In the Changes to ESO Housing in Update 36 we are going to take a quick look at the quality of Life Improvements that will go live with ESO Update 36. The Elder Scrolls Community on PC often is using addons to improve their housing tools. However our console community doesn’t have access to modifications, so the news is extremely exciting for everyone.
Housing Quality of Life Improvements
Developers have added several improvements to the general housing system
Firstly a player with the guest decorator’s permission now can access from the Retrieval tab of the Browse menu, new options. For example Modify, Set Destination, and Precision Edit access!
In the Next Update 36 all your guests no matter their permissions will be able to view the list of furnishings placed in a house. Additionally, decorators will have access to precision edit and place map markers on any furnishing or path node in the list of furnishings placed in a house. this includes hidden behind the wall or other items.
The picture above shows some of the new features for player guests.
Now you will be able to share links to any of your homes via Chat or the Guild Message of the Day! You’ll be able to create the link from the Collections menu or from the House Information panel shown while in any house’s Browse/Inspection mode
Additionally, now you’ll be able to scroll to cycle through target furniture, by using the Tab key in the Housing Editor’s selection mode. This will make editing your houses much easier!
The next improvement will allow you to hang furniture on walls and align the items easier and better them. To add this feature developers needed to adjust hundreds of furniture already existing in the game.
Small change to the furniture tooltips. Now it’ll display the furniture Subcategory under the Category on the top left of a tooltip.
Also, we can expect the display with the house name and house owner while in someone’s house. The information will be in the upper righthand corner, just below the currently tracked quest
Lastly, we can expect slowed speed of the camera when switched between heights of different furnishings.
Thanks for Reading!
ESO Update 36 Patch Notes v8.2.0 for Firesong DLC can be found HERE.
Additional Guides:
If you’re looking for a one-bar PvE builds click HERE, one-bar PvP builds HERE or one-bar Werewolves builds HERE. Also, consider watching me on TWITCH where you can ask me questions about my current builds.