Civilization 7: 5 Top Steam Reviews That Explain Its Mixed Tag

In this article, we shall go over the top 5 Civilization 7 Steam Reviews that sum up the game’s Mixed tag on Steam. 

Civilization 7: 5 Top Steam Reviews That Explain Its Mixed Tag (Source: 2K Games)
Civilization 7: 5 Top Steam Reviews That Explain Its Mixed Tag (Source: 2K Games)

The latest and highly anticipated entry of the Civilization series, Civilization 7, is finally out and has surprisingly received a mixed reception. While the fundamentals of the game seem to be solid, a lot of fans have called the game out for poor execution of ideas. Veteran fans of the series have called the game out for its lack of content, abrupt ending, drastically different UI, and so much more. 

Steam is bubbling with mixed reviews. While 51% of the Steam reviews are positive at the time of this writing, the game has seen a recent influx of negative reviews that could very well tip the balance towards an overall negative. There are a bunch of reviews to go through, but a few of them very well sum up the current state of the game.

In this article, we shall go over the top 5 Civilization 7 Steam Reviews that sum up the game’s Mixed tag on Steam. 

1) “No real feeling of Satisfaction”

No real feeling of Satisfaction” (Source: Sirsmit418 on Steam)
“No real feeling of Satisfaction” (Source: Sirsmit418 on Steam)

One Steam user, Sirsmit418, held back nothing when bashing the game, deeming his experience lackluster: 

“This game literally just ends in the 1940’s. No option to keep playing, no real feeling of satisfaction other than a screen saying “Victory”. Its like they got halfway through it and just decided “lets save the rest for DLC” and shipped it.

To be clear, this game feels extremely incomplete, especially considering the size of it’s predecessors and the huge price tag.

Coupled with a ton of visual bugs, units models showing where they’re not actually located, a HORRIBLE UI in a lot of the game, and a just an overall feeling of lacking, I can’t recommend this game.

I’ve had hundreds of hours in previous CIV games and was extremely excited for this, but I am super disappointed.”

From most of the discussions surrounding the game online, there has been a vocal outrage against the game’s lack of content. Many players feel that a lot of the content was cut out to sell it as DLC later, a sentiment this user echoes. This has been a trend the series has followed, where the games were supported with extra content through DLC expansions in their lifetimes. 

2) “It just doesn’t feel like a Civ game”

“It just doesn’t feel like a Civ game” (Source: WeekendThief on Steam)
“It just doesn’t feel like a Civ game” (Source: WeekendThief on Steam)

Another user, WeekendThief, expressed regret on their purchase of the game: 

“I definitely regret buying the game – I can’t pinpoint what exactly I don’t like but it just doesn’t feel like a civ game. Maybe it’s the combination of new features and such drastically different UI that makes it hard to figure out. And the game feels much slower now with the different ages rather than one single game. It feels like you’re playing 3 mini civ games except you’re stuck with a limited tech tree in each age. Less creative ways to play, a bit more restrictive.

I already bought and played too much for a refund, so I hope it will grow on me, and maybe updates will improve the experience. I guess we’ll see.”

Civilization 7 takes the standard Civ experience and breaks it down into three separate ages. While the devs intended to do so for variety, the change breaks up the pace and makes the game feel unlike what we’ve come to expect. The change also hampers player creativity, which is what brought the series to prominence in the first place.

3) “Its always a little scary going into a new Civ”

“Its always a little scary going into a new Civ” (Source: CactusHam on Steam)
“Its always a little scary going into a new Civ” (Source: CactusHam on Steam)

It’s not all doom and gloom for Civilization 7, however, as user CactusHam points out in his review: 

“After my first play-though I found a lot to like. Its always a little scary going into a new Civ after playing the last one for so long, but there are a lot of changes to the mechanics and formula that are great. The new city-building feels really good and makes more sense – the city/town mechanic was weird but I like it after playing with it.

The era-reset mechanic is divisive and feels a little disruptive to the continuity of your civilization could probably be pulled off a little smoother (its basically just a new game every time, even the turn count resets) but the idea is cool. From a historical perspective I like it (it was always weird seeing USA in 4000 BCE) and with patches and expansions it can probably be smoothed out and more seamless. The way each era plays out is cool though with unique mechanics and objectives for each age. I feel like expansions will inevitably add more ages.

The obvious big lame part is Day 1 DLC with civs and leaders locked behind it. That should all be base game stuff. They got a little to used to the CIv 6 continous roll out and forgot this was a brand new game. Hook us first, then sell us more stuff.”

The user points out that there are several mechanics to like in the new entry. These mechanics may have scared off veteran players, who are hesitant to go through the learning curve of everything new in the game.

Maybe if players get over the fear of the new mechanics and initial learning curve, they may find more stuff to like. Despite the positivity though, the user made a point to call out the DLC practices, which is worth noting. 

4) “So much more friendly to newer players”

“So much more friendly to newer players” (Source: Bamicee on Steam)
“So much more friendly to newer players” (Source: Bamicee on Steam)

One of the reviews, posted by Bamicee, praised the game for its accessibility to newer players: 

“Absolutely love it. Maybe i played after patch, not sure, but i very much enjoy this one more than Civ 6. I enjoy the new aging system. I enjoy the changes to the units, and i enjoy the new way that they build objectives into the game to learn about what to do. Its so much more friendly to newer players imo. And i have instantaneously gotten sucked into this game more than i ever did with 6. Ultimately, if you come into this as a new game on its own, its so much better as an experience, if you come in wanting it to be civ 4/5/6 youre just dissapponting yourself.”

It is no surprise that Civilization 7 revamped the long-familiar UI and tutorial systems in an effort to attract newer players to the series. By the looks of Bamicee’s review, the efforts seem to have been a success.

The series is easier to get into, more so than ever before, and that’s always a good thing as more players get to enjoy the game. The user also suggests looking at the game from an individual standpoint instead of a legacy standpoint to get better enjoyment out of it. 

5) “Leaders separate from their historical civs is a terrible idea”

“Leaders separate from their historical civs is a terrible idea” (Source: Aonym on Steam)
“Leaders separate from their historical civs is a terrible idea” (Source: Aonym on Steam)

User Aonym called out the Leader system changes in their review: 

“Been playing Civ games since the original. & is too much of a departure from what made Civ great. Having leaders separate from their historical civs is a terrible idea and along with the ages system, makes everything feel disconnected. There is no cohesion in the game now. it feels like a bunch of random game elements shuffled together. First civ game I have ever been disappointed in.”

The Leader system change is one of the hotly debated topics in the Civilization community at the moment. Previously, all the leaders in the game were tied to their respective civilizations. Now, to open up new gameplay and creative possibilities, leaders can be assigned to any historical civilization, resulting in cases such as a Spanish civilization led by Napoleon. While intended to expand creativity, the system has felt disjointed and incoherent as reported by many players.

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