
  • Sparks Cost: 2
  • Ranks: 1

The Ebb and Flow talent synergies well with Lucky Strike. After performing a tactical retreat avoidance combo, you forgo stamina cost upon seeing through enemies in a tactical retreat. This is meant to allow you to spend your highest stamina skill after your avoid an attack and can see through enemies.

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