Learn about the Destiny 2 weapon Blast Furnace God Roll for PvE and PvP content, the best perks, how to use the gun, and how to get it!

Blast Furnace is a kinetic aggressive burst frame pulse rifle from Season 23 Into the Light update. Blast Furnace was a previously sunset submachine gun that has now been reprised with new perks available. Pulse rifles are consistent weapons in both PVE and PVP, providing easy-to-use weapons with the safety of distance.
Blast Furnace PvE God Roll

The best perks for the Blast Furnace PVE God Roll are Arrowhead Brake, Appended Mag, Kinetic Tremors, and Frenzy. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Blast Furnace PVE God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
- Magazine: Appended Mag
- Column 3 Trait: Kinetic Tremors
- Column 4 Trait: Frenzy
- Masterwork: Stability
- Origin Trait: Indomitability
- Weapon Mod: Backup Mag
Arrowhead Brake and Stability masterwork provide us with the best chance to land our shots by reducing our recoil. Also, Appended Mag and Backup Mag provide us with numerous additional bullets to allow us to deal damage for longer without needing to reload. Kinetic Tremors is a newer perk that provides an area-of-effect explosion after dealing sustained damage to a target. Lastly, Frenzy is one of the best PVE perks giving us a damage buff and maxing our reload speed and handling by taking or dealing damage for a short time.
These perks combine to provide us with one of the highest-stat packaged pulses available in the game. All while being a four-burst rifle allows us to deal massive damage while performing well. Blast Furnace is a must-pick-up.
Blast Furnace PvP God Roll

The best perks for the Blast Furnace PVP God Roll are Arrowhead Brake, Accurized Rounds, Headseeker, and Desperate Measures. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Blast Furnace PVP God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Column 3 Trait: Headseeker
- Column 4 Trait: Desperate Measures
- Masterwork: Handling
- Origin Trait: Indomitability
- Weapon Mod: Quick Access Sling
Arrowhead Brake and Handling masterwork boost our recoil and handling allowing for a consistent shot and faster weapons swapping. Since our other stats are mostly taken care of we can focus on dealing more damage. So Headseeker and Desperate Measures are our damage choices since they both are easy to use and stack with each other. Headseeker provides a precision damage bonus by dealing body damage and Desperate Measures gives a damage boost after kills with the weapon.
Pulse rifles are consistent PVP weapons providing ease of use and range to keep your distance from other guardians and out range most other weapons. They can be utilized well by any level of player and input allowing them to be an easy go-to for any guardian.
How to Get Blast Furnace in Destiny 2
You can obtain Blast Furnace from Onslaught, the new activity released with the Into the Light update. To enter Onslaught, go to your Director map, select Into the Light, then queue for the Onslaught activity. While in Onslaught, you can get multiple weapons by completing the activity and ranking up Lord Shaxx Onslaught’s reputation. Going to the Hall of Champions social area, found within the Into the Light map area, you can turn in Trophies of Bravery at the chest next to Lord Shaxx for additional weapons. Lastly, attune your loot for a specific weapon, increasing the chances of additional drops of the weapon in Onslaught activities.

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